Art 230 Perspective Instructor: Laurel Long Office Hours: 5:00 – 6:30 pm, Monday/Wednesday Fall 2013 Email: Room: ADC 506/507 Catalog Description Understanding and use of various systems of perspective. Emphasis on linear perspective and applications to rendering which are based on perspective. Course Description Introduction to perspective systems and their use in the representation of three-dimensional forms. Instruction will be conducted through projected diagrams, video presentation, lectures, reading assignments and individual tutoring. • Linear Perspective: Terminology • Geometric Tools and Perspective Methods Perspective Measurements: Diagonals and Measuring Lines Squares, Cubes and Circle Sloping Planes and Stairs • One and Two Point Perspective Drawing from Observation • Architectural Systems Plans and Elevations and Oblique Projections: Isometric, Plan Oblique, Elevation Oblique Drawing Perspective Views from Plans and Elevations: -One and Two Point Measured Grid Systems -Plan projection Art Department Program Goals Addressed in this Course • Basic Skills: Developing a foundation of art knowledge, theories, skills, craftsmanship and technologies, where ideas and concepts are communicated in writing, speaking and art making. • Art Knowledge: Broadening knowledge of ancient through contemporary art and to develop an understanding of art within theoretical, cultural, and historical contexts. Student Learning Objectives • Recognize and apply practical and theoretical concepts in creating perspective drawings. • Acquire knowledge of and apply the elements and principles of perspective. • Use perspective knowledge, theory and skills to the creation of art by inventive processes and observation. • Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental perspective systems for application in a variety of visual situations such as Interiors and exteriors. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is a serious offense for which a student may be expelled, suspended or awarded a failing grade to an assignment or the entire course. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty and plagiarism. A student found to be committing academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. The student code of conduct can be found on page 586 of the University Catalog or on the CSUN website: Student Conduct Code Students are expected to "act at all times with integrity and with respect toward all members of the campus community. The University assumes that all students will conduct themselves as mature, responsible, and law-abiding citizens who will comply with University policies and regulations." See the current University catalog. Missed Class Policy Lectures and demonstrations cannot be repeated. Contact another student in the class for missed information. Name________________________________________ phone/email_______________________________________ 1 Classroom rules • Cell phones must be turned off or put on vibrate. Phone talking or texting in class is not allowed. • No headphones. • No laptop use during lectures. Using your laptop to work on anything outside of this course during class time is not permitted. Violations will affect your final grade. • You are welcome to bring food and drinks into class. However make sure that all drink containers have a tight fitting, spill proof lid. Keep all food items and drinks away from art work at all times. Supplies (Drafting supplies must be brought to every class) Drafting tools: 18” minimum ruler 10-12” triangles: 45-45 and 30-60 degree, not with beveled edges 24” minimum metal T-square Two Mechanical pencils: 0.5 mm Mechanical pencils lead: H and 2H Fine Point Sharpie permanent marker Tracing paper or vellum: 18-inch roll or 18 x 24 inch pad: white only Drawing paper pad 18 x 24 inch (not newsprint) Sketch pad 9 x 12 inch One 8 x 11 inch page holders (clear only, not non-glare) Erasers: kneaded and white vinyl Drafting tape or dots Required Text Book: Architectural Graphics, by Francis D.K.Ching, John Wiley& Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-20906-6 Attendance Policy Attendance is required. The following will be applied in determining the final grade in the course. • Three absences are allowed without penalty. More than three absences will result in a lower final course grade • Save your 3 absences for emergencies or illness. • A doctor’s note will not excuse absences beyond the three allowed. If illness requires more than three absences, a medical withdrawal from the course is recommended. • Roll is taken every class. • Three late arrivals and/or early departures will be counted as one absence. • You may ask at any time for your attendance and grade information. Grading Final Grading is based on: Projects grades, effort and attendance (see above). Assignment Grading: -Assignments are graded on the basis of demonstrated knowledge of course content, ambitious solutions to problems, craftsmanship, effort and Attendance (see above) -Assignments that are not submitted on deadline will not be accepted. -Assignments submitted without the required rough drafts showing preliminary construction work will not be accepted. -Assignments not worked on during class time will not be accepted. To earn an A or A- you must do the following: • Earn an overall grade of at least an A- on the assignments • Meet all deadlines • Have no more than three absences • Be on time to class and do not leave class early (unless emergency) • Have the necessary supplies to work in class • Take notes and/or sketch lecture material • Demonstrate a commitment to the subject and be involved in class. 2 Grade Point Scale Grading is in accordance with university policy: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and F A= outstanding, B= good, C= average, D= unsatisfactory, F= failure A = 95 – 100, A- = 90 – 94, B+ = 87 – 89, B = 83 – 86, B- = 80 – 82, C = 73 – 76, C+ = 77 – D+ = 67 – 69, D = 63 – 66, D- = 60 – 62, F = 0 – Assignments #1 Plans, Elevations and Oblique Projections #2 Perspective Measurements & Exercise #3 Linear Perspective 1 pt. #4 Linear Perspective 2 pt. #5 The Picture Plane #6 Observational Drawing/Sighting Techniques/Stairs #7 Squares, Cubes and Circles #8 Observational Drawing #9 One Point Measured Grid #10 Observed One Point Perspective/Grid #11 Two Point Measured Grid #12 Observational Drawing #13 Plan Projection #14 Interior Design Challenge 79 C- = 70 – 72, Points Earned 100 pts. ______________________ 100 pts ______________________ 100 pts. ______________________ 100 pts. ______________________ 100 pts. ______________________ 100 pts. ______________________ 100 pts. ______________________ 100pts. ______________________ 100pts. ______________________ 100 pts. ______________________ 100 pts. ______________________ 100pts. ______________________ 100 pts. ______________________ 100 pts. ______________________ Total points______________________ Total Points Earned divided by 14 = grade average Assignment Descriptions #1 Plans, Elevations and Oblique Projections From a plan and elevations of a table provided) draw three projections: isometric, plan oblique and elevation oblique. Show all hidden lines using a thin dashed line. Show all construction lines. Do a rough draft first then a final draft on tracing paper laid over the rough draft. For final draft use two different line weights: thick and thin. Rough drafts and final drafts due for grading. #2 Perspective Measurements & Perspective Exercise • Perspective Measurements worksheet with five measurement/foreshortening exercises. • Exercise: -Draw 5 thumbnail sketches (2 x 2 3/4”) of a 1 pt perspective design. -Draw 5 thumbnail sketches (2 x 2 3/4”) of a 2 pt perspective design. -Vary eye levels and position of vanishing point for the point. Worksheet and thumbnails due for grading. #3 Linear Perspective 1 pt. Make a one point perspective drawing on 18x24” drawing paper. Draw a frame one inch from each side. The drawing must include a minimum of 30 forms. 15 or more of the forms must have recessed planes (like a shelf or window). The forms must be cropped on at least two sides of the composition. You must apply at two or more of the measurement techniques learned from the #2 Perspective Measurements Worksheet for the foreshortening of the forms. You may draw architecture or an abstract arrangement of forms. Use thick and thin line variation. Don’t erase construction lines. Refer to your thumbnail sketches from Project #2 for ideas. Rough draft due for grading. #4 Linear Perspective 2 pt. Make a two-point perspective drawing on 18x24” drawing paper. Draw a frame one inch from each side. The drawing must include a minimum of 30 forms. 15 or more of the forms must have recessed planes (like a shelf or window). The forms must be cropped on at least two sides of the composition. You must apply at two or more of the measurement techniques learned from the #2 Perspective Measurements Worksheet for the foreshortening of the forms. You may draw architecture or an abstract arrangement of forms. Use thick and thin line variation. Don’t erase construction lines. Refer to your thumbnail sketches from Project #2 for ideas. Rough draft due for grading. 3 #5 The Picture Plane At a site on campus tape a clear page holder to a window. Using a fine tip marker, trace exactly what you see through the window. Include all architecture and any other important details. For the rough draft, put tracing paper over the window tracing and determine the vanishing points. Using a perspective measurement method learned in assignment #2, draw correctly foreshortened forms. Show all construction lines. When perspective is correct, lay another tracing paper over your rough draft. Do final draft using thick and thin lines. Window tracing, rough draft and final draft due for grading. #6 Observed Two Point Perspective / Stairs Using a viewfinder and sighting techniques, freehand draw the site in two point perspective on 18x24” drawing paper. Produce a rough draft that includes stair construction. Observational drawing and rough draft showing stair construction due for grading. #7 Squares, Cubes and Circles This assignment will be completed in class. Draft squares, cubes and circles in one and two point perspective using a variety of perspective methods. Draw circles in perspective. Show all construction lines. Drawings completed in class due for grading. #8 Observational Drawing Using a viewfinder and sighting techniques, complete as many perspective freehand drawings that you can during the class time in 9x12” sketchpad. Drawing(s) due for grading. #9 One Point Measured Grid You will be provided a plan and elevations for a room. You may use your own plans and elevations if you prefer and if they are not too complicated. Draft a one point measured box grid on 18x24” drawing paper. Lay tracing paper over the grid and rough draft the room and furniture in perspective. Show all construction lines. Grid, rough draft and final draft due for grading. #10 Observed One Point Perspective / Applied Grid Using a viewfinder and sighting techniques, freehand draw a site in one point perspective on 18x24” drawing paper. Note the measurements of your site (width of elevation wall, columns, spacing etc.) Draft a box grid for your site based on the measurements. Lay tracing paper over the grid and draft your site. Observational drawing, grid and rough draft due for grading. #11 Two Point Measured Grid You will be provided a plan and elevations for a simple room. You may use your own plans and elevations if you prefer and if they are not too complicated. Draft a two point measured box grid on 18x24” drawing paper. Lay tracing paper over the grid and rough draft the room in perspective. Show all construction lines. Grid, rough draft and final draft due for grading. #12 Observational Drawing Using a viewfinder and sighting techniques, complete as many perspective freehand drawings that you can during the class time in 9x12” sketchpad. Drawing(s) due for grading. #13 Plan Projection A plan and elevations for a simple room will be provided. You may use your own plans and elevations if you prefer and if they are not too complicated. Using the plan projection method, draw a two-point perspective of the room. Show all construction lines. Rough draft and final draft due for grading. #14 Interior Design Challenge: Design and Draw a Room in Perspective Working in pairs, you will be the designer and the client for each other. As the client, supply your designer with descriptions and magazine pictures of the room you want to redesign. As the designer, draw a plan and elevation of your client’s room. Using plan projection or an expanded two-point box grid from project #11, draw the room in perspective. The perspective drawing must be consistent with the measurements indicated by the plan and elevation(s). Plan, elevation(s), grid if used, and rough draft due for grading. 4 #14 Art Major Challenge: Alice in Perspective “In that direction,” the Cat said, waving his right paw round, “lives a Hatter; and in that direction,” waving the other paw, “lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they’re both mad”…She had not gone much further before she came in sight of the house of the March Hare, she thought it must be the right house, because the chimneys were shaped like ears and the roof was hatched with fur. It was so large a house, that she did not like to go nearer till she nibbled some more of the mushroom, and raised herself to two feet high…” from the “Pig and Pepper” chapter from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Your drawing includes the following. You may expand and use your 2pt grid if you like, or start fresh. You must use a vertical measuring line for heights (the nearest house corner would be good for this) and you must use foreshortening methods -2 or 3 pint perspective view with low eye level -Large house with peaked roof and windows with shutters -A curved or zig-zag road leads to the house; a fence runs along the entire length of the road -Use trees as a framing device and throughout the composition -There is a vegetable garden near the house with equal parallel rows -Alice is on the road (she is two feet high) -The light is in front and to the left of the viewer -There is distant landscape and clouds -Realistic scale and proportions -Remember this is Wonderland. Be creative and have fun. Add things not included above. Procedure: • Thumbnails: Start with 3x5” thumbnails. Pick one you like. • Tracing Overlay 1: Put tracing paper over the thumbnail. Correct the perspective: verify vanishing points and scale • Enlarge tracing overlay 300% (9x15”) • Tracing Overlay 2: Resolve perspective, vertical measurements, foreshortening, lighting, all details and final elements. 5 Perspective Art 230 Calendar (Dates are subject to change)_______________________________ Mon, Aug 26 Introduction to the course Homework: Supplies, read 2 – 34, 86 – 100 Wed, Aug 28 Mon, Sept, 2 Wed, Sept 4 #1 Plans, Elevations and Oblique Projections Labor Day- no class #1 Plans, Elevations and Oblique Projections Homework: read: 35 – 39, 102 - 116, 132 – 133 Mon, Sept 9 Wed, Sept 11 #2 Perspective Measurements & Exercise #2 Perspective Measurements & Exercise #1 Obliques due Mon, Sept 16 Wed, Sept 18 #3 Linear Perspective: 1 pt. #3 Linear Perspective: 1 pt. #2 Measurements & Exercise due Mon, Sept 23 Wed, Sept 25 #4 Linear Perspective: 2 pt. #4 Linear Perspective: 2 pt. Homework: review: 115 - 117, 126 – 135, 165 - 170, 188 - 192 Mon, Sept 30 Wed, Oct 2 #5 The Picture Plane #5 The Picture Plane Homework: read: 134 – 136, 212 – 225 Mon, Oct 7 Wed, Oct 9 #6 Stairs/Observational 2 pt. Drawing / Sighting Techniques #6 Stairs/Observational 2 pt. Drawing / Sighting Techniques Homework: read: 137 #5 Picture Plane due Mon, Oct 14 #7 Squares, Cubes and Circles #6 Stair Drawing due Wed, Oct 16 #8Observational Drawing Homework: read: 117 – 122, 131 #7 Squares, Cubes and Circles due Mon, Oct 21 Wed, Oct 23 #9 One Point Measured Grid #9 One Point Measured Grid Homework: read: 222 – 224 #8 Observational Drawing due Mon, Oct 28 Wed, Oct 30 #10 Observed 1 pt. Drawing/Applied Grid #10 Observed 1 pt. Drawing/Applied Grid Homework: read: 123 - 130 #9 One Point Measured Grid due Mon,,Nov 4 Wed, Nov 6 #11 Two Point Measured Grid #11 Two Point Measured Grid Homework read: 106, 110 – 114 #10 Observed 1pt. Perspective due Mon, Nov 11 Veteran’s Day – no class Wed, Nov 13 #12 Observational Drawing #11 Two Point Measured Grid due Mon, Nov 18 Wed, Nov 20 #13 Plan Projection #13 Plan Projection Homework: read: 44, 54, 186, 129 - 130 #12 Observational Drawing due Mon, Nov 25 Wed, Nov 27 Mon, Dec 2 Wed, Dec 4 Mon, Dec 9 Mon, Dec 16 #14 Interior Design Challenge: Design and Draw in Perspective #14 Interior Design Challenge: Design and Draw in Perspective #14 Interior Design Challenge: Design and Draw in Perspective #14 Interior Design Challenge: Design and Draw in Perspective #14 Interior Design Challenge due 8:00-10:00am #14 Design Challenge returned #3, #4 Linear Perspective 1 & 2 pt. due #13 Plan Projection due 6 Perspective Art 230 Assignment Procedures and Grading Criteria When preliminary drawings (rough drafts, grids, observational drawings) and final drawings are required, they must be handed in together or the assignment will be given a failing grade. The preliminary drawings that are required vary by assignment (see assignment descriptions on syllabus page 4): • Thumbnails – small, rough drawings to try out ideas, basic composition and perspective.• Observational drawing (freehand or roughly drafted from observation) –perspective established, rough details. • Rough draft: this drawing shows your work and process. It includes all construction lines and measurement methods. It has correct perspective/foreshortening and resolved details. • Final drawing: tracing paper drawing over rough draft: cleanly drafted with all details resolved. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 Plans, Elevations and Oblique Projections Perspective: Three projections (25 pts. each) Drawing quality: Line variety and drafting quality, neatness 75 pts. 25 pts Foreshortening Methods& Perspective Exercise Worksheet with five foreshortening methods (10 pts. each) Ten thumbnail exercises (5 pts. each) 50 pts. 50 pts. Linear Perspective 1 pt. Drawing: Perspective/Foreshortening Complexity: creativity, initiative, design 70 pts. Linear Perspective 2 pt. Drawing: Perspective/Foreshortening Complexity: creativity, initiative, design 70 pts. 30 pts. 30 pts. The Picture Plane Drawing: Perspective/Foreshortening Complexity Drawing quality: Line variety and drafting quality, neatness 70 pts. 15 pts. 15 pts. Observational 2 pt. Drawing /Sighting Techniques/ Stairs Drawing: Perspective/Foreshortening Observational Drawing Complexity, initiative Stair construction 40 pts. 20 pts 20 pts 20 pts. Squares, Cubes and Circles Four Drawings (25 pts. each) 100 pts. Observational Drawing(s) Drawing: Perspective/Foreshortening Complexity, initiative 70 pts. 30 pts. One Point Measured Grid Grid Perspective 40 pts. 60 pts Observed One Point Perspective/Grid Drawing: Perspective/Foreshortening Observational Drawing Complexity, initiative 60 pts. 20 pts. 20 pts. Two Point Measured Grid Grid Perspective 40 pts. 60 pts 7 #12 Observational Drawing(s) Drawing: Perspective/Foreshortening Complexity, initiative 70 pts. 30 pts. #13 Plan Projection 100 pts. #14 Interior Design Challenge: Design and Draw a Room in Perspective Plan/Elevation(s) Perspective Complexity: creativity, initiative, design 20 pts 40 pts. 40 pts. Art Major Challenge: Alice in Perspective Perspective Complexity: creativity, initiative, design 60 pts. 40 pts. #14 8