1 Migration Aperture I confirm that the migration aperture was not taken into account by Greenfields, the reason why the limits of the 3D have been extended outside the limits of Bahar Block, increasing the 3D surface to be acquired, then increasing the cost of the 3D. I also confirm that the migration aperture was not included in Socar 3D acquisition. So the width of the useful 3D cube will be 3 km and not 6 km. To avoid any misunderstanding on this technical subject may I recommend you to provide Greenfields geophysicists with the following references for 3D seismic survey designs. Planning Land 3D seismic surveys by Andreas Cordsen, Mike Galbraith and John Pierce Geophysical Developments No 9 published by the SEG (including the CD) In addition, Andreas is giving this course on call in 3 days and he has a planning soft equivalent to MESA, so you can plan your 3D yourself (Andreas gave this course to Total in 2003 and to SRAK a JV between Total, Shell and Saudi Aramco in 2006). Migration aperture is treated in chapter 3 3D Seismic Survey Design by Gijs J.O. Vermeer: SEG Geophysical references series No 12 Gijs is very good geophysicist retired from Shell now and has his own consulting Company called 3DSymSam. Chapter 5 of this book talks about OBC acquisition. 2 Planning Below is the planning provided during Paris meeting: 20012/2013 OBC seismic Acquisition 2012 Nov 2013 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Bid Preparation by Company Bid preparation by Contractor Bid analysis & award Contract finalisation & Signature Mobilisation Start Recording To avoid what is happening on Bahar 2 OBC 3D (in 328 operations days, only 48 km2 have been recorded to date i.e. 0.15 km2 per day), we are planning the new 3D OBC according to the Accepted Standards this means the Procedures and State of the Art techniques, as used and applied within the Geophysical Industry. It takes time to prepare the CFT including a Standard Contract for the acquisition including detailed legal and technical parts and not only be limited to a Scope of Work with just the recording parameters. For your information, the already finalized CFT documents represent 180 pages. 3 ACQUISITION AREAS Taking into account the migration aperture, 2 options are considered with and without Area IA as per the following maps. The estimated cost of the 2 options is attached Option A without Area IA Option B with Area IA FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR OPTIONS A (290 km2) & B (385 km2) Contractor Cost Contractor Cost T O T AL CO ST Option A $500 000,00 $250 000,00 $125 000,00 $6 000,00 $9 000,00 Option B $500 000,00 $250 000,00 $125 000,00 $6 000,00 $9 000,00 OP T ION A Option B $80 000,00 $75 000,00 $23 200 000,00 $28 875 000,00 Option A $500,00 Option B $500,00 $145 000 $192 500,00 Option A $1 000,00 Option B $1 000,00 $290 000 $385 000,00 Option A Option B $90 000,00 $90 000,00 Option A Option B $24 475 000,00 $30 292 500,00 Option A Option B $1 500,00 $1 500,00 $348 000,00 $462 000,00 Option A Option B $2 000,00 $2 000,00 $14 000,00 $14 000,00 Option A Option B $24 837 000,00 $30 768 500,00