Name: Date: ______ CHM 130, Exam 3: Chapters 9, 10, 11, and 13

Name: ____________________________
Date: ________
CHM 130, Exam 3: Chapters 9, 10, 11, and 13 (and some of 14)
Show all work and clearly mark all answers for full credit.
16. (4 pts) “Joe” decides to throw 3.45 grams of solid sodium into a “friend’s” pool. How many moles of
sodium is this?
17. (6 pts) Calculate the grams of CO2 in an 79.8 liter container at STP.
18. (3 pts) Calculate the percent composition of aluminum in aluminum oxide (Al2O3).
____ 19. (4 pts) In the reaction P4 + 5 O2  2 P2O5, how many moles of diphosphorus pentoxide are
produced when 0.500 moles of O2 are used?
a. 0.200 mol
b. 0.500 mol
c. 1.25 mol
d. 2.50 mol
e. 5.00 mol
20. (8 pts) Silver nitrate and sodium sulfate solutions react to make silver chloride and sodium nitrate
according to the balanced equation below. How many grams of silver nitrate are needed to completely
react with 0.327 grams of sodium sulfate?
2 AgNO3 (aq) + Na2SO4 (aq)  Ag2SO4 (s) + 2 NaNO3 (aq)
____ 1. (5 pts) Which of the following describes properties of gases?
a. They are compressible.
b. They expand to fill a container.
c. They take the shape of a container.
d. The particles in a gas are far apart.
e. All of the above are true.
CHM 130, Leedy
Spring 2013
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Name: ____________________________
2. (6 pts) Convert 694 torr to units of a) atm, b) mmHg, and c) psi.
Date: ________
a. atm:
b. mm Hg:
c. psi:
3. (6 pts) You have a 1.00 L bottle of gas (closed), with P = 0.444 atm and T = 295° C. If you raise the
temperature to 395oC, will the pressure
(circle one)?
Calculate the new pressure.
4. (6pts) A sample of helium at 35oC, a volume of 0.25 L, and a pressure of 515 mm Hg is compressed to
a volume of 0.50 L, will the pressure
(circle one)?
Calculate the final pressure.
5. (6 pts) A 6.35 L sample of carbon monoxide is collected at 55oC and 0.892 atm. What volume will the
gas occupy at 1.05 atm and 21oC?
6. (12 pts) True or False: Circle the appropriate letter for each statement below:
Liquids have a constant shape and constant volume.
London forces are the strongest type of intermolecular force.
Intermolecular forces holding molecules together are weaker than chemical bonds.
Nonpolar molecules will have Dipole-Dipole forces.
Xe is predicted to have higher a boiling point than He.
H2 is predicted to have a higher vapor pressure than H2O.
CHM 130, Leedy
Spring 2013
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ________
7. (4 pts) What is the strongest type of intermolecular force (London forces, Dipole-Dipole, or Hydrogen
Bond Forces) in:
CH4: _________________________
H2O: ___________________________
8. (4 pts) Use the intermolecular force types of CH4 and H2O from the question above to determine the
following properties below.
a. Higher vapor pressure: ________
b. Higher boiling point: __________
c. Stronger surface tension: ________
d. Higher viscosity: ___________
9. (6 pts) What holds the following together? Your choices are nonpolar covalent bond (NPC), polar
covalent bond (PC), ionic bond (I), London forces (LDF), Dipole-Dipole forces (DD), and Hydrogen
Bond Forces (HBF).
a. _____ N and O atoms in NO2.
b. _____ The molecules in ammonia.
c. _____ Chlorine atoms in Cl2.
d. _____ Li and Cl ions in a solid.
e. _____ Cl2 molecules in a gas.
f. _____ Two CH2F2 molecules.
____ 10. (5 pts) Which one of the following is an example of a metallic solid?
a. Mg (s)
b. CaCl2 (s)
c. CO2 (s)
d. P4 (s)
11. (6 pts) The graph to the right represents a
temperature versus heat energy plot for a pure
substance. Answer the following questions.
a. What letter represents pure gas? _____
b. What phase changes occur at letter B?
c. What is the temperature of the boiling
point of this substance? __________
d. What letter represents pure solid? ____
12. (8 pts) Complete the following table by determining if each solute will or will not mix with each
solvent. Your choices for each combination are miscible, immiscible, soluble, or insoluble.
Solvents ()
ZnSO4 (s)
CH2F2 (l)
S8 (s)
Br2 (l)
H2O (l)
CCl4 (l)
CHM 130, Leedy
Spring 2013
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Name: ____________________________
Date: ________
____ 13. (5 pts) A nitric acid solution that is 70.0% HNO3 by mass contains
a. 70.0 g of HNO3 and 100.0 g water.
b. 70.0 mol HNO3.
c. 70.0 g HNO3 and 30.0 g water.
d. 70.0 g HNO3 and 70.0 g water.
14. (5 pts) An oven cleaning solution is 40.0 % by mass of NaOH. If one jar of this product contains 454
grams of solution, how many grams of NaOH does it contain? Show all work.
15. (5 pts) If 160.20 grams of NH4Cl is dissolved in 4.00 L of water, what is the concentration (molarity)
of the solution?
____16. (5 pts) What is the term for a substance that donates a proton in an acid-base reaction?
a. Arrhenius acid
b. Arrhenius base
c. Bronsted-Lowry acid
d. Bronsted-Lowry
17. (2 pts) In the following reaction, which reactant is a Bronsted-Lowry base? Circle your answer.
+ H2O (l)
NH4+ (aq)
+ OH- (aq)
18. (4 pts) What is the pH of a solution with [H+] = 1.0 x 10-3 M? ______________
Is this solution acidic, basic, or neutral? _____________
CHM 130, Leedy
Spring 2013
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