School Without Walls 2130 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 202.645-9690 FAX: 202.724-8536 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Richard Trogisch, Principal Sylvia Isaac, Assistant Principal Shanna Young, Assistant Principal GWCEP Internship Handbook 2014-2015 Instructor: Ms. LaToya Grant, Room 223 Email: Phone: 202.671.6497 Section 1: Program Overview Introduction ................................................................................................................p. 2 Overview of Course .....................................................................................................p. 2 Standards and Expectations ........................................................................................p. 2 Section 2: Coursework Assignments ................................................................................................................p. 3 Due Dates ....................................................................................................................p. 3 Grading........................................................................................................................p. 3 Section 3: Resources Internship Time Sheet ..................................................................................................p. 4 Intern Contact Information ...........................................................................................p. 5 1 Introduction Students at School Without Walls Senior High School are required to complete an internship prior to graduation. In this course, students will obtain an internship in the community to strengthen their job skills, expose them to the world of work, and build professional relationships. As an intern, students will explore areas of interest to gain experience with networking, following deadlines, and improving written and spoken communication in a professional setting. Students’ abilities to plan ahead, multitask, and show flexibility and creativity will be huge assets during the Internship course. Overview of Course Students will complete and document at least 60 (sixty) hours for Internship I (W16), including related activities. Internships vary greatly in the tasks that are assigned to interns. You may be asked to help primarily with office work, such as creating spreadsheets, filing, faxing, and answering the phone. However, you may also be expected to do more in-depth research on a particular topic. You may be assigned to work on a company newsletter or website. You may interact with clients, customers, or participants, depending on the needs of your internship site. No two internships are expected to be exactly the same. In addition to your time spent at the internship site, you will also be expected to complete relevant coursework based on your experience in the field. Standards and Expectations You are representing School Without Walls SHS 1. Show initiative—you are in charge of making the most of this experience. 2. Be respectful, helpful, and work to your best capabilities. 3. You should present yourself neatly and professionally at your internship at all times. (Dress as if you were giving a presentation or going to a program. No clothing with holes.) 4. Course assignments must be high quality, complete, and turned in prior to SWW Graduation 5. Students will adhere to all SWW policies on Academic Integrity. Failure to comply with the School Without Walls requirements will result in a review of the intern’s participation in the program. This is a graduation requirement that will need to be made up. 2 Assignments Supervisor Agreement, Intern Agreement and Internship Contact Form all must be signed and turned in to Ms. Grant before you begin your internship. Timesheets You must keep records of the time you spent at internship. Be sure your supervisor initials and signs. Reflection Paper (5-pages) In your paper, please give background information about your internship site, explain your responsibilities/projects, and provide reasons why you chose that particular internship site. In addition, please comment on the following themes: Professional relationships—What are good leadership qualities in my supervisor? What are my relationships with my colleagues or other interns? How have I demonstrated teamwork? How could I improve these relationships? Challenges—What has been challenging in the internship so far? What are limitations or frustrations? How can I overcome these challenges? Showing Initiative—What are some of my job strengths? How have I shown initiative during my internship? How have I gone beyond what is expected from me? Looking back—Rate your overall experience as an intern? What was the main lesson that you learned? How can you apply what you learned to a future job or internship? Thank You Letter As a common work practice, you will write a professional thank you letter to your internship supervisor. Please mail a printed copy of this letter to your supervisor. Pay close attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation and format. Use the provided sample as your guide. Grading Your grade in internship is determined by the quality of work that you complete at your site, turning in timesheets, and completing coursework assignments. All assignments must reflect good grammar and usage. Reflection paper, time sheets, and internship contact information must be submitted to Ms. Grant prior to SWW Graduation. ALL LATE WORK WILL BE PENALIZED BY TEN PERCENTAGE POINTS FOR EACH MISSING DAY, including internship attendance logs. Plan ahead!! 93-100 A 90-92 A- 87-89 B+ 83-86 B 80-82 B- 77-79 C+ 73-76 C 70-72 C 67-69 D+ 64-66 D 0-63 F 3 School Without Walls 2130 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 202.645-9690 FAX: 202.724-8536 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Richard Trogisch, Principal Sylvia Isaac, Assistant Principal Shanna Young, Assistant Principal Internship Attendance Log Fill out on a daily basis. Turn in at the end of the MONTH to Ms. Grant’s office (Room 223) MONTH/YEAR _______________ Date Arrival Time Departure Time Total Hours Sponsor Initials Total Hours: 4 School Without Walls 2130 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 202.645-9690 FAX: 202.724-8536 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Richard Trogisch, Principal Sylvia Isaac, Assistant Principal Shanna Young, Assistant Principal Internship Contact Information Internship Site/Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: (______) ___________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Secondary Supervisor: _____________________________________________________ Phone: (______) ___________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Internship Hours: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Internship Dates: Beginning Date: ________________ End Date: _____________________ Supervisor Signature______________________ Date______ 5 School Without Walls 2130 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 202.645-9690 FAX: 202.724-8536 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Richard Trogisch, Principal Sylvia Isaac, Assistant Principal Shanna Young, Assistant Principal INTERNSHIP SUPERVISOR AGREEMENT Student Name: _____________________ Internship Supervisor Name: ______________________ Supervisor Contact: ______________ Internship Site: ___________________________________ As an internship supervisor for ________________________, a student at School Without Walls, I understand and agree to adhere to the following guidelines: Review Internship Handbook, which outlines the indicators of career development on which students are assessed. Please discuss these with the intern and be clear about expectations. Internships are to be completed during the scheduled time period. Students may supplement their hours by working after school or on weekends, but students must work during their scheduled period. Students occasionally will have valid excuses for missing their internship, such as a change in the school’s schedule or illness. These must be communicated to the supervisor by the student either via email or phone with as much advance notice as possible. Supervisors occasionally will not be able to host student interns, due to events such as meetings or travel. Whenever possible, please arrange for the students to work with a colleague or assign work that can be completed at school. These circumstances MUST be communicated via email to the student with advance notice. Please also copy Assistant Principal Sylvia Isaac ( and Internship Coordinator LaToya Grant ( on your email. Please contact the school immediately if a student intern does not show for his or her shifts. Students are responsible for having supervisors sign their internship attendance log. Please help your intern by signing their log regularly. School Without Walls will contact you to spot-check student attendance. By signing below, I indicate that I will adhere to the above guidelines. Supervisor Signature______________________ Date______ Supervisor Initials ___________ 6 School Without Walls 2130 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 202.645-9690 FAX: 202.724-8536 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Richard Trogisch, Principal Sylvia Isaac, Assistant Principal Shanna Young, Assistant Principal Student Intern Agreement I, _______________________________________________ (Print Name), have read the Internship Handbook understand the full expectations of the course. I agree to: 1. Complete sixty (60) hours at my internship site. 2. Attend my internship regularly and on time for the entire length of time. 3. Conform to the practices and regulations of the business or organization in which I am working with regard to dress, behavior, and work. 4. Email my supervisor and internship coordinator in advance if I must be absent or late. 5. Make up any missed days. 6. Notify the internship coordinator if any problems arise. 7. Complete the attendance log daily and turn it in at the end of the month. 8. Complete all required assignments in the Internship Handbook. 9. Follow up with teacher regarding missing assignments in a timely manner. 10. Follow SWW policy of Academic Integrity. I understand that failure to comply with these and other School Without Walls policies will result in the reconsideration of my participation as an Intern. This is a graduation requirement that I will need to make up. Intern Signature __________________________________ Date ___________________ Intern Email ______________________________ 7