Minutes of March 2010 Meeting

Held at 14:30 hours, March 17, 2010
Board Room – Cranbrook Main Campus
In Attendance:
Jim Bailey (Chair), Gina Bennett, Michael Boreen, David Dick, Bev Evanchu,
Andrea Hyde, Karen Langan, Adam MacDonald, Petra Mauerhoff, Jesse Nicholas,
Wendy Panchyshyn, Marilyn Petersen, Carly Proudfoot, Nick Rubidge, Kevin Szol
Jason Colombo, Karen Gauthier, Velma McKay, Doug McLachlan, Doris Silva,
Robin Tilman
1. Agenda
Amendments - None
Approval - The agenda was approved as presented.
2. Confirmation of the Minutes
Moved by DICK, seconded by BENNETT to accept the minutes of February 17, 2010 as presented.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
3.1 Policy 6.1.2 (Program Approval, Review & Implementation)
Deferred to next meeting in Doug’s absence.
BBA Update
Marilyn gave an update on where we are with the BBA degree. The 3 external reviewers were here
for the day yesterday and she felt there was excellent sharing of information and many of their
questions were answered credibly. She thanked everyone who participated in the meetings with a
special thanks to Karen Langan for organizing everything.
She felt that the review went well and that the team’s concerns were addressed. We will receive
the report in approximately 2 weeks. One of their concerns was the themed degree and how
sustainability would remain relevant. The team also had a difficult time understanding how this
could be delivered to a cohort of 1. As good practice, it was suggested to us to have a cyclical 5
year external review of the degree. The team was impressed by our faculty, technology, etc. and
got a sense of how comprehensive we are. At the end of the day, they met with some of our
business students.
Nick felt that the reviewers were impressed with us and we presented as well as we could. They
will have questions and suggestions for us, especially on how we will build sustainability into the
entire college. He felt that there might not be enough time for this to get to the April meeting of
DQAB; we will have to wait and see.
4. New Business
4.1 New EdCo Member
Jim re-introduced Petra Mauerhoff as a voting member of council. Leah Bradish has resigned from
the council and Petra has been appointed in her place.
4.2 CASC Recommendations
Moved by PETERSEN, seconded by EVANCHU that EdCo accept the recommendations of CASC
to approve the program outlines for BUAD, LGMA and NST and provisionally approve the renamed
and re-categorized BUAD course outlines contingent upon receiving DQAB approval for the BBA
and also accept the recommendations of CASC to approve the course outlines for ABFM 224;
ACCT 261, 262, 263, 265, 369, 371, 371, 373, 374, 375, 376; MGMT 202, 204, 216, 300, 302, 304,
312, 316, 318, 411, 470, 480, 490; MKTG 283, 289, 291, 381, 385; PADM 323, 341, 343, 440, 442;
ECED 105, 113, 120, 129, 131, 150, 201, 206, 208, 218, 250; CYFS 116; EA 110; ECED 149; ELT
068; HSWR 101; STAT 106, 206; MATH 201, PLUMBA 2. CARRIED.
Marilyn noted that most of the course outlines were a restructuring of current BUAD courses for the
BBA. Also, some of the upper level course names have been changed.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair’s Report – Jim reported that there will be attending a COEDCO meeting in late April and
invited members to let him know if they had any agenda items for that meeting. The new
universities will be sending representation to this meeting.
5.2 SIO Report – No report.
5.3 Committee Reports
Awards Committee
No report
Curriculum & Articulation Standing Committee (CASC)
Marilyn reported that CASC is working on procedures for new and revised course outlines
and also working on transfer credit with COTR as a receiving institution.
Classroom & Information Technology Committee
Kevin presented his report on the Classroom & Information Technology Committee
meeting held of February 25th, 2010. He stated that the committee reviewed the New
Technology Plan (draft) and will provide feedback to Jonathan Butt by the middle of
March. It was agreed that a faculty survey would not be done again until the fall. It was
also noted technology training must increase for faculty to use new classroom technology.
Three e-book readers have been purchased by the Educational Technology Department
and will be evaluated over the Winter 2010 semester. Two very significant reports about
trends in the use of technology in classrooms were discussed at the meeting, Trends in
Higher Education and the Labour Market and The Horizon Report.
Program Planning Committee
No report.
6. Correspondence - None
7. Information - None
8. Next Meeting: - 2:30 p.m., April 21, 2010 in the Boardroom
9. Adjournment
Jim Bailey, Chair
Education Council