Pacific Islands Species Forum 6th-8th July 2015 Suva, Fiji Call for Submissions DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS is 31st May 2015 The second Pacific Islands Species Forum will be held from 6th- 8th July 2015. Building on the success of the inaugural PISF held in 2012, this Forum aims to generate information that will be valuable for governments and communities in conservation planning and species conservation efforts. The Pacific Islands Species Forum will take the form of presentations and working group discussions. Presentations These may take the traditional form of orally presenting your achievements and research, or using video or visual methods to keep the audience engaged. Time will be limited to 15 minutes presentation. Opportunities for questions will be provided. Working groups Following related presentations, breakout sessions will provide an opportunity for sharing knowledge, exploring areas for collaboration and providing inputs into regional recommendations for species conservation. The sessions will be guided in order to enable consensus for identifying conservation actions and next steps – this will feed into the draft regional Species Strategy. Presentations are invited that address the following Objectives: 1) Knowledge and Research Identification of current species or organism-focused research projects, including how work is being designed, funded, and implemented, and how data is being generated and stored Identification of critical vulnerable ecosystems, including cultural and agro-ecosystems, the conservation and sustainable use of which is the foundation of species and genetic diversity conservation in the Pacific Islands 2) Threats to our Pacific Island species Identification of major threats to species (e.g. trade and use, invasive species, habitat loss and alteration), and challenges to our progress in conserving them Identification and prioritize the control and management of invasive alien species (IAS) that pose serious threats to species in the Pacific Islands 3) Solutions for species conservation Examination of progress in meeting species-and ecosystem-related MEA commitments (with a focus on CBD, CITES and CMS), and how to overcome challenges Identification of relevant (Pacific) biological and cultural approaches that can achieve successful species conservation - including prioritization of research and conservation efforts with reference to Pacific Island species-level questions and approaches to resource custodianship Identification of community-based and co-management options for enhancing local awareness of species conservation in the Pacific Expected outcomes of the Pacific Island Species Forum Integration of species-specific information to government action plans, MEA commitments (Aichi Targets, CITES, CMS), and regional species policies with particular emphasis on enhancing communitybased species conservation. Input to a roadmap for species conservation/species strategy for the region from 2016-2020 – in line with the Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands region 20142020 strategy Guidelines for placing species-specific conservation issues in the context of broader socio-ecological systems across local, regional, and pan-Pacific scales Provide input into regional and national IAS management and biosecurity plans Data and information available to add to regional databases and input to species recovery plans Peer-reviewed articles Raising awareness about species, ecosystems and their conservation needs beyond the scientific and conservation community Commitment to actions from organizations/individuals Side events Organizations and individuals are invited to host lunch time or evening side events. These may be aimed at releasing publications, delivery of a new action plan or strategy, or making a specific announcement related to species work that your organization has been involved in. If you are interested in hosting a side event, please contact IUCN directly. All submissions should describe original conservation work, including research methods and techniques, results, implications and future actions and directions. We encourage interested attendees to submit abstracts that relate to the above themes. Please complete the following form and return to by 31st MAY 2015 TITLE of submission TYPE of submission Please highlight PRESENTATION SIDE EVENT THEME Please highlight (1) Knowledge and research (2) Threats (3) Solutions AUTHORS and affiliations ABSTRACT (maximum 250 words)