Field Experience Requirements

2015 Self Study Report
Exhibit 3.4.e.1 Field Experiences for Initial and Advanced Candidates and Other School Personnel
BSED – Candidates spend anywhere from 5 hours (ICL 4001Urban Learning Environment) to
14 hours (RDNG 4240 Literacy in K-4) hours per class in specified clinical experiences. These
might be virtual or in an actual classroom. Faculty requesting actual classroom experiences can
request that candidates experience large/small group instruction, tutoring, and/or observing.
MAT – Candidates spend anywhere from 3 hours (ICL 7106 Professional Practice) to 8 hours
(SPED 7105 Language & Communication in Inclusive Classrooms) hours per class in specified
clinical experiences. These might be virtual or in an actual classroom. Faculty requesting actual
classroom experiences can request that candidates experience large/small group instruction,
tutoring, and/or observing.
Residency I / Level 2 Coursework
BSED – Candidates are expected to spend one day with their PIM during inservice week to help
set up the classroom and offer assistance for the preparation of school. In addition, candidates
are required to spend the first two weeks in their school (following the PIM’s schedule) to
experience how the school and PIM organize and begin a new school year. Once the university
classes begin, candidates will spend the first seven weeks taking U of M courses, participating in
the Residency placement the last seven weeks, and attending seminars every Thursday from
Teacher Candidates in Music Education have a different schedule. Music Teacher Candidates
will spend one day with their PIM during inservice week and the first two weeks at their
Residency school. Once the seven-week residency placement begins October 19th, candidates
will go back into their residency school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Music Teacher Candidates
will have additional field experience in the required coursework during the first 7 weeks of the
MAT – Level 2 courses in the MAT occur the semester(s) just prior to clinical or student
teaching. Candidates spend anywhere from 8 hours (ICL 7602 Teaching Science in the
Secondary School) to 20 hours (ECED 6520 Social Learning) per class experiencing large/small
group instruction, tutoring, and/or observing. MAT candidates are not arranged in cohorts as
Residency I candidates are. Many of the MAT candidates are teaching on transitional licensure
or working as an aide in a school, so these hours might occur in the candidate’s own school.
Candidates are not expected to attend inservice days, per se, but many are in a school setting.
Residency II / Level 3 Coursework
BSED Residency II Semester – Residency II orientation is right after the New Year and
coincides with the first day of public school for local teachers. Because Residency II candidates
return to the same classroom, preservice instructive mentor (PIM), and children as their
Residency I placement they can begin right away. Candidates are expected to be at their assigned
school every day of the placement for the entire teacher workday, including faculty meetings,
2015 Self Study Report
Exhibit 3.4.e.1 Field Experiences for Initial and Advanced Candidates and Other School Personnel
PTA meetings, parent-teacher conferences and other assigned duties. All lessons should have a
mix of co-teaching and solo teaching time.
During Residency II, candidates will follow the following (tentative) schedule:
 Week 1
o Teacher Candidate should co-teach and assist with the PIM.
 Weeks 2 – 7
o Teacher Candidate has primary responsibility of planning, implementing, and
assessing a minimum of 1 lesson per school day. All lesson plans must be in the
U of M format with the materials and coordinating assessments attached.
 Weeks 8-17
o Teacher Candidate has primary responsibility for planning, implementing, and
assessing all lesson plans. All lesson plans must be in the U of M format with the
materials and coordinating assessments attached.
 Week 18
o Teacher Candidate phases out of full planning responsibility and assists with
MAT Level 3 Clinical Teaching Semester – During the Clinical Teaching Semester, candidates
are required to follow the PIM’s schedule. Tardiness and early departures are not permitted.
Candidates are expected to arrive early and depart beyond the established dismissal times.
Clinical Teaching Candidates are placed in one school for the semester, which is dependent on
the licensure area.
During the placement, candidates are expected to phase in with gradually increasing
responsibilities including 8 weeks of full responsibility. See the Co-teaching section for more
information on what full responsibility includes. Candidates and PIMs can use the provided
Clinical Teaching Semester Timeline as a guideline for transitioning to and from full
Candidates may have in-service included in their placement dates. Candidates are required to
attend all in-service days with their PIM and participate to the fullest extent possible. Candidates
should use this time to get to know their PIM and other school staff. They should also gather
resources and focus on preparation for the school year.
Week 1:
o Continue to observe their PIM’s class. Focus on instructional strategies,
management techniques, procedures, and routines.
o Each day, reflect on the observations they have made of the students and lessons
with the PIM.
o Learn the students’ names.
o Tutor a student or a small group; teach part or all of a lesson, etc.
o Assist the PIM with routine activities.
o Develop plans with the PIM for the next week’s lessons.
2015 Self Study Report
Exhibit 3.4.e.1 Field Experiences for Initial and Advanced Candidates and Other School Personnel
Weeks 2-14:
o Assume co-responsibility for classroom routines; co-teaching is expected.
o Increase responsibility for co-teaching more classes, adding more each day, so
that a full teaching schedule is possible for at least 8 weeks.
o Set aside time each day to reflect on the day’s events with your PIM.
Week 15:
o Gradually return classroom responsibility to the PIM.
o Observe in a minimum of 4 other classrooms for at least one full lesson each.
These observations should be of different teachers in a variety of grades within
your school. Complete the Observation of Teaching form for each observation.
The observation forms you turn in at the feedback sessions must be typed.
o The last day of the placement should be spent in the PIM’s classroom.
Advanced preparation programs operate in a different manner. MS candidates are quite often
employed in the same or similar capacity in which they seek an additional degree or certificate.
Those becoming Reading Specialists must have at least three years teaching experience to begin
the program so there is experience for candidates to draw upon when learning something new.
Field experience, if needed, is targeted to the needs of the individual and may be quantified in
hours such as in the case of a current teacher seeking an MS degree. Field work might occur in
concurrence with the specific course. A candidate may need to witness or participate in specific
activities relative to witnessing techniques or practicing new skills (i.e., Reading Specialists MS
Degree or Early Childhood MS Degree). The professor may request that the Office of Student
Teaching and Student Support Services find the placement for the individuals.
Other programs require longer periods of clinical work. Early Childhood MS candidates spend
100 hours in a clinical setting which might be a classroom, a childcare center, or another
location. In additional virtual field experiences are also used so all candidates can witness a
common event before a guided discussion ensues. A candidates seeking an endorsement as a
School Library School Specialist must spend 200 hours in a clinical setting
Other school personnel preparation programs generally require a one-year internship (i.e.,
Clinical Psychology, School Psychology) but little or no clinical work beyond that required for
research purposes during the course of candidates’ studies.
Internships are required in other degree areas beyond the confines of the coursework. For
example, the Special Education Applied Behavior Analysis graduate certificate requires a 4semester practicum or approximately 1000 clinical hours.