Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 Who is the pupil premium for? The Pupil Premium is primarily aimed at Reception to Year 11 pupils who are from low-income families and are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). This category now includes any child that has been registered for FSM in the past 6 years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’). The money is to set up and provide additional opportunities to ensure Pupils entitled to Free School Meals achieve as well as their peers. In January 2011, nationally there were: 1.77 million Pupils identified as ‘Ever 6 FSM 45,070 children of service families 40,566 children who were looked after. In Saint Benedict our figures are: FSM Pupils – 242/16.8% Ever6 Pupils – 382/26.5% In care Children – 1/0.1% How much is the Pupil Premium? In the 2014 to 2015 financial year, schools will receive: £1,320 for pupils in reception year to year 6 £935 for pupils in year 7 to year 11 Additionally there is a funding allocation for Ever 6 FSM or looked after children to participate in the ‘Transition Summer School Programme’ (The ‘Transition Summer School Programme’ funds two-week long summer schools, setup and run by secondary schools, to help disadvantaged children make the transition to secondary school.) Previous Ofsted judgements around Pupil Premium at Saint Benedict “The achievement of those students who are eligible to receive the Pupil Premium is close to national levels of achievement in mathematics and English and higher in science”. “The pupil premium is being well used by the school and pays to create: additional and smaller classes in mathematics; the provision of ‘a late bus’ so that students can be targeted to attend after school classes in English and mathematics; a mentoring 1|Page Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 programme to support those not making expected progress and funds additional learning support assistants for students eligible for the pupil premium”. “Governors have a good understanding of the complex needs of some students and they are fully aware of the way in which the pupil premium is being spent”. The academy have put in place support measures to narrow this gap and we have a list of named pupils which shows the support available. This will be reviewed when the results are through to measure impact and help plan future interventions. The key objectives underpinning our Pupil Premium Interventions Having looked at our current cohort of pupils we have identified four key objectives which we see as closing the gap. The four key objectives: 1. Transition: to improve transition outcomes for FSM students to bring attainment in line with expected levels of progress 2. Literacy and Numeracy: to establish a reading scheme to improve the reading age of students whose reading age is below national average. To establish a numeracy intervention programme to improve the numeracy skills of students whose numeracy skills are below the national average. 3. Engagement: to improve curriculum engagement and academic achievement for FSM and Looked After Children 4. Engagement of parents/carers through targeted support and interventions Objective 1 and 2 Objectives: 1. Transition: to improve transition outcomes for FSM students to bring attainment in line with expected levels of progress 2. Literacy and Numeracy: to establish a reading scheme to improve the reading age of students whose reading age is below national average. To establish a numeracy intervention programme to improve the numeracy skills of students whose numeracy skills are below the national average. 2|Page Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 Year 6 Summer School – one week in Summer term and one week in Summer holidays Appointed intervention full time teacher for English to work with target cohort across year 7 and 8 Staff trained to deliver Accelerate Maths and Big Maths Appointed learning mentor to offer Tutorial support to 6th formers Used LSA to deliver before and after school intervention as Key Workers with pupils causing concern. Year 7 and 8 reading scheme – Read Write Inc. (Fresh Start) to promote progression within school and consistency with primary schools Year 7 and 8 numeracy scheme – Big Maths to promote progression within school. Objective 3 Objective 3. Engagement: to improve curriculum engagement and academic achievement for FSM and LAC students The pupil premium was used to support and develop intervention, intervention strategies and the guidance and support, provided for students, in order to maximise attainment and to reduce barriers to learning. It was focused on targeting students whose attainment would ultimately affect their life choices and thus focused on the core performance indicators of 5 A*-C including English and Mathematics , as well as those students in public care Support for Duke of Edinburgh Award activities Mathematics and English revision outside the classroom KS4 with a programme of revision and interventions. Prince’s Trust certification and activities Music lessons offered to pupils. Contribution to school visits to ensure pupils are able to participate fully. Contribution to school nurse and School Chaplain. Support for Nurture and Positive Support intervention in school day. Food tech – to ensure all FSM resources are covered to enable attainment Alternative provision and intervention for pupils at risk of exclusion and having persistent behaviour issues. Contribution to Turnaround and Sanctuary intervention. Support for the Behaviour and Education Support team which works in a multi-agency way to support pupils in school. 3|Page Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 Objective 4. Engagement of parents/carers through targeted support and interventions The pupil premium was used to support and develop targeted support and interventions strategies in order to maximise parent/carer involvement and engagement and to reduce barriers to participation. Strategy for parent/carer involvement developed Parent/carer forum Staff training and development to focus on harder to reach parents/carers. b. Other interventions focussed on closing the gap These interventions, whilst focussed on Pupil Premium children will also have a benefit on other children. In our planning we have tried to be mindful of the Sutton Trust rating for activities. 4|Page Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 Area Alternative provision and Targeted Tutoring support Behaviour Management Attendance Careers Education, Information and Guidance KS 4 Support for pupils 5|Page Action Planned Impact Cost or Proportion of costs Turnaround on-site provision Use of on-line programmes to improve quality of educational experience in Turnaround Alternative External provision reviewed and most at risk of permanent exclusion educated there. Behaviour, Education Support team meets weekly. C system monitored and overrepresentation addressed. Behaviour Daily available and monitored by House staff. Improved engagement £155,260 in learning Pupil’s individualised programme addresses £43472 any needs Improved outcomes in literacy and numeracy Improved outcomes in KS3 and KS4 Embedded coping strategies to engage in mainstream provision Decrease in the overrepresentation of PP pupils. Targeted support for PP pupils produces increased outcomes in all subject areas. £85334 Education Welfare Officer works with pupils and parents/carers Careers Officer appointed by the school. Brighter Futures Manager appointed Targeted CEIG support offered Improved attendance and engagement. £53,465 Cohort of pupils in year 10 and 11 have Prince’s Trust as an option. £23,893 £14,970 Improved individualised careers guidance, leading to informed decisions and raised expectations. Pupils and their families feel confident and supported. Reduced NEETs and improved destinations for year 11s Improved confidence, work-readiness and life skills. £17008 £4762 £37459 Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 Differentiation Supra-curriculum activities available to support whole person. Opportunity to complete a bespoke level 1 and 2 qualification. Challenge meetings for year 11 who are PP and low achievers Trained and experienced staff to deliver effective Access Arrangements. Academic progress supported by Prince’s Trust. All pupils have barriers to achievement removed if at all possible. CPD Developments Training and Development programme for LSAs Behaviour Management training for all staff. Read Write Inc. training for RWI Leader and additional tutors. Learning Hub 2014/2015 dedicated to Growth Mind-set Bespoke Masters Education programme Sutton Trust findings on support staff have been addressed Increased staff confidence and ability at dealing with low level disruptive behaviour and so improve pupil engagement in learning. Reading age and Standardised score of PP increased. Numeracy levels increased. Growth mind-set encouraged among pupils and staff. Improved staff understanding of wider picture of teaching and learning. Data and Tracking Management Tracking programme developed to compare individual PP progress against PP cohort and non- PP peers. My Class and SEN View made available to all staff Individualised intervention and direction given to all PP pupils. Improved outcomes in English, Maths and Science. 6|Page £4,406 Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Direct Licencing Centre for Duke of Edinburgh’s Award since 2013 Gifted and Talented Gifted and Talented conducting Challenge meetings one to one with all G and T pupils. PP and G and T identified. Targeted support tutor for pupils who have issues which are a barrier to learning in a mainstream setting. Individual Pupil Support Pupils with English as Additional Language Literacy Support in KS3 (Year 7,8,9) EAL Co-ordinator and LSA appointed. GCSEs and A Levels in first language. Mentoring and Positive Support and Targeted Intervention Assertive mentoring introduced and targeted support for identified pupils Key workers and Positive support for lower ability PP pupils. Quality Mark reaccreditation Pupils assisted places at the Nurture weekend at the Briars Nurture Group and Lunches 7|Page Read Write Inc. staffing increased. RWI Leader appointed to co-ordinate and monitor. Literacy groups continued for Booster groups and Accelerate. Improved social skills and employability Increased transferable skills such as leadership, team working Improved outcomes and challenge for all G and T pupils. Progress improves for the 30 pupils who are PP and G and T. Improved long-term attendance and more effective transition and re-integration. Improved numeracy and literacy outcomes. Barriers removed to participating in the full curriculum. Improved language development for pupil premium EAL pupils Increased number of GCSEs for pupils Increased levels of literacy, reading ability and spelling. Increased confidence and security in numeracy. £602 £1158 £54,657 £41,129 Improved engagement £42,449 in learning Improved confidence and self-esteem Improved social and emotional development of the 18 pupils who are PP and attend Nurture and Positive Support £48,132 Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 Parent/carer work and support Support Groups Year 6 Transition work and support Whole school support. Resources 8|Page Parents’/carers forum established and meeting monthly. A full range of support groups for year 11s including deep learning days at Derby University Groups identified across year 11 and intervention implemented and monitored Data produced and used to inform further interventions as and when required. All Pupil premium year 6 invited to summer term extra day visits and summer holiday activities week Data Manager, Chaplain, School Nurse Sen Administrator Parents/carers engagement and involvement increased. All year 11s will have had targeted and data-driven support and intervention Improved outcomes in year 11 for key subjects Improved confidence and engagement of PP pupils starting Key workers identified and in place for vulnerable year 6s. Information shared with all staff ready for new term and academic year. £2,600 Easter School Summer school funding £148,323 £41,530 £5,499 Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 Year Total Pupils Total PP %PP 7 222 54 24.3 8 232 83 35.8 9 241 82 34.0 10 243 74 30.5 11 241 79 32.8 12 161 43 26.7 13 101 14 13.9 Grand Total 1441 429 29.8 Narrowing the gap for Year 11 Pupil Premium From 2014 the Department for Education has started using the term ‘disadvantaged pupil’ which includes those on free school meals and those children who are ‘looked after’. Measure Capped Pts Score 5A*EM Value Added Eng Pts Maths Pts 9|Page FSM Non FSM Gap FSM Non FSM Gap FSM Non FSM Gap FSM Non FSM Gap FSM Non FSM 2011 School 2012 School 2013 School 2014 National School 322.2 309 307.7 257.7 251.4 326.7 -4.5 53 331 -22 31 350.6 -42.9 44 324.8 -67.1 36 315 -63.6 42 57 -4 987.4 60 -29 993 60 -16 967 62 -26 977.6 62 -20 963.9 987.7 -0.3 39.2 989 4 37.8 1002.9 -35.9 35.8 1008.3 -30.7 34.1 997.9 -34 37.1 39.9 -0.7 36.7 40.1 -2.3 35.7 38.4 -2.6 33.1 40.4 -6.3 32 40.6 -3.5 34.1 38.2 38.4 39.4 40.1 41.4 Pupil Premium Report 2014-2015 Sci Pts (GCSE) 3LP Eng 3LP Maths Avg KS2Pts 10 | P a g e Gap FSM Non FSM Gap FSM Non FSM Gap FSM Non FSM Gap FSM Non FSM Gap -1.5 49 -2.7 43 -6.3 41.6 -8.1 39.1 -7.3 42.5 45.9 3.1 75 43.8 -0.8 70 43.7 -2.1 64 43.3 -4.2 58 45.9 -3.4 72 71 4 65 72 -2 51 66 -2 55 75 -17 48 83 -11 56 59 6 26.6 71 -20 25.4 74 -19 27 71 -23 73 -17 25.8 27.1 -0.5 27.8 -2.4 27.5 -0.5 28.1 -2.3