YEAR 7 Ancient China CAT REVISED

Year 7 History
Ancient China CAT
You will work by yourself for this CAT.
You will start in the Xia Layer – You will have 2 compulsory tasks to complete. YOU MUST COMPLETE THESE.
You will finish in the Ming Layer – You have 1 compulsory task to complete (Research Task). YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS
Xia Layer – Compulsory and Non-compulsory Tasks to be completed to achieve each of the following ratings on the rubric
Level 4
 Both compulsory tasks have been completed.
 At least 1 non-compulsory task has been completed to a Level 4 (At the standard) standard as shown on the rubric.
Level 5
 Both compulsory tasks have been completed to a Level 5 (Above the standard) standard as shown on the rubric.
 At least 2 non-compulsory tasks have been completed to a Level 5 standard as shown on the rubric
 At least 1 extension task has been completed.
Level 6-7
 Both of the compulsory tasks have been completed to Level 6 or 7 (Well above the standard) standard as shown on the rubric.
 At least 3 non-compulsory tasks have been completed to a Level 6 or Level 7 standard as shown on the rubric.
 At least 2 extensions tasks have been completed.
Your work will be marked on quality, content and presentation against the rubric.
Year 7 History
Ancient China CAT
Ming layer – Compulsory CAT
Your research report will be graded against the attached assessment rubric.
Xia Layer
Common Assessment Task – Part 1
(Ongoing Course Work 4 weeks)
Compulsory Task 1
Which Dynasty is it from?
Choose an Ancient Chinese artefact from the following websites:
What is the object? Describe it in detail.
Identify the meaning of the object. Explain its relevance to Ancient Chinese society.
Identify which Dynasty it is from.
Is it a primary or secondary historical source and how do you know this?
Provide any other relevant background information.
Optional Extension1. Write a 250 word response comparing two Ancient Chinese Artefacts
assessing their similarities and differences.
2. Explain which key groups in Ancient Chinese society the artefacts might be
linked with.
Year 7 History
Ancient China CAT
Compulsory Task 2
Complete the following activity from the text book:
Read Chapter 9.1: Complete Big Ideas Rich Task Apply the Skill Q1+2 (p388-391)
Non-Compulsory Task 1
Make a set of 20 flashcards that cover Key Groups in Ancient China and Daily Life in Ancient
China. Your flashcards could include words, definitions and images.
Non-Compulsory Task 2
Using a PMI chart choose one invention from Ancient China to complete the Ming Layer on.
In the INTERESTING Column- explain why you chose this particular invention.
In the PLUS column- outline the positive contributions to Ancient Chinese Society
In the MINUS column- outline the negative impacts the invention had on Ancient Chinese
Optional Extension –
Choosing a different Ancient Chinese invention, complete the activity above and also
provide a detailed evaluation of the impacts (both negative and positive) your chosen
invention has on Modern society.
Non-Compulsory Task 3
Find one primary source and one secondary historical source about Ancient Chinese Society.
For each source:
 Identify where you got it from.
 Identify how old it is.
 Explain what the source is and how it relates to ancient Chinese society.
Year 7 History
Ancient China CAT
Optional Extension –
Assess how reliable the source is. What messages is the source attempting to
communicate to its audience and why? (100 words)
Non-Compulsory Task 4
After researching the Yellow River on the Internet write 150 words explaining how
important this river was in the development of Ancient Chinese civilisation.
Non-Compulsory Task 5
Watch the Opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics on YouTube:
 Note the references to Ancient Chinese culture that you see.
 Write a short paragraph explaining the significance of each of the aspects of
Ancient Chinese culture shown.
Optional Extension –
Using the information you have provided for the above task produce a mind map on
the aspects of Ancient Chinese culture shown in the opening ceremony
Non-Compulsory Task 6
Read page 408-411 on Ancient Chinese Warfare. Complete all of the Check Your
Learning Questions on pages 409 and 411.
You will need to complete the Xia Layer before you can attempt the CAT: Ming Layer
This task will be graded against the attached rubric.
Year 7 History
Ancient China CAT
Common Assessment Task – Part 2
Compulsory Choose one invention to come out of Ancient China (refer to page 420 of your textbook):
 Research the invention using the Research Template from the Library
Produce a PowerPoint presentation or an A3 poster that presents the following
information about your chosen invention/discovery:
What is the invention? Describe it in detail.
Who created your invention?
When was it invented?
Why was it invented?
How was it useful to Ancient Chinese Society?
Is the invention still used today?
How is the invention still used today?
Your PowerPoint or A3 poster will be graded against the attached rubric