Assistive Technology Devices and Services

Assistive Technology Devices and Services –
Key points for WCSD personnel
Please note:
The AT team assists school teams in making AT decisions and getting needed
resources, materials, and training that may not be available at school sites
IEP teams are responsible for considering whether or not a student may need AT
School teams are responsible for AT implementation.
Assistive Technology Legal Definitions:
Assistive Technology as defined by IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2004):
Assistive Technology (AT) (IDEA, 2004): a device or service that is determined by an IEP team to be
necessary to provide a student with educationally relevant and necessary access to a Free
and Appropriate Public Education in the least restrictive Environment (LRE).
Assistive technology device (IDEA, 2004): any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired
commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the
functional capabilities of a child with a disability. The term does not include a medical device that is
surgically implanted, or the replacement of such device.
Assistive technology service (IDEA, 2004): any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the
selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. The term includes-a)
The evaluation of the needs of a child with a disability, including a functional evaluation of the child
in the child's customary environment;
Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive technology devices by
children with disabilities;
Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, maintaining, repairing, or replacing
assistive technology devices;
coordinating and using other therapies, interventions, or services with assistive technology devices,
such as those associated with existing education and rehabilitation plans and programs;
training or technical assistance for such child, or, when appropriate, the family of such child; and
training or technical assistance for professionals (including individuals providing education and
rehabilitation services) to, employ, or otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions of
such child
Important points about AT devices and services:
IDEA requires that IEP teams consider whether or not a student needs assistive
technology (AT) devices or services
AT devices may be items ranging from no-tech to high-tech, which maintain, improve, or
increase the functional capabilities of a child with a disability
AT devices allow students to do things they might not otherwise be able to do such as
communicate, read, or write – AT devices assist a person with a disability
AT services are those which assist a person with a disability in selecting, obtaining, or using
an AT device including functional assessment of a student’s needs in the customary
environment, purchasing equipment, coordination among service providers, repairing
devices, training and technical assistance, etc.
The process of AT consideration used in WCSD is aligned with the SETT FRAMEWORK:
Student, Environments, Tasks, Tools
Student: functional capabilities of the student and areas of concern
(examination of what students need to do which they have difficulty doing)
Environment: information related to the location and people in the setting
where AT may be needed
Tasks: activities the student needs to engage in to achieve goals
Tools: materials that may be necessary for the student to complete the tasks
o The SETT framework is a student-centered process that reflects best practice in AT
decision making
WCSD AT Team consultation:
An Assistive Technology Team consultation is initiated when an IEP team determines
assistive technology devices or services beyond those available at the school site are
potentially necessary and educationally relevant for a student.
The WCSD AT Team assists IEP teams with the consideration of student AT needs through
consultative services and provides training, resources, and equipment as necessary
If the IEP team has access to what the materials they need, and agree that they do not need
help with AT consideration, a referral to the AT team is not necessary and AT as a related
service does not need to be included in the IEP
Examples of supports that may already be available at school sites: Calculator, word
processing, communication book, picture schedule, Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM)
with Bookshare
Site team responsibilities:
Implement the use of AT to help students reach their goals
and objectives
Provide structured opportunities, training, and support to
student in the use of AT materials
Document the of the use of AT supports
Report progress on the use of AT in the IEP and on
progress reports where appropriate
Provide feedback about the use of materials on loan from
the AT department to the AT Team in a timely manner
Alert the AT team if the student changes case managers, teachers, or schools
Be responsible for all AT equipment until it is returned to the AT team
Notify AT team of any concerns or further needs in a timely manner
AT in the IEP:
AT may be reflected in the IEP in the following areas:
Consideration of Special Factors
Present levels of performance (PLOPs)
Goals and Objectives
Related Services
Supplementary aides and services
Consideration of Special Factors
Question #5 States: Does the Student Require assistive technology devices and services? If Yes,
team must determine nature and extent of services
If a student requires AT devices (no tech to high tech) and or services, Box #5, should be
checked “yes”
AT should then be reflected in the IEP so that the specifics of the services and or devices are
clear, whether or not the AT team is involved
AT in the Present levels of performance:
This section of the IEP should describe student’s functional capabilities and needs as well as
their use of any AT supports they utilize ranging from no to high tech
AT in the goals and objectives:
Assistive technology helps students reach their goals and objectives
AT listed in the goals and objectives is appropriate when necessary to describe how a
student will accomplish an educational task such as read, write, or communicate
Student will write a 3 paragraph essay given word prediction software
Student will greet peers using a voice output communication device
AT as a related service:
If a student requires consultative service from the AT team, contact the AT team for
guidance in writing the service into the IEP
AT in Supplementary Aides and Services
AT supports are described in modifications and accommodations when they have been
demonstrated to be necessary for a student
AT devices should be described generically in the IEP by their type and features rather than
with the use of brand names (i.e.; portable word processer with text to speech vs. Forte
If equipment is on loan from the AT department, this is done after the initial consult has
been completed and supports have been successfully field tested.
Contact the AT team with questions or for additional guidance in consideration and provision of AT
devices and services
Team members:
Keri Huddleston
Moira Soulia
Robbin Dunn
Jennifer Whalley-Payne
Support staff:
Sue Howe
April Rucker
Phone (775) 353-5700 x33722
No fax at this time
No fax at this time