The Differential Ability Scales-Second Edition (DAS-II) This is an individually administered battery of subtests used to assess an individual’s general ability to perform complex mental processing that involves conceptualization and transformation of information. Included are a Verbal Scale, Nonverbal Scale, and Spatial Scale. Although the DAS is a test of general ability and processing, a student's scores on this test can also be influenced by motivation, attention, interests, and opportunities for learning. Please keep in mind that a few test scores cannot assess all of the skills that your child might be capable of using to assist him/her in achieving success. Composite Score Summary Scale Verbal Nonverbal Reasoning Spatial General Conceptual Ability Composite Score Percentile Rank Confidence Interval Qualitative Description * Standard scores of 90-109 are within the average range * Percentile ranks of 25-74 are within the average range STUDENT was administered the Differential Ability Scales-Second Edition (DAS-II) to determine his/her overall ability level. He/she obtained a General Conceptual Ability (GCA) of 82. STUDENT’s GCA falls at the 12 th percentile and is considered below average when compared to peers his/her age. The chance that the range of scores from 76 to 89 includes his/her true ability is 95 in 100. Based on STUDENT’s ability level, he/she will most likely struggle some academically. The Verbal cluster measures acquired verbal knowledge, concepts, and verbal reasoning. Both subtests require verbal responses. STUDENT’s Verbal composite score of 86 falls within the Below Average range and at the 18% compared to peers his/her age. STUDENT demonstrated an average knowledge of words. However, he/she had difficulty explaining the common concept linking three words. Identifying how three words are similar measures verbal development and verbal reasoning. STUDENT performed within the below average range and at the 12% compared to peers on this subtest. This is an area of personal weakness for STUDENT. The Nonverbal Reasoning cluster is more dependent on immediate problem-solving and measures nonverbal reasoning and requires complex mental processing. STUDENT’s Nonverbal Reasoning composite score of 111 falls within the Above Average range and at the 77% compared to his/her peer. STUDENT demonstrated above average nonverbal reasoning when asked figure out the relationship between the figures in cells of the matrix and then, based on that relationship, pick a design from the choices that completes the matrix. STUDENT also demonstrated above average skills when asked to determine common rules in numerical relationships. This was an area of personal strength for STUDENT and his/her score fell at the 79% compared to peers his/her age. The Spatial cluster measures complex visual-spatial processing. The two subtests contributing to this cluster score are nonverbal and require only simple verbal instructions. The subtests require the abilities to perceive and to remember spatial relationships and shapes. Responses require a moderate amount of eye-hand coordination for drawing or for constructing block patterns but do not require verbalization. STUDENT’s Spatial composite score of 102 falls within the Average range and at the 55% compared to his/her peers. STUDENT demonstrated average short-term recall of visual and spatial relationships when asked to reproduce abstract figures with paper and pencil. STUDENT also demonstrated average nonverbal reasoning and spatial visualization when reproducing designs with colored blocks.