Friends of Dalmain Meeting

Friends of Dalmain Meeting
Monday 3rd March 2014
8.30 pm
16 Marler Road, Forest Hill
Kate Lumley (Chair)
Paul Bigmore (Vice Chair)
Leena Ceccolini (Treasurer)
Jane Hogarth (School Governor)
Dee Deakin (Secretary)
Nicola Dearden (Comms)
Rosie Bigmore (Comms)
FOD Social Event
The group agreed on a quiz night to take place in the upstairs hall of the
school. Ian and Michaela Wheeler to be involved. We will look for teams of
8-10 people and tickets will cost £2.00 per person. If the hall is unavailable,
we will consider the upstairs of The Blyth.
This will take place Thursday 3rd April or failing that Wednesday 2nd April.
If at the school, we will provide nibbles and it will be ‘bring your own
refreshments’. We will investigate the possibility of having fish and chips.
Class Reps to be involved in recruiting people to come along and tickets will
also be sold at the school gates for the week before.
Kate to confirm with Mrs Booth re Hall and speak to the Wheelers.
The date agreed is Weds 2nd April and will be in the Upper Hall 8-10pm.
Michaela and Ian Wheeler have agreed to facilitate the quiz. Michaela has
offered to run a bar and collect fish and chips!
Dee to email Class Reps
Nicola/Rosie to add to Facebook (FB)
Summer Fair 2014
The fair is to take place Sat 21st June 2014, 12.30 – 15.00.
We are looking for ideas which should be opened up to all.
Jane has come up with the idea of a ‘Magic’ themed fair. We have discovered
that ‘Troy’, the up and coming and very ‘of the moment’ magician is a former
pupil of Dalmain! Suggestion made for a letter from Mrs Booth?
Other ideas are Alice in Wonderland and Music Festival related.
First planning meeting to take place 20th March 2014. We will have the
afternoon meeting in the school, with crèche provided – 15.30 – 16.30 in Miss
Sauza’s class.
We will look to have the evening meeting at the side room of the All in One.
We will also look to source volunteers for Easter cake sale and Easter parade
tea and coffees at the church.
We need sponsors for the fair – Comms to highlight on FB
We have some rivalry from two estate agents for sponsor boards for the fair,
Jane is in negotiations.
Nicola/Rosie to give ideas on FB and ask for comments and suggestions.
Also to promote planning meeting
Mrs Booth has contact with Troy and parents and will make contact on our
Jane to contact estate agents
Engaging of new members / Replacement of Treasurer
We need to encourage class reps to continue to be involved in trying to
engage new members.
Sadly, Leena will step down from the treasurer’s role in October at the AGM.
We need to recruit a new treasurer(s). Full Job Spec for Treasurer role to be
provided. This role could be shared.
Suggestions for volunteers for the role, or part of the role are needed, this can
also be posted on FB.
Class Reps – Dee to email all class reps with details of the next meeting and
engage them further within in their roles.
Dee to email Class Reps
Leena/Dee to provide Job spec to Comms team - Actioned
Charity Status Application
A brief discussion took place and all agreed this was no longer required and
has been taken off the agenda.
Kate to check this is OK with Mrs Booth
Bid poster for staff room
We have considerable funds in the account which need spending!
Kate will sort the poster to go in the staff room to promote the bidding
Class Reps to highlight this with teachers. There are only a small number of
teachers utilising this
Fund Spending
We need to highlight in the next Newsletter where funds have been spent.
KS2 Playground – We need ideas for what we can do here.
KS2 Disco – We discussed the possibility of an Easter disco or one after
Easter. We agreed that there was not enough time to organise a school disco
but would look at whether we could expand the Easter cake sale or other
Dee to provide a photo of school football kit for Newsletter. Actioned
Nicola/Rosie to update FB and ask for ideas for KS2 playground and anything
should be fed back to Ruth Jenkins for her to take to the premises committee
Next Meeting
This has been agreed under the heading Summer Fair 2014.
Rosie to organise for a FoD newsletter to go out week of 10 March. To
Where funds have been spent –including coaches for educational trips,
the school football kit, Christmas entertainer for KS1, Christmas
presents for Nursery and Reception, Christmas crackers for whole
school, World maps for KS1 and lighting which can be used for future
Next meeting
Quiz night
General update
FOD Notice board – this requires some attention. The Comms team look at
how this could be improved.