BIOL_1383_103_31062_201130 - Blackboard Learn

Course Syllabus; Summer 2011
Tulsa Community College; Metro Campus
Prepared: May 20, 2011 9 pages
Nutrition (BIO-1383) Section No: 103
Call No: 31062
Lecture: Tuesday, 5:30 pm to 8:20 pm and Thursday, 5:30 pm to
8:20 pm
Room: MC GX2
An evaluation of the basic composition of nutrients and accessory factors
that are required for adequate human nutrition with application of
nutritional principles to the planning of normal and special dietary regimes.
Lecture 3 hours. No Laboratory.
Instructor: Martin Banschbach, Ph.D.
Professor of Biochemistry
OSU Medical School
Tulsa, Oklahoma
OSU – 561-8244
Cell – 639-2231
Home – 288-6821
In the event that you are unable to contact the Instructor by phone, you
can send the instructor an email.
Division Office:
Contact: 595-7334
Dr. Connie Hebert, Associate Dean
Room: MC 620
You can also call or stop by the Division Office to leave a message for your
Course Prerequisite: None
Required Text: Nutrition An Applied Approach. Janice
Thompson and Melinda Manore. Pearson, Second Edition for Tulsa
Community College, 2005. This textbook can be obtained from the Metro
Campus Bookstore. The Metro Campus Bookstore is located at 908 South
Cincinnati Ave (595-7027).
Course Objectives: After completing this course the student will
understand which nutrients humans’ need, where these nutrients come
from, how the body processes them, and why humans need them. By
taking this course, the student will also gain an understanding of how diet
is related to various diseases that occur in humans and how dietary
requirements change in response to various human conditions such as
illness, pregnancy, infancy, childhood and old age.
Teaching Method: This course is a lecture course. You will have
1 to 2 hours of lecture on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. The
remaining class time will be used for breaks, quizzes and class
discussions. Lectures will cover the material that is in your textbook
using the power point slides provided by the publisher in addition to
slides developed by Dr. Banschbach for medical and graduate
student nutrition education. These slides are in the Content
Section of Blackboard.
Attendance: Successful completion of this course (avoiding a
grade of F) will be difficult if you miss class on a regular basis.
However, the instructor understands that situations arise that will
prevent students from attending class. If you miss a class, you are
responsible for getting the missed material from other students or
Blackboard, you will not be provided with the material that you missed
by the instructor.
When you miss a class where chapter quizzes, or instructor
quizzes were returned, you will not get these quiz results. If you
are not in class when the results from the previous week’s quizzes
are returned, these results will be destroyed (your instructor will not
continue to bring your results to subsequent classes). However,
Blackboard will always have your correct point total for each quiz that
you take.
A class role will be used to keep track of who is attending class on a
regular basis. Students who never attend class will be dropped from
this course. Class role is taken at the beginning of every class by the
instructor and then each student signs the class role at the end of
each class. You will get 1 bonus point for every class that you attend
in its entirety during the semester (there are no bonus points for
showing up to take your final exam).
Evaluation Technique:
Chapter Quizzes: The hot link for the publisher’s website is in
Blackboard under Announcements. Mozilla Firefox is the preferred
browser for Blackboard. Students using Internet Explorer have had
trouble opening up links in Blackboard. Each Chapter has Chapter
Quizzes in the left hand panel. Default is Chapter 1. You go to other
Chapters by clicking on the down arrow next to the box that says you
are in Chapter 1 and then clicking on the new chapter.
There are four types of quizzes; multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-theblank and matching. You need to practice each type of quiz. The
Announcement Section of Blackboard has the class schedule
with the dates for each in-class Chapter Quiz along with the Chapter
being used for the quiz. Multiple choice and True/False questions will
be pulled from the site and placed on your exam (your instructor will
pull 8 multiple choice questions and 6 true/false questions for each
chapter). Your exam will then have ten places to write in the correct
fill-in-the-blank term and the correct matching letter for the matching
type question. For these two types of quizzes, your instructor will go
to the publisher’s website and then show you these question types in
class using the same projection system that is used to show you the
power point slides that are in Blackboard.
You will get 2 points for each type of quiz if all of your answers are
correct. If you have at least 50% of them correct, you will get 1 point
for each type of quiz. If you have one type of quiz where your score
is less than 50%, you will get 0 points for that quiz type. If you don’t
come to class when a chapter quiz is scheduled, you get 0
points recorded for that chapter quiz and you can’t make it up
(take the same quiz at a later date).
You will be taking 16 different chapter quizzes and each quiz is worth
8 points. After you have taken your final Chapter Quiz during
finals (July 28th), your instructor will replace your lowest quiz
grade with your highest quiz grade. If you had missed a chapter
quiz, then the 0 would be replaced with an 8 or whatever was your
highest score for a Chapter Quiz. However, for this to happen, you
have to take your final Chapter Quiz on July 28, 2011.
Instructor Quizzes: The power point slides in Blackboard from
each Chapter have slides marked with the term “QUIZ”. These slides
are testable for the instructor quizzes. Each instructor quiz will have
10 multiple choice questions worth 1 point each and each quiz will
cover the slides that are in 3 different chapters (except for the
instructor quiz given during finals which will cover 4 Chapters). The
class schedule in Blackboard indicates when each instructor quiz will
be given. You will be shown a power point slide with a question and
several different possible answers. You must write down the correct
answer letter on a blank piece of paper that you will then put your
name on and turn in after each instructor quiz is given. If you miss
an instructor quiz, you can’t make it up. If you take your final
Instructor quiz on July 28, 2011 your 0 for a missed instructor quiz will
be replaced with your highest grade for all of the instructor quizzes
that you took.
Total Points for This Course:
Chapter Quizzes – 128 points
Instructor Quizzes – 50 points
Total Points – 178
Grading Scale: Your course letter grade is based on 178 points.
A – 160 or more points
B – at least 142 points
C – at least 124 points
D – at least 106 points
F – less than 106 points
The Blackboard Grade center will have how many points you get for
each activity and this includes bonus points for coming to class and
bonus points for doing a diet analysis. These bonus points are part of
your Blackboard point total. Your final grade for this course is
simply determined by how many points you can accumulate.
The first grade column in your Blackboard Grade Book shows you
your running point total for this course. Once you reach 124 points,
you have a C even if you decide not to take your final exam.
Some students are happy with a C but most continue to try to get
more points for a B or an A. Some students stop after getting a B
(142 points). Your final exam (final quizzes) is worth 34 points (about
20% of your grade). If you do the extra credit work and have a very
good class attendance record, you may be able to earn a B before
the final exam.
Make-Up Policy: The bonus points that are assigned for
attendance can’t be made up. In-Class Chapter Quizzes can’t be
made up. Instructor quizzes can’t be made up.
Missing Chapter and Instructor Quizzes: You get bonus
points for class attendance. These can offset a missed quiz (each
chapter quiz is worth 8 points and you can get 15 points for a perfect
class attendance). Missing a chapter quiz and an instructor quiz will
cost you 18 points.
Every student automatically replaces their lowest chapter quiz
score with their highest chapter quiz score if they show up to
take their final exam, you also replace your lowest instructor
quiz score with your highest quiz score if you show up to take
your final quizzes on July 28, 2011. If you have 2 zeros recorded
for two missed chapter quizzes, you can do extra work to replace the
second zero. This extra work is a diet analysis and the Information
Section of Blackboard explains how this can be done. This extra
credit (bonus) work will be worth 5 points. If you then do
another diet analysis that has been corrected, you can earn as
many as 10 extra credit points. This extra credit work is therefore
worth as many bonus points as a perfect class attendance record (15
Instructor Failure to Withdraw Policy: Failure to withdraw
from this course will result in a regular grade of “F” being turned in by
your Instructor at the end of the semester. If you stop coming to
class and don’t take enough in-class quizzes or turn in the Mid-Term
and Final Exam Essays to get at least 60%, I will submit a grade of F
if you have not withdrawn from the course. I do not submit AW
College Course Withdrawal Policy: The deadline to withdraw
from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Contact
the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from
a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the
TCC Academic Calendar for deadlines.
Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw
may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid
consequences for the student.
a. Email communications: All TCC students receive a
designated “MyTCC” email address (ex: All communications to you
about TCC and course assignments will be sent to your
MyTCC email address; and you must use MyTCC email to
send email to, and receive email from, the instructor
regarding this course.
b. Inclement Weather: TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather
conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives
cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This
information is also posted on the TCC website
General Education Goals: General Education courses at TCC
ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that
comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a
backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education
goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged
Learning, and Technological Proficiency.
Classroom Etiquette: Open and mutually respectful
communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during
classroom or online discussion encourages the free exchange of
ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn
from each other. Use of any electronic device is at the discretion of
the instructor. Your instructor has a cell phone and he will accept
phone calls during class. You can bring your cell phone to class and
then walk outside the classroom if you want to answer a call during
class. You are not to sit in class and use your cell phone. Your
instructor does not have a problem with students getting up and
leaving the classroom while he’s lecturing to answer their cell phone,
use the restroom or leave class early. You will have frequent 5
minute breaks (at least every 20 to 30 minutes) and you are
encouraged to use these short breaks for this kind of activity.
However, once a quiz starts, you will not get a break until after the
quiz is over and you are to turn off your cell phone during quizzes so
that you don’t disturb your fellow students. To get a bonus point for
attending class, you have to be present when class starts and also be
present when class ends.
Syllabus Changes: Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may
be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the
syllabus in writing. This notification will be via email as well as a
written statement regarding the change that will be posted in the
Announcement Section of Blackboard.
Students with Disabilities: TCC provides accommodations for
qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities
Act. For information, students may contact the disabled Student
Resource Center, 918-595-7115, or the Resource Center for the Deaf
and Hard of Hearing, 918-595-7428V, 918-595-7434TTY.
Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty (cheating) is
defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the
work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not
condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community
College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating
certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such
disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not
limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from
classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member may:
 require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the
student to complete a substitute assignment or test;
 Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question;
 Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the
class, or administratively withdraw the student from the class;
Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the
Faculty may request that disciplinary action be taken against a
student at the administrative level by submitting such request to
the Dean of Student Services.
In-Class Chapter Quizzes: Since these are the same
questions that you can practice at home, you can’t have any
material on your desk except for the exam that your instructor will
give you. Remember that this exam will have 8 multiple choice
and 6 true/false questions copied directly from the publisher’s
website. You then write down on your exam the fill-in-the-blank
answers and the matching answers. A small piece of paper (or a
tablet with the answers written on it) will not be tolerated. If you
are caught with a “cheat sheet”, you will get 0 points for that quiz
and your instructor will inform the Math and Science Associate
Dean (Dr. Hebert) of the infraction. You are not going to be able
to replace that grade of zero for that quiz. If you are caught
cheating a second time, you will receive a grade of F for this
course regardless of what your point total is. Your Chapter Quiz
can be given at anytime during the scheduled class time. You will
get regular class breaks while your instructor is lecturing but you
will never know if the quiz is coming after a particular break, right
in the middle of a lecture segment, at the end of a lecture
segment, at the end of class or even at the beginning of class.
Institutional Statement: Each student is responsible for being
aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC
Student Policies & Resources Handbook, and semester information
listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the
TCC website:
Nutrition Class Schedule – 23103-BIOL-1383-108
Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 pm Metro GX2
June 7, 2011
Class Introduction and Chapter 1
June 9, 2011
Chapter 2 and Chapter 3
June 14, 2011
Chapter 4 and Chapter 1 Quiz
June 16, 2011
Chapter 5 plus Instructor Quiz over Chapters 1,
2 and 3. Chapter 2 Quiz
June 21, 2011
Chapter 6 and Chapter 3 Quiz
June 23, 2011
Chapter 7 and Chapter 4 Quiz
June 28, 2011
Chapter 8 plus Instructor Quiz over Chapters 4,
5 and 6. Chapter 5 Quiz
June 30, 2011
Chapter 9 and Chapter 6 Quiz
July 5, 2011
Chapter 10 and Chapter 7 Quiz
July 7, 2011
Chapter 11 plus Instructor Quiz over Chapters 7,
8 and 9 and Chapter 8 Quiz
July 12, 2011
Chapter 12 and Chapter 9 Quiz
July 14, 2011
No Class, Instructor out of Town
July 19, 2011
Chapter 13 and 14 plus Instructor Quiz over
Chapters 10, 11 and 12. Chapter 11 and 12 Quiz
July 21, 2011
Chapter 15 and Chapter 12 Quiz
July 26, 2011
Chapter 16 and Chapter 13 Quiz
July 28, 2011
Instructor Quiz over Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16.
Chapter Quiz over Chapters 14, 15 and 16.
Study collections