GILLOTTS SCHOOL PROPOSED COMPOSITION OF GOVERNING BODY & ACADEMY TRUST, 2015/16. Membership of Governing Body: Maximum Size of Governing Body: Current Size of Governing Body: 20 19 Comprising: Parent Governors: Staff Governors: Co-opted Community Governors: Current Vacancies: 6(6) 4(4) 9(10) 1 Name Mr. Jonathan Allen Mr. Conrad Bodman Ms. Carol Brown Mr. Tom Burnett Ms. Catharine Darnton Ms. Jayne Davis Mrs. Gill Dodds Mrs. Leonora Ellerby Ms. Karen Edwards Ms. Alison Flett Mr. David Gorsuch Mr. John Print Miss Hayley Rogers Mr. Barry Taylor Mrs. Tessa Thomson Mr. Nicholas Walden Mr. Chris Wermann Mrs. Sue White Vacancy Vacancy Category Expiry of Term Community Parent Staff Staff Headteacher Community Community Community Community Community Community Parent Staff Parent Community Community Parent Parent Community Parent 02/01/16 25/11/16 20/06/17 08/11/19 N/A 31/12/18 25/11/17 25/11/17 24/06/17 02/01/16 10/11/16 13/11/18 2/10/18 17/05/19 24/11/18 25/11/17 25/11/16 09/07/16 Proposed Officers of the Governing Body: Chair: Vice Chair: Chairs of Standing Committees: Admissions Curriculum & Student Progress: Finance & Resources: Personnel: Mr. David Gorsuch Ms. Alison Flett Ms. Alison Flett Ms. Alison Flett Mr. John Print Mrs. Sue White Clerk to Governors: Mrs. Glynis Smith Proposed Membership of Academy Trust: Comprises those holding the following posts: Chair of Governors: Headteacher: Chair of C & SP: Chair of F & R: Chair of Personnel: Mr. David Gorsuch Ms. Catharine Darnton; Ms. Alison Flett (also Chair of Admissions); Mr. John Print; Mrs. Sue White. Company Secretary: Mrs. Glynis Smith. Accounting Officer: Ms. Catharine Darnton. Proposed Membership of Standing Committees: The Headteacher and Chair of Governors are ex officio members of all Standing Committees. Curriculum & Student Progress: Ms. Alison Flett Mr. Conrad Bodman Ms. Jayne Davis Mrs. Gill Dodds Ms. Karen Edwards Miss Hayley Rogers Mr. Barry Taylor Vacancy (Parent) Finance & Resources: Mr. John Print Ms. Carol Brown Mr. Tom Burnett Mrs. Tessa Thomson Mr. Nick Walden Mr. Chris Wermann Vacancy (Community) Personnel: Mrs. Sue White, Mr. Jonathan Allen Mrs. Leonora Ellerby Admissions: Ms. Alison Flett Mr. Tom Burnett Ms. Hayley Rogers Proposed Membership of Policy & Planning Committee. The Policy & Planning Committee is an informal committee and not a formal Standing Committee of the Governing Body Mr. David Gorsuch, Ms. Catharine Darnton Ms. Alison Flett Mr. John Print Mrs. Sue White. The Vice Chair of Governors will also be a member of this committee should s/he not be a chair of a Standing Committee.