9th Grade Literature/Composition Syllabus Jared Wallace jared.wallace@cherokee.k12.ga.us http://mysite.cherokee.k12.ga.us/personal/jared_wallace/site/default.aspx Course Description: (from page 2 of the Grade Nine CCGPS) Students in Grade Nine are expected to continue to increase their analytical skills, reading increasingly complex texts across all genres and writing cogent, well-supported analysis and argument essays using evidence from those texts. Students at this level can trace the development of a theme or argument through a text and provide an objective summary of the text without editorial bias. Through reading and writing and the use of appropriate reference materials, the student acquires academic and other contextual vocabulary, showing independence in acquisition and usage. In the early high school years particular focus is brought to world culture and how points of view can vary with cultural experience, as well as how interpretations can vary between artistic mediums. In Grade Nine, students will create more complex arguments, addressing counter-arguments and using sophisticated structures and formal manuscript styles. Their expository essays will convey increasingly complex ideas, excluding extraneous details and using graphic and digital elements to convey information. Narratives will develop personal experiences employing dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines. Students are proficient by Grade Nine in all steps of the writing process editing effectively and using digital publishing options. Research using appropriate formats for citation and evaluating sources is routine. Through repeated exposure, students will become confident presenters and participants in discourse with both peers and experts. Technology disclaimer: Without administrative permission, students are not allowed to record teachers or other students by video or audio. Texts Replacement fees Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Glencoe Literature: Course 4 School novels $70.47 $15.00 Types of Tasks Major: Tests, Writing Assignments, Long-term tasks Quizzes : Vocab, reading, grammar, etx. Daily: Homework, Classwork, Daily Grammar Practice, Participation, Vocabulary, Midterm Exam (end of 1st semester) *Georgia Milestones State Assessment(end of 2nd semester) Percentages 1st Semester 2nd Semester 40% 25% 15% 20% NA 40% 25% 15% NA 20% Academic Honesty: An offense against academic honesty includes acts which compromise the integrity of the educational process at Woodstock High School. Such acts are serious offenses which insult the integrity of the entire academic community of the school and will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty includes acts which would have the effect of promoting or enhancing one’s academic standing unfairly or knowingly assisting any person in the commission of an offense of academic dishonesty. A ZERO will be given for any work which does not uphold the standards of this academic honesty policy. Make-Up Work: Pursuant to school policy, students are allowed the number of days absent, with a minimum of three days, to make up missed work for full credit. This rule applies only if the student did not receive the assignment before the absence. It is, of course, the student’s responsibility to acquire the missed work from either the teacher or a classmate. Quizzes and tests may be made up before or after school; it is the student’s responsibility to schedule an appointment with the teacher. If known absences occur, assignments can be requested via email or through guidance in advance of the absence(s). It is the expectation of the Cherokee County Board of Education that all work missed due to absence will be made-up. Some work, by its very nature, is impossible to make-up and may necessitate alternative assignments. The responsibility for arranging to complete work missed due to absence is to be assumed by the student and parent/guardian in conjunction with the teacher. The time limit to complete missed work is not to exceed ten school days after the date the student resumes attendance. Late Work: Late work will not be accepted and will result in a zero. 1. 2. 3. 4. Required Materials: A three-ring binder of at least 1” filled with straight-edged, loose leaf paper, on which all assignments should be written. This syllabus should be kept in the front of the notebook. Dark blue or black pens (no other color will be accepted) and #2 pencils School-issued textbooks and novels One subject notebook (1 or 2) Students, please be aware that coming without these essentials is not only disrespectful to the teacher and your classmates, but it is also a blatant waste of instructional time, sending the message that this course is not important to you. You will not be allowed to go to your locker to retrieve something that you have forgotten, so be prepared. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Class Rules and Rationales: Successful classroom environments necessitate certain academic and social skills. Students will abide the following: Instructions and information will be facilitated by the teacher. You must listen to the teacher to receive this information. Be respectful of fellow students and the teacher by not talking when others are talking. If you must speak when the teacher is talking, raise your hand. You cannot participate without the appropriate materials. Materials must be brought to class daily. If you are late to class, you miss valuable information and distract the class. School wide tardy policy (see below) applies. All rules stated in the student handbook (no food or drinks [other than water] allowed, no horseplay, no defacing of school property, etc) apply to this class. Regarding BYLD: learning devices are permitted in class with approval of the instructor. You must verify with your teacher prior to using your devices otherwise, penalty will ensue. WOODSTOCK HIGH SCHOOL TARDY / SKIPPING CLASS / LEAVING CAMPUS POLICY Tardy to School and/or Tardy to Class Tardies to school or class will result in progressive discipline as outlined below. Students should be in class on time ready for classroom instruction. The fifth unexcused tardy to school or class, and every 3rd tardy thereafter, will result in an Administrative Referral. Tardies are per class. Tardies begin back at zero for second semester. 1st Administrative Referral 2nd Administrative Referral 3rd Administrative Referral 4th Administrative Referral 5th Administrative Referral 1 day of Saturday School 1 day of ISS & loss of parking pass for one week if unexcused tardies to school 3 days of ISS & loss of parking pass for the Remainder of the semester if unexcused to school 5 days of ISS & loss of parking pass for the Remainder of the semester if unexcused to school 9 days ALT School From 8:30 – 8:40 a.m., students report to class and are marked tardy by their teacher. After 8:40 a.m., students must check in with the attendance office and bring the teacher a check-in slip. Students will not be admitted to class after 8:40 a.m. without a check-in slip. For further information regarding the Cherokee County School District attendance policy, please refer to the 2015-16 CCSD Student/Parent Handbook and Discipline Code. Skipping Class An Administrative Referral will be given for skipping class. Students arriving more than 10 minutes late to class without an approved late pass will be considered skipping. 1st Administrative Referral 1 day of Saturday School 2nd Administrative Referral 2 days of Saturday School 3rd Administrative Referral 3 days of ISS th 4 Administrative Referral 3 days of ISS 5th Administrative Referral 5 days of ISS 9th Grade Literature Parent Syllabus Acknowledgement Our signatures below indicate that we have read the preceding syllabus and agree to all the terms and rules contained within including materials and procedures. Parents, upon reading this syllabus, please send an email to me at jared.wallace@cherokee.k12.ga.us indicating your name; please put your child’s full name and class period in the “Subject” line. This way I’ll have your correct email address and can contact you as needed in the upcoming year. If you feel like sharing, I’d love to read anything you have to add about your child in the body of the email itself. Thank you! Student Name (PRINT):_________________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature:_________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Name (PRINT):_________________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature:_________________________________________________________________________________