Preserving Our Marine Ecosystems Follow-Up

Preserving Our Marine Ecosystems Follow-Up Questions Answer Key
1. Describe the negative impact reduced water quality can have on marine
Answer: Reduced water quality can harm or kill plant and animal life
within marine ecosystems. It may also impair many of the benefits
humans derive from these environments such as swimming, boating,
and fishing.
2. What factors are considered when assessing the water quality of a marine
Answer: Answers will vary but should include factors such as nutrient
concentration, turbidity, the presence of industrial contaminants, and
the presence of pathogens.
3. Why is it so costly to clean up an oil spill?
Answer: Costs associated with cleaning up an oil spill include the cost
of equipment and supplies needed to clean up the spill, the cost of labor,
and the cost of disposing of contaminated materials.
4. What factors should be considered when determining the best method to
clean up an environmental oil spill within a marine environment?
Answer: Answers will vary but should include factors such as the cost,
timeliness, and effectiveness of the method that is being considered.
5. Provide an argument for giving primary consideration to each of the
following factors when determining the best method for cleaning up an oil
spill within a marine environment: timeliness, cost, and overall
Answer: Answers will vary.