Mrs. E. Evans - Southern Ave Charter Schools

Southern Avenue Charter Elementary School of Academic Excellence and
Creative Arts
Southern Avenue Charter Middle School of Academic Excellence and
Board of Directors Meeting
2221 Democrat Road Memphis, TN 38132
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Mrs. Vera Jones
Mr. Stan Burton
Ms. Lazandra Turner
Mr. Allen Savage
Ms. Lois Madison
Dr. Sonjia Stevens
Mrs. Carolyn Willett
Mrs. Adrianne Wilson
Mrs. Stephanie Walker
Mr. J Jackson
Mrs. Jackson
Mr. Toby Finley
Mrs. Elise Evans
The Quarterly Board Meeting was called to order by Mrs. Vera Jones. The meeting was held in
the new area of our Library at Southern Avenue Charter Middle School located at 2185
Democrat Road, Memphis, TN 38132. This was a joint meeting with both the Elementary and
Middle School Boards. The minutes for the meeting on November 9, 2013 were email to each
member prior to the meeting for approval. The minutes are required to be posted on the school’s
website within two weeks of the meeting.
State of the Schools
Mr. Toby Finley, campus Principal presented a written and oral report on the state of the
Elementary and Middle School. A copy of that report is attached.
361 students enrolled.
All registration for current students has been completed and most school openings are taken,
for the 2014/2015 school year.
A plan of action is being implemented to address the more rigorous standards that are assessed
for TCAP.
Middle School
263 students enrolled
Mrs. Jeradline Davis will work with the gifted students in the middle school with the T.A.G.S
program (Talented & Gifted Students).
The focus of the program is to further enhance higher order and divergent thinking skills to
promote greater academic achievement.
Ms. Katie Jones (Campus Reading Specialist) will be working on promoting and increasing
reading with our students. She will also assist the teachers with planning in language arts.
Professional Development- All teachers are to complete 57 hours of professional development.
Academic Coaches are to complete 27 hours of professional development which will be
monitored by the Instructional Facilitator.
New Business:
Mrs. E. Evans/ Director of Schools
Mrs. Evans reported a portion Title I funds that had been cut and miscalculated were
restored in the amount of 71,000.00 to the elementary school.
Mrs. Evans stated Mrs. Warren the Instructional Facilitator for the Elementary school
informed her there is a need for more smart boards and hopefully some of these funds
may be utilize to purchase smart boards.
Mrs. Evans made the Board Members, aware that we must purchase items with our own
funds and that Title I will then reimburse us after we show proof of those purchases.
Mrs. Evans stated a revised budget is being worked on at this time for both the Middle
and Elementary schools to reflect the changes our income.
Both the Middle School and Elementary School audits for 2011/2012 have been
The firms of Jones & Tuggle and Booker Camper are in the process of completing
Middle School and Elementary School current year audits.
Mrs. Evans made the Board members aware parents for two of our former students were
waiting to address the board members concerning there expulsion for selling and
purchasing drugs on campus.
It was moved and properly second that Mrs. Evans, report be accepted.
Other Business:
Mr. Allen Savage stated the board had no obligation to talk with parents as SCS’s zero tolerance
policy is what we follow.
Mr. Jackson stated we could hear them out since they were here.
A motion was made by Mr. Stan Burton that the board allow the parents and students and 10
minutes each and explain to them that any decision that we make will be mailed to them. Dr. S.
Steven second.
Mrs. Vera Jones Board Chair stated that the board would give the parents their due process by
allowing them 10mintues to have their say and that the Southern Ave Charter School would send
each a letter in the mail of our decisions.
Standing Committees Reports:
Mr. John Spelling, Ms. Lazandra Turner, Mr. Richard Harris
Ms. Turner presented a budget report showing monies received since last board meeting.
Ms. Tuner presented copies of both the Middle School and Elementary School audits for
6/30/2011-07/01/2012. Mr. Savage stated there were recommendations on the last page
that needed discussion. Mrs. Jones, ask for a motion that the report be accepted and that
the recommendations discussion be tabled until the next meeting. Dr. Stevens made the
motion and it was properly second by Mrs. Walker.
Human Resources
Ms. Lois Madison
No report
Fund Raising/ Community Involvement Committee
Mrs. Jones stated her committee will present a report at the next meeting
Safety and Security
Mrs. Vera Jones, Mrs. Elise Evans
Mrs. Stephanie Walker/ Mr. Stan Burton
We only have one school Officer present on campus, she walks both schools.
Policy and Procedures
Ms. Lazandra Turner
No report
No report
Other Business:
The meeting was adjourned at 6:05pm.
Although the business was adjourned, the Board of Directors remained as two students along
with their parents requested an audience with Board Members regarding their expulsion from
SACS for selling and buying drugs. The parents each spoke and the children apologized for
their actions. One parent Ms. Daniel’s was requesting her child be allowed to return this school
year to SACMS if not by all means if we would allow him to come back next school terms
2014/2015. The guardians of the other child had not placed him in school and were seeking to
have him reinstated. They were advised that he should be placed in school right away as he is 15
years old. Mrs. Evans stated this is why she gave both parents the list of alternative schools at
the time of expulsion. The consensus of the Board Members was that the expulsion was in order
and should stand.
Standing Committees:
Both Boards are required to have the following Committees Active and functioning:
Human Resources
Fund Raising/Community Involvement
Safety and Security
Respectfully Submitted
Policy and Procedure
Ms. Lois Madison
State of the Schools Report
Toby Finley, Campus Principal
February 23, 2014
The mission of Southern Avenue Charter Schools is to educate the “whole child” to experience
academic and social successes through a variety of research-based, data-driven teaching
methods and brain developing activities. The cornerstones of this public charter school are
literacy and parental involvement.
The Southern Avenue Charter Schools family is excited about the continued focus on student
achievement. There are several accomplishments that have happened to support our mission such
Instructional Focus
 A plan of action is being implemented to address the more rigorous standards that are
assessed for TCAP. All students in grades 3rd-8th will be working on TCAP intervention
skills using the Buckle Down practice booklet as well as resources from the Achievement
Network program. TCAP tutoring sessions are being held on Monday and Tuesday from
3:30pm to 4:30pm at the elementary and Saturday School on the 2nd and 4th Saturday at
the middle school. Southern Avenue Charter School reading specialist (Ms. Katie Jones)
will assist with all of the teachers and students to provide reading strategies and
interventions to help promote and increase reading achievement.
 To address the needs of our gifted and accelerated students, Mrs. Emily Zhang has
returned to conduct the Mental Math/ Abacus Program which is being utilized with
selected students from 2nd-4th grades. Ms. Jeraldine Davis will work with the Talented
and Gifted Students (TAGS) at the middle school with students selected from grades 5th8th. The focus of these programs is to further enhance higher order and divergent thinking
skills to promote greater academic achievement.
 The teacher evaluation process will be conducted by Dr. E. Sargent (Team/Lead), Mr.
Issac Jones and Mrs. L. Black. These evaluators will work both at the elementary and
middle school observing and evaluating teachers for certification.
 Professional Development- All teachers are to complete 55 hours of professional
development. Academic Coaches are to complete 27 hours of professional development
which will be monitored by the Instructional Facilitator.
Creative Arts Focus
o The Kaleidoscope program will begin in September after the Labor Day
Daytime Division (During School Hours/ All students participate)- P.E.,
Spanish, Music, Technology, and Library
o Instrumental Division- Suzuki Piano, Suzuki Violin, Group Piano
o Sports and Fitness Division- Boys’ Basketball, Boys’ Soccer, Girls’ Basketball
(new), Girls’ Soccer, Yoga, Mileage Club, Rhythmic Dancing/ Cheer (new),
Step team (new), Martial Arts (new), Baton (new)
o Fine Arts Division- Ballet, Visual Arts, Dramatic Arts
o Business and Honors Division- Yearbook/ Newsletter, Student Council,
Environmental Club, Technology Club, Miss Manners, Ties for Tuesday, Honor
Society, Community Outreach, and Beta Club
Parent Engagement/ Community Focus
 The Tennessee Charter School Enrollment Fair was held on Saturday, February 8, 2014.
The event took place at the University of Memphis. Southern Avenue Charter Schools
made contact with many new potential students and this was a great resource for
Status of the Schools
 Enrollment- Our current enrollment is at 361(elementary) and 263 (middle). All students
are entered successfully in Power School SMS.
 The Achievement Network Program has been implemented to help with student
achievement. All teachers will have access to the ANET for additional support with
Assessment Dates:
 TCAP Writing Assessment will be administered during the month of February
for grades 3rd through 8th.