Homework – Due in Tuesday 24th March Spelling – Words with the prefix auto – which means ‘self’ or ‘own’. Autobiography Autograph Autobiography Automatic Autocorrect Year 3/4 words Though Although Thorough Through Thought Threw/throw Numeracy: Here is a website for a math’s game which will allow you to practise your current times tables against the clock! http://flashmaths.co.uk/viewFlash.php?id=2 Other: Mr. Elliott has asked all teachers to set an open ended homework task based on Inspiration Week. Please complete a drawing, writing or research related to any of the activities you have undertaken. I hope you all received the Mother’s day cards last week and this week I have also enclosed the promise target cards. In addition, there is an Inspiration Booklet which your child has completed independently so that they can share their learning with you. Thank you, Mrs. Dee Harrison Thank you, Mrs. Dee Harrison