Pupil Premium Plus for Worcestershire Looked After Pupils

Pupil Premium Plus for Worcestershire Looked After Pupils 2014 – 2015
At the Worcestershire Schools Forum meeting on the 5th September 2014 the allocation
of Pupil Premium was discussed and the 'higher needs' additional funding application
form was presented. No amendments or additions had been received by the deadline
date of the 30th September, so I can now confirm the distribution arrangements for the
allocation of Pupil Premium Plus for Worcestershire's looked after children for 2014-15.
How is Pupil Premium for Looked After Children allocated to the Local Authority?
The DfE will allocate a provisional allocation of £1,900 per child for the number of
children looked after for at least one day as recorded in the March 2013 Children Looked
After Data Return (SSDA903) and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2012.
This allocation will be updated and finalised in October 2014 based on the
number of children looked after for at least one day as recorded in the March 2014
Children Looked After Data Return (SSDA903) and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2013.
How will Worcestershire allocate the Pupil Premium for Looked After Children?
Each school that has Worcestershire looked after children as recorded on the
returns identified above will receive £500 per pupil per term in arrears. Its use
must be linked to high quality Personal Education Plan (PEP) targets.
The remaining £400 per capita will be used to create a central reserve to support
the needs of those looked after pupils who are deemed 'higher needs' according
to set criteria. This funding can be applied for. (Form attached). If, following a
conversation with the Virtual School Head to discuss how this additional funding
is to be used, it is agreed that an application can be made, the form can be
completed and returned.
When will the money come to schools?
All payments are made termly in arrears.
The money for the summer term 2014 will be paid into school budgets during the
autumn term.
The other payments for this financial year will be made in December 2014 and
March 2015.
What will be the process for applying for higher needs funding?
An initial conversation with Worcestershire's Virtual School Head Teacher
Submitting a 1 page application form to the Virtual School (Please see form
The criteria for making an application for higher needs funding for looked after pupils will
Current Pupil at your school, but new into care so not yet on census, who
needs additional support as identified on their PEP
Looked after pupil new to your school so not yet on census, who needs
additional support as identified on their PEP
Additional Activities to support a part-time timetable/PSP (other than
those already agreed as part of the pupil's timetable) in order to
support/maintain inclusion
Additional time-managed support for a transfer through a managed move
to a new school
Pupils moving to out of county schools to support the transition period
What will happen if the money is not spent by the end of the year?
Any money remaining in the central reserve will be distributed back to schools based on
the number of looked after pupils they have at that time.
Additional Information
This initiative will be reviewed at the end of the financial year
All virtual schools in the West Midlands will be reserving an amount of the Pupil
Premium from their local authority's allocation for looked after children.
Ellie Ballard
01905 455319 (option 1)
Virtual School for Worcestershire
Pupil Premium Plus Higher Needs Funding Application for looked after pupils
Criteria for funding:
 Current Pupil at your school, but new into care so not yet on census, who needs
additional support as identified in the PEP
• Looked after pupil, new to your school, so not yet on census, who needs
additional support as identified in the PEP
• Additional Activities to support a part-time timetable/PSP (other than those
already agreed as part of the pupil's timetable) in order to support/maintain
inclusion as identified in the PEP
• Additional time-managed support for a transfer through a managed move to a
new school
• Pupils moving to out of county schools to support the transition period
Name of Pupil
Year Group
Name of School/Education
Date of Application:
Application made by:
Contact Details of applicant:
Telephone number and email address
Amount of funding applied for:
Reason for Application:
(see suggested criteria above)
How will this be used?
How will this impact on the
pupil's learning?
How will this be evidenced?
Budget Code of School/Education
Setting making application
Date of Approval
Signature of Virtual School Head