Ch 10 Meiosis: Reproduction and Genetics 1. How is biological

Ch 10 Meiosis: Reproduction and Genetics
1. How is biological diversity avhieved?
2. The scrambling of genes is called _____________ and achieves bio diversity.
3. Where do traits (characteristics) come from?
4. Chromosomes contain genetic information called…
5. DNA segments that code for traits found on chromosomes are called…
6. Define what genes are…
7. Human cells known as somatic cells have how many chromosomes?
8. Since you are a product of 2 parents, how many chromosomes did you get from your
mom_______ and how many from your dad?____________.
9. Homologous chromosomes are the same in _________ , have the same ___________ position
and have the same___________ that control the same traits.
10. Each homologous chromosome codes for what?
11. Sex cells are also called what? (2 names)
12. the female germ or sex cell is called what?
13. The male germ or sex cell is called what?
14. Chromosome wise, XX means you are what sex?
15. Having an XY chromosome would make you what sex?
16. In terms of chromosome numbers, the female egg has _____ chromosomes.
17. A sperm cell has _____ chromosomes.
18. Haploid means what?
19. How is haploid written?
20. So… 1n = ______ Chromosomes!
21. Diploid means what?
22. So… 2n = _____ Chromosomes!
23. Sex cells are haploid/diploid? Regular body cells are haploid/diploid?
24 In human or animal fertilization, what 2 things come together?
25. How many stages/phases are there in meiosis?
26. The process of meiosis forms what type of cells?
27. Gametes (sex cells) are what?
28. Why is meiosis also called Reduction division or haploid division?
29. What does meiosis I separate?
30. Does IPMAT apply ti meiosis?
31. In summary, meiosis starts with 1 cell and ends up with how many cells?
32. How are the daughter cells of meiosis different from the mother cell?
33. How many divisions are there in meiosis?
34. In meiosis, what phase do chromosomes (DNA) get copied or replicated?
35. Forming pairs of homologous chromosomes is called ______________ and happens in which
phase? ______________ of meiosis I?
36. Crossing-over happens at the same time as synapsis, what is exchanged between
chromosomes during cross-over?
37. What does process of crossing-over produce?
38. Why do siblings look different if they have the same parents?
39. Chromosomes in meiosis line up on the equator in pairs which is different than
mitosis…what phase, PMAT does this happen?
40. In which phase do chromosome separate and move to the poles?
41. Telophase/Cytokenisis makes 2 ____________ cells each with only ½ the original
42. Meiosis II does not copy what again that was already copied in meiosis I?
43. Meiosis II focuses on the splitting of….
44. In meiosis II, the 2 haploid daughter cells will split into…
45. In summary… 1 male gamete becomes 4 what?
46. Each of these new sperm cells each have how many chromosomes now?
47. One female gamete produces 4 offspring as well but makes only ____ viable __________.
48. What are the other three cells called?
49. Each parent sex cell (sperm and egg) now have mixed genes…this way if a sperm fertilizes
an egg it will produce genetic ________________.
50. What are the two types of reproduction?
51. When an offspring gets it’s chromosomes from two parents, this is called ____________
52. Having 2 parents with scrambled genes, sexual reproduction produces genetic ____________
53. In Asexual reproduction, chromosomes come from ___ parent.
54. Which type of reproduction produces exact copies of itself? _____________ reproduction.
10.2 Mendelian genetics
55. an austrian monk named _____________ ___________ noticed that traits were passed from
parent to offspring
56. What are traits?
57. Inheritance or heredity is the passing on of _____________ or characteristics.
58. Pea plants usually reproduce by ______________ reproduction.
59. When pollen from one plant makes it to the female part of another totally different plant, this
is called _____________ pollination.
60. What does cross-pollination produce?
61. The study of how traits are passed on is called _______________ and includes the study of
62. All true breeds pass on the exact same ____________.
63. What is the P-generation?
64. The off-spring or children of the P-generation is called the ____ generation.
65. The next generation after the F-1 generation is called the _____ generation.
66. When Mendel crossed true breed Green with true breed yellow plants, he got what in the F1
generation? He got seeds that were all ______________.
67. He then let the all yellow seeds self pollinate…he got ___ yellow seeds and ___ green seed
for a ratio of 3:1!!
68. Mendel concluded after many experiments that traits are controlled by ___________ .
69. An allele is a _____________ and it controls what traits show up.
70. Mendel found that genes (alleles) are of two types…dominant and ____________.
71. Which seed color green or yellow was dominant? ________________.
72. Which was recessive?________________.
73. In genetics, if we say a gene is expressed…what does that mean?
74. When a gene like seed color shows up or is observed (expressed) we refer to that as it
______________. Genotype/phenotype
75. Genotype is what genes are present…they may not be expressed or “seen” so, will the
genotype always be observed?
76. What does it mean when we say a gene is masked?
77. Genes come or work in __________ one can be dominant while the other can be recessive or
both can be dominant and recessive
78. If we are looking at a persons height, tall or short… a capital T refers to Tall while a lower
case t represents being ____________.
79. So T means_________.
80. t means _________.
81. Homozygous genes are identical genes for a trait so homozygous dominant for tall would be
written as ___________..remember genes are in pairs.
82. Homozygous recessive for short would be written as ____________.
83. Heterozygous would be ______ for height.
84. So if your genotype is Tt would you always see the t or recessive trait?____.
85. When or in which generation would you see the recessive genotype?
86. In what ratio would you see dominant to recessive genes being expressed in the phenotype?
87. When two genes or alleles separate in meiosis, this is called the law of ________________.
88. Monohybrids are when parents with 2 genes are homologous TT or tt and they code for a
_____________ trait instead of 2 or more.
89. If mom and dad are homozygous for one trait it is easy to figure out what the kids will be but
what must be used if each parent is heterozygous for a trait like mom is Tt and dad is Tt??
90. Monohybrid crosses produce what ratio of offspring that are dominant to recessive?
91.What genotype produces a 1:2:1 ratio?
92. Di-hybrids produce how many traits?_________
93. The random distribution of genes (Alleles) is known as the law of independent
10.3 Gene linkage and polyploidy