chart - Office of Assessment & Evaluation

Outcome Reporting Sheet: 2014-2015
Directions: Please report on 2 to 3 student learning outcomes and 1 to 2 program outcomes you designated for your program (each program should measure all
their outcomes at least twice in a five year time period) and follow the steps below to complete the chart. Be sure to indicate which outcome you measured.
1. Indicate which learning outcome you measured.
2. Explain what measure or methodology you used to measure this outcome. This should be something that specifically looks at the student learning
outcome of interest. For example, select a specific piece of student work in a course to evaluate NOT the grade in the entire course.
3. State your performance target. What percentage of your students should meet a certain criteria? For example, you would want to say you expect “80%
of students will score 70% or better on the items related to this learning outcome” NOT “80% of students will get a C on this test.”
4. Give your finding for this outcome in terms related to the target (they should be on the same scale). Indicate whether or not you met your target.
5. If you did not meet your target, what did your program do to enhance student learning? Please be specific.
6. If you previously implemented an action plan for this outcome, what happened? Did you see a change in student performance?
Table 1: Student Learning Outcome
Outcome (SLO)
Methodology (Measure)
2014-2015 Academic Year
Did you met your target?
Note: Please submit one table for each student learning or program outcome.
Action plan (if target was not met
or program desires further
Comments Regarding Previous
Action Plans Implemented by
the Program for this Student
Learning Outcome
Table 2: Program Outcome
Outcome (PO)
Methodology (Measure)
2014-2015 Academic Year
Did you met your target?
Note: Please submit one table for each student learning or program outcome.
Action plan (if target was not met
or program desires further
Comments Regarding Previous
Action Plans Implemented by
the Program for this Program
Outcome Reporting: 2014-2015 (EXAMPLE)
Directions: Please report on 2 to 3 student learning outcomes and 1 to 2 program outcomes you designated for your program (each program should measure all
their outcomes at least twice in a five year time period) and follow the steps below to complete the chart. Be sure to indicate which outcome you measured.
1. Explain what measure or methodology you used to measure this outcome. This should be something that specifically looks at the student learning
outcome of interest. For example, select a specific piece of student work in a course to evaluate NOT the grade in the entire course.
2. State your performance target. What percentage of your students should meet a certain criteria? For example, you would want to say you expect “80%
of students will score 70% or better on the items related to this learning outcome” NOT “80% of students will get a C on this test.”
3. Give your finding for this outcome in terms related to the target (they should be on the same scale). Indicate whether or not you met your target.
4. If you did not meet your target, what did your program do to enhance student learning? Please be specific.
5. If you previously implemented an action plan for this outcome, what happened? Did you see a change in student performance?
Table 1: Student Learning Outcome Example
Student Learning
Outcome (SLO)
Assessment Methodology (Measure)
2014-2015 Academic
Year Findings
Action plan (if target was not met or
program desires further improvement)
Comments Regarding Previous
Action Plans Implemented by
the Program for this Student
Learning Outcome
Although there was a slight increase in
student performance from the previous
year, we still are not meeting our target.
The program has decided that students
need some refresher sessions on core
evolution and genetics concepts since this
information is mainly covered during their
sophomore year in the program. This will
be implemented during 15-16 and remeasured in 16-17.
Last year the program decide
to review with students what
was expected of them in the
capstone paper. There was a
10% increase in the percentage
of students meeting the target.
(2013-2014: 55%)
Did you met your
SLO: Explain the
core biological
concepts related
to evolution and
principles of
Capstone paper. In BIOL4030,
students are required to complete a
capstone paper. This paper contains
a section for students to explain the
core biological concepts related to
evolution and principles of genetics.
A rubric will be used to evaluate
student performance on this aspect
of the capstone paper.
80% of the students will
met or exceed
expectations on the
rubric items pertaining
to history and evolution
(score of 3 or 4 on a 4pt rubric; 4 = exceeding
65% of the seniors taking
the BIOL 4030 course
were rated as meeting or
exceeding expectations.
Target: Not Met
Any other methodology that was
used to assess learning outcome #1
Note: Please submit one table for each student learning or program outcome.
Table 2: Program Outcome Example
Outcome (PO)
Assessment Methodology
2014-2015 Academic
Year Findings
Did you met your
PO: Students
enrolled in the BS
Biology program
at the end of
their sophomore
year will
complete the
Tracking of students
enrolled in the program.
80% of students
enrolled at the end of
their sophomore year
will complete the
85% of students who
were enrolled in the
program at the end of
their sophomore year
Action plan (if
target was not
met or program
desires further
Comments Regarding Previous Action Plans Implemented by the
Program for this Program Outcome
The program did not meet the established target for this program
outcome in 09-10 (65% in 2009-2010) and decided to require
students to complete an additional course prior to moving into the
upper division courses.
The finding for this year shows a vast improvement over the
findings from the 2009-2010 academic year. It took the program a
few years to implement this action plan but we feel that it has
made a tremendous difference in the number of student
completing the program.
Target: Met
Any other methodology
that was used to assess
program outcome #1
Note: Please submit one table for each student learning or program outcome.