With Compliments - Benson School Home

Benson C of E Primary School
Oxford Road, Benson, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 6LX
Tel: 01491 202502
Fax: 01491 201546
E-mail: office.3181@benson.oxon.sch.uk
Website: www.benson.oxon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Helen Crolla
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Shelley Mottram
15th January 2015
Dear Parents/Carers
Re: class trip to Oxford
We have booked a class trip to Oxford as part of our topic: Alpha and Omega, where
we are learning about adaptation, inheritance and evolution across our subjects, in particular
in science.
On Tuesday 10th February we plan to leave school at 9am by coach and visit the Sheldonian
Theatre for a self-guided tour, which includes:
An unforgettable whistle-stop tour through 900 years of Oxford University history. The
history of the Sheldonian Theatre, the University's ceremonial hall and Sir Christopher
Wren's first major building, opened in 1669. A visit to the Sheldonian Theatre's Ladies
Gallery, Cupola and Attic with its fascinating story boards, as well as the Clarendon and
Bodleian Quadrangles, the University Church and Radcliffe Square. Finally, we get to
enjoy the best indoor panoramic view of Oxford's famous skyline.
We then plan to walk through Oxford to the Natural History Museum, however the coach is
available in case of wet weather. We will then complete an Evolve, Adapt, Survive quiz of the
museum with our group leader, before having an early lunch (11:30 am). We will then spend
the afternoon in a workshop lead by museum staff, which will include:
The close observation and handling of specimens; children explore how animals have
evolved to adapt to survive in their particular habitats. We look at Charles Darwin and
Alfred Russel Wallace’s work on natural selection and examine some of the fossil
evidence that reveals the history of life on our plant. Over the 90 minutes the children
will touch real specimens from elephant teeth and polar bear paws to huge python skins
and gliding lizards.
Could children please bring a disposable, packed lunch with 2 non-fizzy drinks. Could they
also be smartly dressed in their school uniform with a suitable coat for the weather. No
money or backpacks are required. We really do look forward to our learning beyond the
school environment, but must remind you that without your financial support, we will have to
cancel the outing.
Please can you complete the slip below and return it to school by the 31st January 2015, in
order to give us time to confirm the trip with the Sheldonian Theatre and Natural History
Working Together - Valuing Everyone - Learning for Life
Kind regards,
Mrs Mottram
Hawthorn Class
Hawthorn class trip to the Sheldonian Theatre and Natural History
Museum 10th February 2015.
To cover the cost of this trip, including all transport and insurance costs, we need to
ask for a voluntary contribution of £13.40 per child. Please make cheques payable to
“Oxfordshire County Council”. If you feel that you have financial circumstances which
will cause difficulty in making a contribution, please speak to me or Mrs Crolla in
confidence. There is no obligation to make voluntary contributions and no child will be
excluded from the trip, however it will be necessary to have substantial contributions
in order for the trip to go ahead.
My child’s name is: …………………………………………………………………… and I give permission for
them to attend the above trip. I enclose cash / cheque for the amount of £……………….
Signed by: ………………………………………………….
Print Name:………………………………………
Working Together - Valuing Everyone - Learning for Life