What do Lady and the Tramp and Bromine and Cyclohexane Have in Common? When you are in love, you would rather spend time with that someone who likes spaghetti as much as you do. Introduction Background: What are the trends we’ve explored on the periodic table? How have these trends related to what we saw concerning reactivity and conductivity in the ‘Oh, oobee-doo’ lab? Keep in mind that this will involve discussing ionization and electronegativity in detail, explaining as well how these forces change going across the period and down the group. What must happen when two compounds react in a double replacement reaction? Why did a precipitate form; can trends be used to explain why a precipitate formed in some cases but not others? How do we explain why differences in reactivity were observed when halogens reacted with halide salts (single replacement reactions)? What issues are you we exploring in the Spaghetti lab? Again, each aspect of this exercise was designed to explore surface tension (including the processes of adhesion and cohesion) solubility, conductivity, melting point and volatility. Make sure each of these issues are thoroughly explored. What do we know about why these interactions occur the way they do? Again, keep in mind that we are now looking at VSEPR and how the positioning of electron pairs and atoms impact molecular behavior. Research Rationale: What are the rationales behind each of the lab activities you completed? What were we expected to see and why expect to see anything at all? 1. Why compare how many drops of water you can position on a penny? Why repeat the exercise with isopropyl alcohol, oil and hexane? What was the point of conducting a second experiment after having rubbed detergent on the surface of the penny? 2. What about the procedures involving a glass slide and wax paper? 3. A third section involved the dissolution of a number of halide salts, sugar and organic acids in water, methanol and cyclohexane. What do think is the rationale behind the decision to use these particular compounds in this exercise? Results and Observations: You designed a number of tables that were used during the course of your classroom presentations. Please include them at this point in the lab write-up. For example: Penny Demonstration Substance Without detergent With Detergents Water Isopropyl Alcohol Cooking oil Cyclohexane Substance Benzoic Acid Magnesium Chloride Stearic Acid Sugar Copper (II) Chloride Chemical Formula Volatility +, - Melting Point Dissolves in water Dissolves in Methanol Dissolves in hexane Conductivity Zinc Chloride Sodium Chloride Discussion: During the course of the presentations, the goals were to identify patterns in the data and explain any observed differences using what we know about VSEPR. 1. How can the molecular geometry of water, alcohol, oil and hexane help us understand the differences in surface tension you observed. 2. Use what you know about VSEPR to explain the nature of the patterns. How does VSPER account for differences in melting point and volatility. How does one explain why NaCl or ZnCl2 dissolves in water but not hexane. What about the other ionic compounds (salts) and molecular acids and their solvation patterns in water, alcohol and hexane? What about conductivity? Can VSEPR be used to explain the differences you may have seen in the degree to which the substances you observed conducted electricity? Final Headache: Boiling point was a physical property that was not explored in this investigation. Liquids may change to a vapor at temperatures below their boiling points through the process of evaporation. Evaporation is a surface phenomenon in which molecules located near the liquid's edge, not contained by enough liquid pressure on that side, escape into the surroundings as vapor. On the other hand, boiling is a process in which molecules anywhere in the liquid escape, resulting in the formation of vapor bubbles within the liquid. Generally speaking, the stronger the intermolecular forces, the more energy it takes to overcome these interactions and to cause the substance to boil. Therefore, molecules with strong bonds have high boiling points, and molecules with weak bonds have lower boiling points. Consider the following graph: Take a look at the first series of compounds on the above table (CH4, NH3, HF, H2O) and consider what you know about periodic trends (electronegativity), VSEPR and the different kinds of Van Del Waal forces. How would you explain the differences in boiling points between these four molecular compounds?