Oxford Natural History Museum Yr 8 y-band Jan

14th December 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian
Science trip to the Oxford Natural History Museum
Wednesday 27th January
At relatively short notice we have been offered a chance for Year 8 to visit the
Natural History Museum in Oxford. We have arranged for Y8 y-band students to visit
the Natural History Museum in Oxford for “Dinosaur Day” to support work that we will
be doing in class during the year. The trip will take place on Wednesday 27th
January, leaving school at 9:30am and returning by 3:00pm. We will travel to and
from the museum by coach. Students should bring a drink and a packed lunch to
have, when directed. Full school uniform must be worn.
The cost of the trip will be £3 per student to cover the cost of transport and
insurance. Please return the slip below and money (cheques payable to ‘Fitzharrys
School’) to your Science teacher by Thursday 17 th December. If payment for this trip
before Christmas is difficult due to such short notice please still return the attached
slip below so that we are able to confirm numbers and we will be happy to accept
payment when your child returns to school in January.
Yours sincerely
Kevin Brinkley
Head of Science
Science trip to the Oxford Natural History Museum
Student name: _________________________
Tutor group: _________
o I give permission for my son/daughter to go to the Oxford University Museum
on Wednesday 27th January.
o I enclose £3 towards the cost of transport and insurance.
Signed (Parent/Guardian)