Getting Started in Digital Photography Pages 9-14 Understanding Aperture 1. The aperture controls the amount of ___LIGHT___ that passes through the lens, as well as controlling the depth of ___FIELD____. 2. Aperture is measured in something called _-_F-STOPS___. 3. In darker settings the aperture might be opened ____WIDER____ to allow more light to reach the sensor. 4. In lighter settings the aperture might be ___CLOSED DOWN____ ____ to keep light out. 5. In the figure 1.8, what is the f-stop setting of the aperture that lets the most light in? F/ 1.4 6. In the figure 1.8, what is the f-stop setting of the aperture that lets the least light in? F/ 16 7. The smaller the number the __WIDER____ the openings. 8. Depth of field refers to the size of the range of ___FOCUS ____ within a given image. 9. A Deep depth of field ensure that both the __FOREGROUND__________ and the _______BACKGROUND______ will appear in ___FOCUS____. 10. A Shallow of field makes it possible for the subject to be in ___LARGER___ while the background is _FOCUS___. 11. On pg 12, which image has a deeper depth of field? How do you know that? 1. 10, ITS CLEAR 12. So for a deeper depth of field, your f-stop setting would be higher or smaller? SMALLER