Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Narrative/Reviews Recounts Measures and Shape Information Texts Reports Diary Addition/Subtraction/Money writing – account of the owl visit Number and Fractions Performance Poetry Assessment Week Shape and Data Letter Writing- to the council Addition and Subtraction Newspaper reports Multiplication and Division Narrative Mental addition/ subtraction/ money Non-Chronological Reports Week 12 Number and Place Value Week 13 Measures Information Leaflets – Local woods Poetry – Brian Moses and Michael Rosen Week 14 Assessment Week Animal Poems We’re going on a bug hunt. Marvellous Middle – gallery display of natural art. Care for our environment. How can we preserve our woods? Fabulous Finish – Animal poetry performance RE PE Computing Music Music Express / singing Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Addition and Subtraction Theme Natural Artists – Andy Goldsworthy Stunning StartMeet the owls and other woodland birds. Owls and their woodland homes. Animals and their habitats Use technology purposefully to create and organise digital content/introduction to programming. Week 2 Literacy Narrative/Reviews Multi Skills and Dance Week 1 Numeracy Number and place value Theme: A Walk in the Woods (this incorporates the foundation subjects) Myself Squirrels Class Autumn Term 2015 Curriculum Overview.