Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scale (RIAS) Cecil Reynolds, Ph.D. Randy Kamphaus, Ph.D. Summary of Eight Primary Goals for Development of the RIAS RIAS measure of “g” (4 subtests) RIAS measure of “g” (6 subtests) Verbal and Nonverbal components Verbal and Nonverbal Components Verbal, Nonverbal and Memory RIAS Standardization Sample by Age Group Demographic Characteristics of the U.S. Population and of the RIAS Standardization Sample: Percentages by Age and Educational Attainment Demographic Characteristics of the U.S. Population and of the RIAS Standardization Sample: Percentages by Age, Ethnicity and Educational Attainment 1. Guess What (GWH) z z Examines verbal reasoning Looks at vocabulary, language development and overall fund of information 1. Guess What (GWH) z z z What is round, bounces and is often thrown or kicked? Ball What is made mostly of wood, has strings and is played with a bow? Violin What makes use of electrodes, measures alpha rhythms, and is used to measure brain waves? EEG 2. Odd-Item Out (OIO) z z Measures nonverbal reasoning skills. Also requires the subject to use spatial ability, visual imagery, and other nonverbal skills Odd-Item Out (OIO) Odd-Item Out (OIO) Odd-Item Out (OIO) 3. Verbal Reasoning (VRZ) z Subtest measures verbal-analytical reasoning ability but with fewer vocabulary and general knowledge demands than GWH. Verbal Reasoning (VRZ) z z z z Book is to study, as game is to ____? Play Mouth is to face, as feet are to ____? Leg Discord is to harmony, as war is to ___ ? Peace 4. What’s Missing (WHM) z Measures nonverbal reasoning where the individual must conceptualize the picture, analyze its gestalt, and deduce what essential element is missing. What’s Missing (WHM) 5. Verbal Memory (VRM) z This subtest assesses the ability to encode, briefly store, and recall verbal material in a meaningful context where associations are clear and evident. Verbal Memory (VRM) Stories Verbal Memory Subtest Items by Age 6. Nonverbal Memory (NVM) z Subtest assesses the ability to encode, store, and recognize pictorial stimuli that are both concrete and abstract or without meaningful referents. Nonverbal Memory (NVM) Nonverbal memory (NVM) Nonverbal memory (NVM) RIAS Scheme of Verbal Descriptors of Intelligence Test Performance