Individualized Health Plan (IHP) for Students with Diabetes using Insulin DIABETES PLAN Name: DOB: Parent/Guardian: Home #: Work/cell #: Teacher Name/Homeroom: Check if applies Activity HCP: Phone: Parent/Guardian: Home #: Work/cell #: Routine Blood Sugar Checks Approximate Target range or Comments time Before breakfast Before AM snack Before lunch Before PM snack Before recess Before phy ed Before dismissal Additional time… It is recommended that student change lancet after every poke. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar): This can be a medical emergency. All staff working with a student with diabetes should be alert to the following symptoms: List those seen most often: If exhibiting symptoms of low blood sugar, OR if blood sugar level is less than mg/dL, give a quick-acting glucose equal to grams of carbohydrate. List preferred treatment snack: Recheck blood sugar in 15 minutes and repeat treatment if blood sugar is less than mg/dL. Additional treatment or comments: See page 3 for treatment recommendations for severe hypoglycemia. Type of Insulin(s) required (list): Insulin delivery (check): Syringe/Vial Insulin required (check): Breakfast Insulin Pen AM Snack Insulin Pump (name) Lunch PM Snack Other 1 Individualized Health Plan (IHP) for Students with Diabetes using Insulin Breakfast: Carbohydrate coverage only Carbohydrate coverage + correction dose when blood sugar is greater than mg/dL and hours since last insulin dose (see correction scale below). Additional comments/instructions: Snack: None at snack time Carbohydrate coverage only Additional comments/instructions: Lunch: Carbohydrate coverage only Carbohydrate coverage + correction dose when blood sugar is greater than mg/dL and hours since last insulin dose (see correction scale below). Additional comments/instructions: Other insulin required at school; type time dose Student skills for using insulin (check all that apply): Counts carbohydrates Calculates correct insulin dose Draws up correct insulin dose Independently gives own injection Uses pump independently. Pump determines correct amount of insulin once blood sugar and carbohydrate content are entered. Insulin dosages should be checked by two individuals prior to being administered. FLEXIBLE Insulin Dose: Not applicable Total dosage of insulin = insulin for meal + correction insulin dose Insulin/Carbohydrate ratios: Breakfast units per AM Snack units per Lunch units per PM Snack units per Dinner units per Gram Carbohydrate Gram Carbohydrate Gram Carbohydrate Gram Carbohydrate Gram Carbohydrate 2 Individualized Health Plan (IHP) for Students with Diabetes using Insulin Insulin Correction Scale Not applicable (Correction dose is added to the meal dose of insulin) Blood Glucose is to = units Blood Glucose is to = units Blood Glucose is to = units Blood Glucose is to = units Blood Glucose is to = units Blood Glucose is to = units Blood Glucose is to = units Carbohydrate counts for all MMSD menus are on the Food and Nutrition web page under Nutrition and Special Dietary Needs. Student with insulin pump: For blood sugar greater than mg/dL that has not decreased within hours after correction, consider pump failure or infusion site failure. Notify parent/guardian. For infusion site failure, choose one: student is independent with changing site, or parent/guardian will need to come to school. For suspected pump failure, contact parent/guardian. Typically, it is not recommended to disconnect or suspend the pump at school. Temporary basal rates may be recommended during physical education. Additional comments/recommendations: Treatment for severe hypoglycemia: If student is unable to eat or drink, is unconscious or unresponsive, or is having a seizure (jerking movements): Give Glucagon 0.5 mg or 1 mg (check one) Place student on the side Have someone call 911 Have someone call family Check blood sugar. 3 Individualized Health Plan (IHP) for Students with Diabetes using Insulin Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) Symptoms may include: increased thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination. This may be treated at lunch time if taking injections or at other times if wearing an insulin pump. Not usually a medical emergency unless blood sugar is quite high >250 mg/dl and student is vomiting, has severe abdominal pain or is short of breath. Treatment for hyperglycemia Blood sugar (BS) ranges Ketones if ordered Treatment recommendations Trace/Small Ketones: Usually can be managed at school. May need to use bathroom more often; encourage fluids; recheck BS in 2 hours. Moderate/Large Ketones: In addition to above recommendations, call parent/guardians. Arrange for family to manage care at home with communication to health care provider. Emergency treatment of high blood sugar Emergency signs/symptoms=shortness of breath &/or nausea & vomiting Call parent/guardian If unable to reach responsible adult, call 911 CONTINUOUS GLUCOSE MONITORS (CGM) Not applicable Treatment decisions and diabetes care plan adjustments should always be made based upon a meter blood glucose reading. Name of CGM: CGM alert for low blood glucose is set at CGM alert for high blood glucose is set at mg/dL mg/dL 4 Individualized Health Plan (IHP) for Students with Diabetes using Insulin Check blood glucose by finger stick in these situations (all apply): Any high or low glucose alert Before insulin or medication is used to lower glucose Any symptoms of low or high blood glucose Any time the CGM system is not working CGM readings are questionable Field Trips Be sure to include: Glucose meter, hand sanitizer, glucose tabs or other short-acting sugars, insulin if needed, syringes if needed, glucagon, copy of IHP. Delegated staff (who are trained to help with medications) include: Name 504 Plan: ____ Yes / ____ No Job Description Nurse’s Assistant If yes, annual plan date: ____________________. Signature-Parent/Guardian_______________________________ Date ___________ Signature-School Nurse_________________________________ Date ___________ 5