Historical Fiction Book Project Directions

Historical Fiction Book Assignment- 125 points
Directions: You are to select a pre-approved historical fiction
novel to read on your own and complete the following assessments
as you are reading.
1. Every student must create an original cover page for you
project to turn in on the due date. The cover must include:
the Title of the Book, the Author of the Book, an ORIGINAL
drawing to represent your book, your Name and Class Period
in the lower right hand corner. 25 points
2. Self-Selection
Choose 2 items from the list below to complete. I have the
papers/directions for each one of the assessments you may choose to
use. They will also be available on my website for you to access at
home if you would like to type them up. 50 points -25 each
Draw a detailed picture of your favorite scene from the novel.
Write 3-5 sentences describing the scene at the bottom of the
What character is like you? Describe how is he or she like you? Cite
2 examples from different parts of the novel to support your
Pretend you get to create the music soundtrack for what you’ve been
reading. What five songs would you include? Write an explanation for
each song: why would you include it, how does the song connect to
Interview with a character
Select two or three people your character would think of as a
hero or superhero. Describe the characteristics of the hero and
why those characteristics would be important to your character.
Also describe which characteristics your character would most
want for himself/herself that the hero or superhero possesses
Create an Acrostic for your book.
Create a comic strip about your book summarizing the book.
Write a letter/email to the author of your book. Address it to
the publisher and mail it. Or, see if the author has a Web site
and email it.
Come up with your own idea for an assessment of the book; MUST
3. Complete the Vocabulary Log as you are reading the novel.
Vocabulary words must be spread out throughout the book…no two
words can be from the same page.
20 points
4. Overall Presentation of your work-30 points
-All work is neatly done-this means if you write in pen and
you make a mistake you use white-out to fix it-not
scribbled out; no torn or ripped pages are turned in; pages
are not stained with cheese doodles or Gatorade stains; I
can tell that you actually took your time and didn’t do
this on the way to school the morning it was due 
-You have taken your time when writing or typing out your
responses to ensure that you have used the proper
conventions of the English language. This means your work
should be written in complete sentences, you have used the
correct punctuation, and you have checked your work
carefully for spelling errors.
-For any work that includes drawing/coloring please make
sure to take your time. This should look like an 8th grader
who cares about their work…we do not scribble. You do not
have to be an artist to do nice simple work; you just have
to care about your work.
All work is to be turned in on the due date attached to the manila
folder I gave you in the following order:
Cover page glued onto the front
Inside cover- your 1st self-selected assessment
Inside back cover-your 2nd self-selected assessment
Back Cover- Vocabulary Log
The due date for this assignment is: _________________________
You may turn it in before this date for 20 extra credit points.
If your project is late, you will drop one letter grade every day it
is late and it will not be accepted past _____________________. In
addition, you will also serve working lunch detentions with me each
day it is not complete.
The book you select must be AGE-APPROPRIATE;
You may not read-
Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Stones in Water
Onion John
Sign of the Beaver
The Crucible