Supporting information: Achieving reversibility of ultra-high mechanical stress by hydrogen loading of thin films M. Hamm, V. Burlaka, S. Wagner, A. Pundt Linear elastic theory on hydrogen-loaded thin Nb films clamped to a rigid substrate: By interstitial solution of hydrogen, the metal lattice expands by o. This expansion scales linear on the hydrogen concentration cH, with o = α × cH 1. However, depending on the clamping condition, the lattice is forced to stay in its original size, for the clamped parts. By this, mechanical stress builds up. A model comparing the situation for a free film (a) and a film clamped to a substrate (b), is shown in Fig. 1. The clamped film can be regarded as a free film that is compressed by o in the lateral directions, as shown in Fig. 1 (b) Fig.1.: Scheme to explain strain and stress appearing in M-H thin films, as calculated by using linear elastic theory. (a) A free film expands by 0 in all three room direction upon hydrogen uptake, (b) the film clamped to a rigid substrate is forced to stay in its original size in the adhered in-plane xy area. Thereby, mechanical stress arises in the film and an additional strain Δzz occurs in the out-of plane z-direction. Applying the theory of linear elasticity yields a linear elastic stress increase and a vertical strain increase upon hydrogen uptake 1,2. The in-plane stresses σii, for i=1 and 2, are linked to the suppressed in-plane expansion o via the direction dependent biaxial modulus M with its components Mijkl by ii M iikk ( 0 ) . (1) In out-of-plane direction, the stress is zero. z 0 (2) In this direction the film strains with o + Δε 3,4 with Δε resulting from transverse contraction. For the (1-10)-oriented cubic single crystalline film this gives [110] (C 3C12 2C44 ) 0 1 11 (C12 C11 2C44 ) (3) and in-plane [110] 4 (C11 2C12 )C44 0 C12 C11 2C44 (4) 4C C C 2C12 C11 (C12 2C 44 ) [001] 12 44 11 0 C12 C11 2C 44 2 2 (5) with Cij as bulk elastic constants of the cubic crystal, in Voigts notation. Note that the stress differs in the two perpendicular in-plane directions [110] and [001]. With αH = 0.058 for H in Nb, or ε0=0.058 × cH 1 and with C11=245.6 GPa, C44=29.3 GPa and C12=138.7 GPa, at 300 K 5 Eq. (3)-(5) yield ε[110] = 0.137 × cH, σ[110]= -7.6 [GPa] ×cH , σ[001]= -11.6 [GPa] × cH. These are the two extreme values and the stress curve is sinoidal. In the film direction studied here this gives σ[111]= -9.1 [GPa] × cH. Thus, upon hydrogen loading to cH=1 H/Nb, ultra-high stress of about – 10 GPa is expected to arise in the linear elastic regime. Plastic deformation at the film/substrate interface For epitaxial film growth on substrates, Mathews and Blakeslee 6-8 , van der Merwe 9,10 , or Jain et al.11 give a critical yield thickness df* above which dislocations are inserted at the film/substrate interface to accommodate for the misfit strain between the film and the substrate. The total energy density of the system tot mainly contains the elastic energy density el M d f 2 that builds up during film growth and the self energy density of edge dislocations disl Gb 2 2 d which are introduced in periodic distances L. G is the ln 4 (1 ) L rc shear modulus linked to E via E 2(1 )G , ν is Poisson’s ratio, b is Burgers vector, and rc is the radius of the dislocation core which is often set to rc=b. is a constant in the order of one. b Gb 2 2 d M d f ln L 4 ( 1 ) L r c (6) 2 tot Energy minimization gives a critical thickness, above which the first dislocation is introduced and thus b/L=0, in equilibrium: d *f 1 d ln 8 (1 ) rc * f b (7) This theory was recently extended to M-H films whereby lattice is strained by hydrogen by ε = αH × cH 1. The onset of plastic deformation now depends on the hydrogen concentration cHpl for each film of thickness d 3,12,18. c H , pl d f b 1 ln H d f 8 (1 ) rc 1 C1 ln C2 d f d f (7) For the Nb-H system, the Burgers vector is of type b=1/2 {111}, and thus, with a = 3.30 Å 13, |𝑏| = 2.86 Å. With rc = 2.86 Å, and ν=0.355 2,14, this theory predicts C1 = 1.4 ∙ 10-1 and C2 = 3.5 , in equilibrium. The fit to our experimental data yields C1 = 1.2 and C2 = 5. While C2 matches the theory quite well, C1 is about a factor of 9 larger than what is predicted above. Actually, we interpret this discrepancy by the use of only a fraction of the available elastic energy. Surface quality of epitaxial Nb films: The topography of the film surface was studied by UHV-STM on Nb-films capped with less than one monolayer of Pd, grown under comparable conditions. A very smooth Nb-film surface topography with only a minor amount of screw dislocations was verified for these film thicknesses. The average RMS roughness is 0.25 nm. Fig. 2 exemplarily shows the surface topography of an 8 nm Nb film and a 25 nm Nb film. No pit-holes can be detected. The mean terrace size is about 25 nm (RMS 0.27 nm) for the 8 nm film, and about 40 nm (RMS 0.24 nm) for the 25 nm film. On top of this larger scale surface topography, tiny Pd- islands are visible. The line scan reflects the surface topography as determined for 100 nm. Height changes of 0.55 nm in maximum border the Nb-terraces and the monolayer Pd islands modulation can be seen on top of them. Fig.2 Surface topography of (a) an 8 nm and (b) a 25 nm Nb films, respectively. Surface terraces are smaller for the 8 nm film. The surface is covered with less than a monolayer, visible as tiny islands on top of the larger scale surface topography of the underlying Nb-film. A 100 nm line scan is provided, below the figures. It shows the height changes being in the order of 0.55 nm, for both films. The surface RMS roughness is (a) 0.27 nm and (b) 0.24 nm. Literature: 1 H. Peisl, Lattice strains due to hydrogen in metals in: Hydrogen in metals I. (Springer, Berlin, 1978). 2 3 J.F. Nye, Physical Properties of Crystals (Oxford University Press New York, 2011). A. Pundt, Nanoskalige Metall-Wasserstoff-Systeme (Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen, 2005). 4 R. Kirchheim, and A. Pundt, Ch. Hydrogen in Metals, in press. 5 K.J. CARROLL, J. Appl. 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