The Bridge Academy Assessment Policy

Assessment Policy
TBAP Trust Assessment Policy
Aims of the policy
· To provide clear guidelines on the approach of the TBAP Trust to assessment.
· To establish a coherent approach to assessment across all TBAP Trust teams.
· To provide a system that is clear to learners, staff and other stakeholders.
Assessment is a term that encompasses a wide range of activities, formal and informal, summative and
formative. Summative assessment has traditionally tended to dominate teaching and assessment and has
a place in providing a summary of achievement. However, there is research evidence to suggest that
formative assessment, or Assessment for Learning (AfL), has a greater impact on motivation and
The collection and storage of assessment data is managed using and the analysis and reporting
system is carried out using it’s Assessment Manager application.
Assessment on Entry
Learners enter TBAP Trust throughout the academic year and often arrive mid year. Prior assessment
data is collected from mainstream schools or as part of an early intervention. Where possible information
is collected using the TBAP Trust Transfer Form
Primary provision
Primary schools provide the majority of baseline data including current levels for reading, writing, spelling,
punctuation and grammar and mathematics. A ‘Behaviour for Learning’ (BfL) assessment is also
completed by the mainstream class teacher. This provides a clear view of learners’ relationship with self,
others and the curriculum1 and is repeated termly for full-time learners; every 6 weeks for part time
learners. Parents are also invited to visit with the child to enable collection of general information that may
support learning. Teacher assessments are then routinely undertaken and levels are assigned based on
outcomes. All baseline data is stored in using the Primary Induction Mark Sheet.
Secondary provision
Learners are interviewed in advance of a two-week induction program during which they complete literacy
and numeracy assessments using national standardised tests. Age appropriate Cognitive Abilities Tests
(CAT) follow and the results are stored in using the Secondary Induction Mark Sheet. The
information is first used to identify the appropriate Trust site before being made available to teaching staff
during week two of the induction process. During week two subject induction staff have an opportunity to
talk to young learners about their prior experience of the curriculum area before making ‘best fit’
judgements on NC levels based on test results and agreed departmental protocols.
A significant number of learners arriving in TBAP Trust have Special Educational Needs (SEN). Some are
emotional or behavioural in nature; others relate to learning. The Special Needs Assessment Profile is
used to collect information about behaviour issues (SNAP-B) and specific learning issues (SNAP-SpLD).
Pupil Attitude to Self & School (PASS) data provides a clear view of what learners think about themselves
and their school experience. This survey is completed on entry and repeated annually to enable us to look
for demonstrable advances in self-esteem and an improved response to staff and school. PASS is also
completed as a whole school activity once a year in order to provide data across the different learner
The induction process and the assessment data collected provide the information that enables us to place
each child in the learning group with the most appropriate programme of study. Social needs can also be
catered for based on any prior knowledge of the learner and their attitude to learning on entry. Learning
Guides/Class Tutors/Learner Services Manager use the entry assessment data to draft Individual
For descriptors see appendix 1
Education Plans for every young person in Trust schools. Targets are set with the support of the SENCO
and the Induction Mentor/Class LSP/Learner Services Manager before being amended and finalised with
the learner and her/ his family.
Recording and Tracking Learner Data
Learners’ current attainment levels and indicative grades are recorded termly in order to track progress. At
KS1, KS2 and KS3, staff record NC levels and sub-levels; at KS4 GCSE current attainment grades and
progress are measured against targets. Learners and parent/carers are kept informed about performance
at the end of each term.
Attendance & Attitude to Subject Assessment (secondary provision)
Attendance and ‘attitude to subject’ data makes an important contribution to learning and progress within
subject areas. Subject teachers monitor attendance on a lesson-by-lesson basis. Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning Effectiveness (ABLs) are entered on a bi-termly basis using agreed descriptors and the results
are distributed to parents/carers three times a year. (For descriptors see appendix 2)
Learner Self Assessment
AfL practice aims to develop critical self-reflection in all of our learners. Adults working in Trust are
expected to:
- plan for peer assessment and self-assessment opportunities in lessons
- explain the intended learning outcomes behind each task and how they relate to the learning
- provide learners with clear success criteria that help them assess the quality of their work
- train learners over time to assess their own work and the work of others and develop an
appropriate language to do so
- frequently and consistently encourage learners' reflection on their learning
- guide learners to identify their next steps.
Marking and Recording
Classroom teachers, subject leaders and SLT monitor learners’ work. Book Looks and Work Scrutiny take
place in terms two, four and six. The quality of learners’ work is evaluated using agreed criteria and
targets are set to enable teams to improve the consistency of delivery and outcomes. Written and nonwritten work should be evidenced where appropriate and assessed in line with Trust Marking Policies.
As part of the teaching and learning process, descriptors for NC levels are discussed and examples
analysed as a class and/or individually so that learners are aware of what is required to achieve different
levels and what they need to do to improve. Similarly, exemplar work is used at KS4 to guide learners.
Teachers are expected to acknowledge every piece of work set, and to mark one piece of work with a NC
Level or GCSE grade at least fortnightly.
Directors of Learning, Subject Team Leaders and Lead teachers monitor AFL termly using medium and
short term planning and where possible, online learning material in the schools’ MLEs. This monitoring
takes place mid-term and is timetabled on the school calendar. Further evidence of AFL outcomes is
reviewed as part of the work scrutiny cycle.
Use of Data
Learners’ targets are set using the data collected throughout the assessment cycle. Teachers track
individual learners’ progress and attitudes to learning before performance is analysed by Subject Leaders,
Directors of Learning, Lead teachers and other Trust leaders team. Data and tracking is used to inform
planning and to enable targeted interventions to improve outcomes for individuals and groups. Learner
progress is reported to the Trust board at least once a year.
Marking Policy - Secondary provision
The marking of learner work is an on-going process that measures effort, reviews the quantity of
outcomes, matches levels of ability and assesses attitudes to learning and the ability to work
independently. In TBAP Trust institutions all work is marked using ticks where appropriate and
accompanied by comments that inform the learner how learning objectives have or can be achieved. At
the end of a topic, marking should be both formative and summative. Learners must know the level or
grade at which they are working and receive instruction about actions they need to take to improve.
Learners must be made aware of the development necessary for them to achieve their end of key stage
level or grade.
Completed all work set at or above expected level or grade mostly independently and
contributed positively to learning throughout the lesson
Completed majority of work set within expected level or grade with some support and
with significant participation in the lesson
Completed some work within expected level or grade independently with some
noticeable episodes of participation in the lesson
Completed minimum amount of work within expected level or grade with some
support and some participation in the lesson
Currently working enthusiastically towards expected level or grade with support
Completed minimal work with considerable support and limited participation in
Little or no work completed to date. Currently underachieving.
- All books/ folders/ online galleries where appropriate contain progress stickers for each term (6 per year)
- Opening Minds project competencies are displayed in all learner books and galleries
- Learning objectives/ outcomes and success criteria are shared with learners and referred to when giving
verbal and written feedback
- All learners have frequent opportunities for self or peer assessment as well as teacher assessment. It is
made clear in books where this has taken place using the following abbreviations: TA – teacher
assessment, SA – self-assessment, PA – peer assessment
- Non-written tasks are evidenced with a teacher comment in learner books (e.g. IWB activity on
measuring angles completed at level 5)
- All marked work is initialled and dated by the teacher/ other adult
- A minimum of two pieces of work per unit or topic is marked with a National Curriculum/ GCSE/ BTEC
level/ grade and, where appropriate, accompanied by diagnostic comment that informs the learner ‘where
they are’ and what they need to do to move on to the next level/ grade.
Marking Policy - Primary provision
The marking of learner work is an on-going process that provides feedback on learning behaviours and
progress in relation to planned learning intentions. In TBAP Trust primary institutions all work is marked
and accompanied by comments that inform the learner how learning intentions have or can be achieved.
Marking should be both formative and summative. In general stickers are used to recognise effort and to
motivate learners. They must know the level at which they are working and understand what they need to
do to improve. Learners must also be made aware of the development necessary for them to achieve their
end of key stage level or grade.
All work is reviewed or marked:
√ ticks are given for correct answers
A dot when learning needs to be corrected
A highlighter is used to underline uses of VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers & Paragraphs)
Written feedback is given on ‘post-its’ or directly in books.
A smiley face is used at the start of the feedback.
Feedback includes the following:
 Reference to the Learning intention and progress against this
 Reference to the learning behaviours that made learning a success
 Arrows for next steps, points for development or a question
Stickers or stamps are used to give positive feedback for every piece of work.
☺Absolutely wonderful learning. You have
☺Do you know what James you are a real
☺Wayne, you made a great start on working
included the features of an instructional text.
You have used time connectives and
adverbs... I am so, so happy →perhaps next
time we will add extra information using
WHIZ at decimals, I’m so, so impressed. You
were able to order the decimals completely,
independently. What a super star!
with negative numbers today. You were able
to add and subtract using the number line to
→What do you think we should work on next?
→ let’s have a little more practice
→ Can you make your corrections?
At KS1 the policy is adapted to meet the needs, age and abilities of learners.
Indicated at the learning intention
highlights whether the learner has
worked Independently or has
been Supported.
Learner also self-mark
The learning intentions are
marked by the learner with
I found it hard
I found it ok
Indicates a finger space is
I can do it!
Reporting to parents/ carers Year 1 to 6
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
IEP targets
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
Phonics test
IEP targets
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
Behaviour for Learning (BfL)
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
Phonics test
IEP targets
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
IEP targets
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
IEP targets
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
IEP targets
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Weekly tracking
Transition plan
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking
Transition plan shared
Weekly tracking
Structured Conversation
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking Record of
End of year report
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking Record of
End of year report
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking Record of
End of year report
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking Record of
End of year report
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking Record of
End of year report
Structured Conversation
Progress report
BfL assessment
Weekly tracking Record of
Implementation of transition
End of year report
Part-time learners
6 weekly reviews with Mainstream senior manager, class teacher, support staff and parent
BfL assessment completed by CAPA teacher and class teacher
Academic assessment
8 weekly structured conversations – progress review with parents.
Record of achievement
Summative Report
Reporting to parents/ carers Year 7 to 11
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Progress Tracking Report
Structured Conversation
and full written report
Progress Tracking Report
Structured Conversation
and Progress Tracking
Progress Tracking Report
Structured Conversation
and Progress Tracking
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning (ABL) reporting
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning reporting
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning reporting
Consultation Evening
Progress Tracking Report
Structured Conversation
and full written report
Progress Tracking Report
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning (ABL) reporting
Structured Conversation
and Progress Tracking
Progress Tracking Report
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning reporting
End of year report
Structured Conversation
and Progress Tracking
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning reporting
Consultation Evening
Progress Tracking Report
Structured Conversation
and full written report
Progress Tracking Report
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning (ABL) reporting
Structured Conversation
and Progress Tracking
Progress Tracking Report
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning reporting
End of year report
Structured Conversation
and Progress Tracking
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning reporting
Consultation Evening
Progress Tracking Report
Structured Conversation
and full written report
Progress Tracking Report
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning (ABL) reporting
Structured Conversation
and Progress Tracking
Progress Tracking Report
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning reporting
End of year report
Structured Conversation
and Progress Tracking
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning reporting
Consultation Evening
Progress Tracking Report
Managed Interventions
Progress Tracking Report
Consultation Evening
Structured Conversation
and Progress Tracking
Progress Tracking Report
Attitude, Behaviour &
Learning reporting
Each group has a full written report at the end of the 6 week cycle and a school/ parent/ mainstream meeting
End of year report
Leaving Profile
Academic Assessment Opportunities Year 1 to 6
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
All learners complete assessment on entry to Primary Provision. Baseline data is stored in
Progress, RAG, Assessing
Teacher assessment
Progress, RAG, APP
Teacher assessment
Pupil Progress (APP)
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Term 5
Term 6
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Progress, RAG, APP
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Phonics test
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Phonics test
SAT teacher results and
Teacher assessments
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG, APP
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher/
Teacher assessment
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Progress, RAG
APP updated
Work samples
BFL assessment teacher,
SAT teacher results and
Teacher assessments
Literacy, numeracy, spelling
& grammar and reading
Update of Personal learning
checklist (PLC)
Update of PLC
Update of PLC
Walk in SATS
Academic Assessment Opportunities Year 7 to 11
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
All learners complete standardized tests on entry in line with the TBAP Trust Induction Protocol – results are stored in the Induction mark sheet in
Progress, RAG & APP
Progress, ABL, RAG & APP
Progress, RAG & APP
Progress, ABL, RAG & APP
Progress, RAG & APP
Progress, ABL, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
curriculum assessment
curriculum assessment
curriculum assessment
curriculum assessment
curriculum assessment
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Formal Assessments/Exam
Week/Optional Tests and
recording of level (BC)
Formal Assessments/Exam
Week/Optional Tests and
recording of level
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG & APP
curriculum assessment
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Progress, RAG,
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG,
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG,
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG,
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG,
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG,
curriculum assessment
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Progress, RAG
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG
curriculum assessment
Progress, RAG
curriculum assessment
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Subject Progress Stickers
Standardised tests on KS4
Entry (CATs)
Mock exams
Update of target/predicted
Behaviour for Learning Assessment
Appendix 1
Fairly Often
Key Features
RO1. Is willing to work independently as appropriate
RO2. socially aware of what is going on around him/her
RO3. Is willing and able to empathise with others
RO4. Is willing to ask for help
RO5. Is willing to behave respectfully towards adults in school
RO6. Is willing to behave respectfully towards peers
RO7. Is able to listen to others and be attentive
RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS (Predominantly Social )
Being able to take part in learning that involves others, and join in aspects of school life
as a member of the school community. This involves being willing and able to interact
socially and academically with others, including the teacher and other adults.
RELATIONSHIP WITH SELF (Predominantly Emotional)
To want to, and be able to, include him/herself in the learning opportunities and
relationships on offer in the classroom and school context. This includes how the learner
feels about themselves, their self-esteem, self-efficacy and their perceptions of the
relevance of school learning.
Key Features
RS1. Is interested in learning
RS2. Has a positive opinion of him/herself
RS3. Can manage strong emotions such as anger and/or sadness
RS4. Has a belief that he/she is capable of being successful
RS5. Can independently make choices and try to solve problems
RS6. Can accept responsibility for own behaviour
RS7. Shows good self-control
The numbers represent the percentage over time for each category
Fairly Often
Key Features
RC1. Is willing to engage with the curriculum
RC2. Can take responsibility for own learning
RC3. Is able to access the curriculum
RC4. Is willing to try new things and ‘take risks’
RC5. Can make mistakes and ‘move on’
RC6. Is self-aware, knows how and when to get help
RC7. Motivated to complete tasks
RC8. Able to work unaided
RC9. Follows classroom rules and routines
The dynamic interactions that make up the reciprocal activity between the learner and the
curriculum. This involves being able and willing to access, process and respond to
information available through the curriculum.
RO8. Can cooperate and collaborate when working and playing in a group
Appendix 2
Effectiveness of Learning
At this level learners:
engage in all activities with enthusiasm
are enthused by interest in the subject, well motivated
and not diverted from learning
use understanding of their strengths and weaknesses
when planning their learning
have realistic expectations of what they want to
achieve and know how to effectively stay on target
and achieve in line with their ability
are not afraid to take risks with their work
At this level learners:
have established effective relationships with
have established effective relationships with
are involved in no disruptive incidents in
resolve problems using negotiation,
discussion and compromise
can accept responsibility for their actions and
move on
At this level learners:
have effective relationships with staff
have effective relationships with peers
are involved in no high-level disruptive
incidents in lessons and very few low-level
usually resolve problems using negotiation,
discussion and compromise
usually accept responsibility for their actions
and move on
At this level learners:
have effective relationships with staff most of
the time
have effective relationships with peers most
of the time
are involved in few disruptive incidents in
lessons, rarely high-level
can resolve problems using negotiation,
discussion and compromise
more often than not, can accept responsibility
for their actions and move on
At this level learners:
can plan work confidently; can re-organise and re-present
work, with a clear sense of audience
show independence solving problems; look for most effective
strategies; gather information efficiently to suit purpose
are effective team members; recognise different roles to
complete tasks
looks for purpose in learning; challenges and questions to
ensure understanding
explore how new learning fits with existing knowledge
assess their own work and other learners’ work and identify
areas for improvement and clarify best steps to improve
can work for extended periods without adult support and use
their own learning skills and appropriate resources to produce
work to the best of their ability
seek help when needed
are willing to take risks with their work and can value what
they learn from ‘failures’ as well as successes
At this level learners:
can plan and organise work independently
expect to edit and review work
attempt problem solving independently; consider different
strategies for solving problems; use a variety of sources to
gather information
can work effectively independently and with others; in lessons
and outside lessons
can make links across and between subjects
look to apply new learning
can assess their own work and identify improvements
expect to work without adult support and to explore their own
methods first
are beginning to take risks with their work
At this level learners:
can plan work with support; will edit and review work with
engage in problem solving activities and frequently tackle
more challenging tasks; will try different strategies for
problem solving with support; look for other sources of
can work effectively independently and with others in lessons
can evaluate their progress against learning objectives and
use feedback
expect to contribute in all areas and value learning through all
try to address obstacles to learning and progress
work independently as part of every lesson and for additional
At this level learners:
engage in all activities
are interested in and motivated by the subject; rarely
diverted from learning
have a good understanding of their strengths and
weaknesses; they show willingness to develop some
have realistic expectations of what they want to
achieve and appreciate the small steps and progress
they are making to achieve their goal
are able to support other pupils and encourage them
in their learning
will take some risks with their work; they are learning
to tackle, with some confidence, more challenging
aspects of learning in the subject.
At this level learners:
engage in all activities
are interested in and motivated by the subject; avoid
diversions form learning
recognise their strengths and the need to develop in
identified areas
have realistic expectations of what they can achieve
and are building on their successes to improve their
will take some risks with their work; they can be
frustrated by the more challenging aspects of learning
in the subject.
At this level learners:
engage in all activities
show interest in the subject and are motivated by
what they want to achieve; are focussed on learning
recognise their strengths and weaknesses; have a
reasonable understanding of their own ability and the
standard they can achieve
take few risks with their work; avoid the more
challenging aspects of learning in the subject
At this level learners:
often show effective relationships with staff
often show effective relationships with peers
are involved in some disruptive incidents in
lessons, mostly low-level
are beginning to use negotiation, discussion
and compromise to resolve problems
are beginning to resolve issues
frequently accept responsibility for their
actions and acknowledge their effect
At this level learners:
engage for most of each session
show some interest in the subject and are motivated
by what they want to achieve; are easily diverted from
their learning
are developing understanding of their strengths and
are doing what they perceive to be necessary to
achieve the standard they want, but not sufficient to
achieve in line with their ability
are beginning to work in a variety of ways and
deepen the level of learning
At this level learners:
engage for part of each session
show some interest in achieving in this subject, their
motivation is inconsistent; look for diversions from
lack understanding of their strengths and
weaknesses; overemphasise their weaknesses or are
unable to recognise them; look for external factors as
a reason for lack of progress
have unrealistic expectations of the standard they
can achieve and the work that needs to be done to
achieve in line with their ability
have success with preferred ways of learning, but are
reluctant to try new things
have limited depth to the level of learning; are not
extending their learning.
At this level learners:
rarely engage with learning
show little interest; appear unmotivated and learning
in this subject area is not a priority
have no clear understanding of their strengths and
have unrealistic expectations of what they can
achieve and what is necessary for minimum progress
are reluctant to try anything
have attempted some pieces of work but to no clear
At this level learners:
are working towards effective relationships
with staff
are working towards effective relationships
with peers
have made progress to reduce the number of
disruptive incidents they are involved in, but
are still disruptive on occasion
frequently show self-control when dealing
with problems
will discuss their behaviour and frequently
accept responsibility.
At this level learners:
more often than not, accept the authority of
adults in the class
more often than not, treat their peers with
are involved in occasional high-level
disruption and some low-level
deal inconsistently with problems, more
frequently their response is inappropriate
(confrontational, aggressive or violent)
will discuss their behaviour, sometimes they
accept responsibility, but frequently do not.
At this level learners:
rarely accept the authority of adults in the
rarely treat their peers with respect
are involved in frequent high-level disruption
and a lot of low-level
deal with problems inappropriately (with
confrontation, aggression or violence)
have shown some self-control
can discuss their behaviour, on occasion, but
do not accept responsibility
At this level learners:
have shown they can plan on occasion; can organise
themselves in lessons; edit and review work with supervision
engage in problem solving activities and have tackled some
more challenging tasks; look for other sources of support and
information other than the teacher
can work independently in lessons
use learning objectives to rate their progress rather than
progress with tasks
make contributions to discussion and value learning from
are developing confidence when working without adult
support and outside the classroom
At this level learners:
can organise themselves in a lesson; are beginning to plan
engage in some problem solving; have attempted some less
structured tasks
give up when the task becomes more challenging
clarify what needs to be done for different tasks
have success with structured tasks
can use reference sources
understand the difference between completing tasks and
are striving to work more independently; have made progress
with additional tasks.
At this level learners:
give little consideration to planning
can usually organise themselves in a lesson
have success with structured tasks in most lessons
can follow direct instructions and ask for help as necessary
can work unsupported in some areas
give up when the task becomes more challenging
attempt to control frustrations with work
At this level learners:
give no consideration to planning
rely on adult support in all areas of work
focus on the task rather than what is being learnt
lack the confidence to attempt many tasks
At this level learners:
avoid the learning situation
show no interest in accessing learning in this subject
have no understanding of their strengths and
demonstrate no expectation of what they want to
have not attempted to complete any work
At this level learners:
cannot accept the authority of adults in the
do not treat their peers with respect
are involved in frequent high-level disruption
have made no attempt to reduce number of
incidents in lessons
deal with problems by being confrontational,
aggressive or violent
do not accept responsibility for their
behaviour nor acknowledge the effect it has
on others.
At this level learners:
make little attempt to understand the learning
do not ask for support or clarity with tasks
do not attempt to control frustrations with work