09.30.2014 Minutes - City of East Peoria

September 30, 2014
The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of East Peoria, Illinois was called to order by his Honor Mayor
David Mingus at 6:00 P.M.
Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor David Mingus, Commissioner Daniel Decker,
Commissioner Gary Densberger and Commissioner Timothy Jeffers.
Absent: Commissioner Joos arrived at approximately 6:15 p.m.
The invocation was given by Commissioner Jeffers.
Mayor Mingus led the Council and the audience in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move that the minutes of the
Regular Meeting and Executive/Closed Meetings held on September 16, 2014 be approved as printed.
Yeas: Commissioner Decker, Densberger, Jeffers and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items on the agenda to come
to the podium, state their name, address and the matter or matters to be discussed. There was no response.
Mayor Mingus asked for any other comments from the audience. There was no response.
Mayor Mingus asked if any Commissioner wished to remove any items from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
There was no response.
Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move to adopt a consent
agenda consisting of items numbered 1-2 as listed on the agenda for this meeting to be considered by omnibus vote.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Items
numbered 1-2 listed on the Consent Agenda be hereby approved and adopted, those items numbered 1-2 having
been read once by their title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection be adopted
as presented.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Item No. 1 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1415-047 - Resolution authorizing the execution of a Joint Funding
Agreement between the City of East Peoria and the Peoria/Pekin Urbanized Area Transportation Study (PPUATS)
and the appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the City’s local match for the PPUATS Planning Process for the
Fiscal Year 2015. (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Item No. 2 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1415-045 on its Second Reading- Resolution requesting permission for
temporary closure of State Maintained Roadways for a Public Event for the Festival of Lights Parade on November
22, 2014. (Adopted by omnibus vote)
Resolution No. 1415-048 by Commissioner Decker, seconded by Commissioner Densberger; BE IT RESOLVED
BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1415-048, hereto attached,
a Resolution authorizing installation of LED traffic signals and batteries on State routes, be approved, and that this
Resolution No. 1415-048 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than
one week for public inspection.
Commissioner Decker explained that many city streets are along State routes. The Illinois Department of
Transportation is paying approximately $330,000 for the installation, and the city’s portion will be between $8,000
and $9,000. Decker said the signals that have been converted to LEDs are brighter and do no burn out as quickly.
He added that the only complaint he has heard about the LEDs is that since they do not burn hot, the sideways
blowing snow in the winter can sometimes stick to the lights. He said that the East Peoria Police Department always
does a good job of keeping traffic flowing in those instances.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Commissioner Jeffers presented the agenda items for Commissioner Joos in his absence.
Resolution No. 1415-049 authorizing the lease of a motorcycle for the Police Department was pulled from the
agenda. Commissioner Jeffers said some verbiage needs to be worked out. It will be on the agenda for Oct. 7.
Resolution No. 1415-050 by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Decker; BE IT RESOLVED BY
THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1415-050, hereto attached, a
Resolution authorizing an Amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement with Community College District No.
514 which operates as Illinois Central College (ICC) for the purpose of cooperating and sharing responsibilities for
law enforcement on and near ICC’s East Peoria campus, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1415-050 be
accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public
Police Chief Dick Ganschow explained that the Police Department has been meeting with ICC officers for several
months as the college transforms from a security department to a police department. Since East Peoria’s and ICC’s
jurisdictions overlap, the intergovernmental agreement details how the two departments will respond to incidents on
the ICC campus.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None.
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried.
Commissioner Joos joined the meeting.
Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items not on the agenda to
come to the podium, state their name, address and the matter or matters to be discussed.
Frank and Alice Curless, 22911 Grosenbach Rd., Washington, addressed the council. Mrs. Curless read from a
prepared statement, saying she and her husband have talked to numerous city officials regarding an annexation
agreement for land adjacent to their property. She said two rows of trees with a berm are required by city ordinance.
Mrs. Curless said the developer is in non-compliance with the agreement and her family is not receiving help with the
issue from the city. She stated that her family planted 50 trees and have also replaced them to create a buffer. The
current developer caused two 30-foot trees to be cut down from the tree line and the second row of trees has yet to be
planted. She stated that there are also problems with the holding pond which will affect the residential well and also
will result in improper drainage. The Curless family asked that the city enforce the annexation agreement on lots 15
and 16 and requested a written response from the city. They agreed to Mayor Mingus’ request to send the city a copy
of their prepared remarks. Mayor Mingus said the city will investigate and get back to the Curless family.
John Kahl of 101 Field Court, East Peoria, discussed the second annual Teresa Tracy Trot running event set for Nov.
1 to raise both awareness of and research funding for pancreatic cancer. Last year there were more than 400 participants
and more than $18,000 was raised. The post-event party will be at Uncle Buck’s. Those interested can register at
teresatracytrot.com. Entry fee is $30 for adults age 19 and over and $20 for those age 18 and younger.
Mayor Mingus asked for any additional comments from the audience. There was no response.
Mayor Mingus then asked for comments from Council.
Commissioner Decker said that the Moms Who Care competitive run fundraiser was successful. More than 100
participants raised $1,000. He said Fall Clean-up Week is Oct. 6-10 and asked residents to be cautious about
leaving items in their yards not intended for clean-up week so items are not accidentally taken.
Commissioner Joos discussed the East Peoria Fire Department’s Firefighter Memorial Service, set for 2 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 5 in the Civic Plaza. This event is open to the public. He also praised John Kahl’s efforts on the Teresa
Tracy Trott.
Commissioner Jeffers discussed the radio water meter reading program. He said it is 99 percent implemented and
has been very successful. Privately-owned auxiliary meters are being changed over at this time. These meters are for
things like swimming pools. The $1 per month surcharge for reading the auxiliary meters is being dropped. He
discussed the senior water discount as well, for people age 62 and older.
Mayor Mingus thanked Director of Tourism and Special Events Doug McCarty for the wonderful job his crews have
done in getting grass to grow in the Civic Triangle. He also thanked Assistant Fire Chief Rick Ward for representing
the Fire Department at the meeting, and Deputy City Clerk Jill Peterson for filling in while the city clerk is out of
Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Decker; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn until
Tuesday evening, Oct. 7, 2014 at 6:00 P.M.
Yeas: Commissioners Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus.
Nays: None
Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:31P.M.
_/s/ Jill A. Peterson________
Deputy City Clerk Jill A. Peterson