Drama Scope and Sequence Year ATL / Study Skills Group Masks M1 Communication: choose and apply different, appropriate forms of expression to suit the context Misc-en-Scene Organisation: Break down large projects into smaller, achievable tasks Year ATL / Study Skills Group Bunraku M2 Collaborative Skills: work together to achieve goals Theatre Sports/Improvisation Problem Solving & Thinking Skills: Generate alternative solutions to problems Subject Specific Knowledge / Skills AOI Focus / Links to TOK Masks Mask performance skills Developing & communicating character Using props for effect Masks Health & Social Education Misc-en-Scene Freeze-frame Thoughts Aloud Mantle of the Expert Split-scene Effective methods of moving forward through time & space Misc-en-Scene Human Ingenuity Subject Specific Knowledge / Skills AOI Focus / Links to TOK Bunraku Puppet building Bunraku conventions e.g. telling a story, with music, in an interesting way, coordinating sound effects and scripts with puppet movements Positioning on stage Manipulation of a ¾ size puppet Bunraku Community & Service Theatre Sports/Improvisation Positioning Using the environment to help with improvisation ‘Reading’ fellow performers & fast thinking Maintaining a high level of Theatre Sports/Improvisation Environment Drama Scope and Sequence alertness Year ATL / Study Skills Group Ensemble M3 Reflection – Self assessment against criteria Page to Stage Collaborative Skills: working together to achieve goals Year ATL / Study Skills Group Foundation Unit M4 Collaboration: working in groups, accepting others Children’s Theatre Organisation: identifying various methods and processes to Subject Specific Knowledge / Skills AOI Focus / Links to TOK Ensemble Working successfully as an ensemble Ensemble Health & Social Education Devising from a stimulus Greek Theatre, chorus conventions Soundscape Symbolism Thought Tunnel Page to Stage Production tasks Directing Performance skills; application of Stanislavski’s, ‘Method’ taught through teacher-led workshops Page to Stage Human Ingenuity Subject Specific Knowledge / Skills AOI Focus / Links to TOK Foundation Unit Stanislavski Methods Application of Stan theory to published script Justifying production elements against artistic intention Foundation Unit Community & Service Children’s Theatre Storytelling & ‘Total Theatre’ Using our bodies to make a Children’s Theatre Community & Service Drama Scope and Sequence complete a project story more interesting Applying Music to on-stage action in order to create atmosphere Tailoring a piece of theatre to a specific audience demographic Devising Human Ingenuity Devising Thinking: Synthesize ideas to create new ones Devising Exploring the process of creation, using ‘Kneehigh Theatre Company’ work Performance Concept Production skills e.g. lighting, set, costume Justifying and articulating artistic intention Verbatim Theatre Thinking: Consider issues from a variety of viewpoints Verbatim Theatre Verbatim Theatre conventions & techniques Structuring of devised work; applying Verbatim techniques Articulating artistic intentions & justifying choices against them Verbatim Theatre Health & Social Education Subject Specific Knowledge / Skills AOI Focus / Links to TOK Melodrama Melodrama Health & Social Education Year ATL / Study Skills Group Melodrama M5 Reflection: using different techniques to increase the depth of reflection The Happenings Communication: working with different art mediums to try to communicate to an audience Melodrama Applying the conventions of ‘Melodrama to the devising process The Happenings Performance Art Installation performance Actor/audience relationships The Happenings Environment Drama Scope and Sequence Design Unit Thinking: Generate new, creative ideas Theatre of the Absurd Application of theatrical conventions on design Analysing production elements Brecht Brecht Design Unit Thinking: using performance objectively Design Unit Environment Brecht Theatre as a tool for change Epic theatre techniques Community & Service