Belikova Yu.V., PhD. (Sociology), Associate professor, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University
of Economics
The article dwells upon the concept of emotion management. Emotions are necessary for
understanding social order, social exchange and social action. The need to manage emotions is based on
the existence of dissonance between expected emotions and observed ones. The majority of modern
professions requires emotional effort: demonstration of expected interest, friendliness, courtesy, and
absence of negative emotions. The study of macroemotions caused by a particular phenomenon gives an
opportunity to analyze problem and to forecast social action.
The purpose of the article is to present emotion management concept.
The tasks are:
1) to systematize sociological theories of emotions and to create theoretical and methodological
framework of emotion management;
2) to define emotion management functions and social mechanisms;
3) to examine factors that influence emotions on macro-, meso- and microlevels;
4) to identify main principles of emotion management.
Theoretical and methodological basis for the emotion management concept is represented in
sociological theories of P. Bourdieu, E. Goffman, J.M.Barbalet, T.Parsons, K. Lewin, G. Mead, M.
Weber, A. Hochshild, E. Lawler, S.R.Thye, P. Gretchen, P. Thoits, J.Stets, T.Kemper, P.Berger, T.
Luckmann, H. Joas.
The main functions of emotion management on macro level are social control and social integration.
Management of group emotions performs communicative and adaptive functions. The main function of
emotion management on micro level is the development of emotional intelligence.
The social mechanisms of emotion management are socialization, identification, internalization of
values (on micro level); adaptation, group dynamics (on mesolevel); communication and the development
of emotional capital of particular social institution or social group on macro level.
The main principles of the emotion management and factors that influence emotions on macro-,
meso- and microlevels were presented.
Keywords: emotion management, emotional work, emotional intelligence, emotional leadership,
emotional capital.
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