Thomas Starr King Middle School Mr. William Gabriel Important Class Rules 1. Respect others. What are examples of respectful behaviors? ____________________ ____________________ __ ____________________ ____________________ __ ____________________ ____________________ __ ____________________ ____________________ __ 2. Be on time—Planners and warm-up sheet pulled out before the bell rings and ready to work. 3. Chewing gum, eating, or drinking is not allowed in the Science Lab. 4. The bell DOES NOT dismiss you. The teacher DOES. Expectations 1. Daily warmup question s, these need to be written and answere d every day. 2. The coursew ork graded will include - Classwo rk (5 – 20 points) 20% of grade - Homew ork (5 – 10 points) 10% of grade - Projects and Labs (10 – 50 points) 30% of grade - Tests and Quizzes (10 – 50 points) 40% of grade 3. Grading Scale A 90-100% B 80-89% C 67-79% D 57-66% F 56% and lower 4. Material s needed: - 1-inch 3 Ring Binder, Filler Paper, Folder - Pencil/p en, colored pencils, glue stick - Planner You need your planner everyday, you need it to copy your agenda and will not be allowed out of class without your complete planner. Consequences for Breaking Class/School Rules - FIRST: Warning - SECOND: Detention (Trash pick-up if appropriate) - THIRD: Call home/Counseling or Dean’s Office - FOURTH: Loss in Cooperation grade/SUSPENSION Class Progress Reports You will receive information about how to log into this online grade book. You and your parents will each have your own login information so that you can view your current progress in this class. Topics covered this year: You and Your Healt h: Healt h Risks, Decisi on Makin g, Goal Settin g Keepi ng Your Body Healt hy: Physi cal Fitnes s, Food and Nutrit ion, Growt h and Devel opme nt, Comp rehens ive Sexua l Educa tion Unde rstan ding Yours elf and Other s: Menta l, Emoti onal, Social Healt h, Confli ct Resol ution Prote cting Your Healt h: Tobac co, Drugs and Alcoh ol, Under standi ng Disea ses Safet y and the Envir onme nt: Perso nal Safety and Injury Preve ntion Please visit our school’s website, to find valuable information about our school. On the right of the webpage is a button that allows you to translate the King web pages to Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Italian and Portuguese. I would appreciate you going to the Faculty/Staff menu and clicking on Faculty & Staff. From there, scroll down to the link that says Mr. William Gabriel. You will be able to find daily assignments. It also has a link that allows you to email me with any questions. I have read and reviewed this letter with my child. I will be sure to make contact with you though email or at (323) 644-6700 with any questions I may have. ___________________________ ______________________________ ____________ Print Child’s Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________