
Case Studies of Laboratory Energy Efficiency at Tier-One Research Universities
International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories
G/BA #P13-0097
October 7, 2013
Grumman/Butkus Associates
Energy Efficiency Consultants and
Sustainable Design Engineers
820 Davis Street, Suite 300
Evanston, Illinois 60201.4446
©2016 Grumman/Butkus Associates, Ltd.
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 2
List of Universities ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
University of Hawaii Manoa ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Campus Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................... 5
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts ...................................................................................... 5
Process ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Results ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Projects ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Cornell University ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Campus Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................... 8
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts ...................................................................................... 9
Process ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Projects .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Massachusetts Institute of Technology .................................................................................................................. 12
Campus Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................. 13
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts .................................................................................... 13
Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Projects .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Stanford University .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Campus Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................. 17
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts .................................................................................... 18
Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Projects .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
University of Minnesota .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Campus Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................. 21
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts .................................................................................... 22
Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
Projects .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
University of Illinois at Chicago ............................................................................................................................. 24
Campus Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................. 25
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts .................................................................................... 25
Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 25
Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 26
Projects: ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
University of California Irvine ................................................................................................................................ 27
Campus Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 27
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................. 28
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts .................................................................................... 28
Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 29
Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 29
Projects .............................................................................................................................................................. 29
University of California Davis ................................................................................................................................ 31
Campus Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................. 32
*Data from 2010-2011 .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts .................................................................................... 33
Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 33
Projects .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
University of California Merced ............................................................................................................................. 35
Campus Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................. 36
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts .................................................................................... 36
Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 37
Projects: ............................................................................................................................................................. 37
University of Colorado Boulder ............................................................................................................................. 38
Campus Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Campus Energy Summary ................................................................................................................................. 39
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts .................................................................................... 39
Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 39
Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
Projects: ............................................................................................................................................................. 40
Common Energy and Water Efficency Measures ................................................................................................ 42
Heating Plant ........................................................................................................................................................ 42
Burner Upgrades ............................................................................................................................................. 42
RO Water for Boiler Make-up ........................................................................................................................ 42
Stack Economizer ............................................................................................................................................ 42
VFDs on Boiler Feed Water or Transfer Pumps .......................................................................................... 42
Reduce Boiler Pressure ................................................................................................................................... 42
Steam Trap Repair/Replacement ................................................................................................................... 43
Small/Summer Boiler ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Blow Down Heat Recovery ............................................................................................................................ 43
Cooling Plant ........................................................................................................................................................ 43
Chilled Water Reset ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Condenser Water Reset .................................................................................................................................. 44
Convert from Constant Volume Primary/Secondary to Primary only Variable Volume or Secondary
Variable Volume .............................................................................................................................................. 44
Variable Frequency Drives on Cooling Towers .......................................................................................... 44
Variable Frequency Drives on Chillers ........................................................................................................ 44
High Efficiency Chillers.................................................................................................................................. 44
Ice or Chilled Water Storage .......................................................................................................................... 45
Higher Efficiency Coolant .............................................................................................................................. 45
Replace Air-Cooled Equipment with Evaporative Cooled ....................................................................... 45
Non-chemical Water Treatment .................................................................................................................... 45
Increase Tower Cycles of Concentration ...................................................................................................... 45
Water Side Economizer .................................................................................................................................. 45
HVAC Systems ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Convert Constant Volume Systems to Variable Air Volume .................................................................... 45
Static Pressure Reset for VAV AHUs ........................................................................................................... 46
Supply Air Temperature Reset ...................................................................................................................... 46
Direct Digital Control Systems ...................................................................................................................... 46
Reduce Laboratory Air Change Rates .......................................................................................................... 46
Demand Response Laboratory Airflow ....................................................................................................... 47
Air-to-Air Energy Recovery ........................................................................................................................... 47
CO2 based Demand Control Ventilation ...................................................................................................... 48
Low Pressure Drop Duct and Pipe Design .................................................................................................. 48
Plumbing Systems ............................................................................................................................................... 48
Low-Flow Fixtures and Flush Devices ......................................................................................................... 48
Condensate Recovery: .................................................................................................................................... 48
Rainwater Harvesting ..................................................................................................................................... 48
Buildings/Structures ............................................................................................................................................ 48
Window Replacement .................................................................................................................................... 48
Insulate Walls and Roofs ................................................................................................................................ 49
Renewables ........................................................................................................................................................... 49
Solar Thermal ................................................................................................................................................... 49
Solar Photovoltaic ........................................................................................................................................... 49
Lighting ................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Daylighting ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
Occupancy Sensors for Lighting Control ..................................................................................................... 50
LED Exit Sign Lighting ................................................................................................................................... 50
Replace Incandescent Lamps with CFLs or LEDs ...................................................................................... 50
Delamp Interior Light Fixtures ...................................................................................................................... 50
Equipment............................................................................................................................................................. 50
ENERGY STAR Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 51
Use High Performance Fume Hoods ............................................................................................................ 51
Reduce Hood Minimum Airflow .................................................................................................................. 51
Commissioning .................................................................................................................................................... 51
Innovative and Less Common Measures .............................................................................................................. 53
Ground-Source Systems ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Combined Heat and Power Systems ................................................................................................................. 53
Common Themes and Applications....................................................................................................................... 54
Lessons Learned, Conclusions and Recommendations ....................................................................................... 55
Sources and Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................ 56
The International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL®) has retained Grumman/Butkus Associates
under a grant from the University of Hawaii to begin development of a database describing the energy
efficiency programs at ten of the leading colleges and universities in the U.S. The goal of the project is to
help further energy efficiency and sustainability efforts at all research universities by creating a central
database describing successful strategies and lessons learned from these universities. Initially, ten
universities with significant energy efficiency programs were selected. Selections were made based on
previous involvement with I2SL® and the Labs21 program.
This report provides information on each university’s efforts. In addition, the information from all these
ten universities is aggregated to draw conclusions about the state of energy efficiency programs at
research universities. This report presents the most common strategies utilized as well as any unique or
innovative measures that have been implemented successfully, lessons learned, goals set and the progress
being made in meeting these goals, and savings obtained to date.
Case Studies
G/BA #P13-0097
Draft Report
October 7, 2013
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The International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL®) has retained Grumman/Butkus Associates
under a grant from the University of Hawaii to begin development of a database describing the energy
efficiency programs at ten of the leading colleges and universities in the U.S. One of the goals of the
project is to foster the cross fertilization of ideas and alliances between universities. Another goal is to
encourage energy efficiency and sustainability at other universities by showcasing the accomplishments
of the universities profiled in this report. A common definition for sustainability is "meet present needs
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs" (World Commission on
Environment and Development, 1987). Sustainability encompasses many ideas, including energy and
water conservation, resource conservation, and indoor and outdoor environmental quality.
Sustainability is an important global issue, and is also an important issue on university campuses. Many
students are interested in the environment and want to attend universities that understand that and
reflect this value in the decisions made in regards to sustainability and global climate change.
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Case Studies
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University of Hawaii
Cornell University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stanford University
University of Minnesota
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of California Irvine
University of California Davis
University of California Merced
University of Colorado at Boulder
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Campus Overview
The University of Hawaii is located in Honolulu, Hawaii. The public research university was founded in
1907. It has nine schools and nine colleges and offers over 293 courses of undergraduate, graduate, and
professional study. The school is a land, sea, and space research grant institution. It is located on 302
acres near downtown Honolulu.
The campus calendar includes fall, winter, spring, and summer sessions. The fall and spring sessions are
about 16 weeks. There are two summer sessions.
Table 1: Campus Statistics
Number of Buildings
Campus Square Footage
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
The University of Hawaii is located on Hawaii’s big island of Oahu. The climate in this area is generally
mild with a dry summer and winter rainfall. In the winter temperatures are warm and rarely below the
upper 50s. Summer temperatures are usually warm to hot.
Table 2: Campus Climate Statistics
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21.31⁰ N/
157.86⁰ W
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Figure 1: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
Table 3: Campus Energy Statistics
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
Adopted in 2003, the UH Manoa Charter of Sustainability introduced nine strategic goals. Among these
goals is to use energy wisely and minimize water usage. In 2005 a retreat was used to strategize on how
to make the campus more sustainable. The Green Building Design and Clean Energy Policy came into
effect in 2006. This policy requires new buildings to be built to at least LEED Silver. Labs are required to
follow the Labs21 environmental performance criteria. The policy also prioritizes energy conservation
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In 2008 the University began implementing “Green Days”. On “Green Days” air conditioning and
lighting use is reduced to save energy. The Manoa Sustainability Council was formed in 2009. This
group of students, faculty, and staff helps guide the University on sustainability issues.
% reduction in energy usage, cost
% reduction in water usage, cost
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Campus Overview
Cornell University is an Ivy League school located in Ithaca, New York. The private research university
was founded in 1865 by Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White and first opened to students in 1868. It
has seven undergraduate colleges and four graduate and professional schools. The nearly 100 academic
departments offer 70 undergraduate majors and 93 areas of graduate studies. Cornell granted the world’s
first degrees in journalism, veterinary medicine and the first doctorates in electrical and industrial
The campus calendar includes fall, winter, spring, and summer sessions. The fall and spring sessions are
about 16 weeks. The winter session is a shorter 3 week semester and the summer has 3-week, 6-week,
and 8-week sessions.
Table 4: Campus Statistics
Number of Buildings
Campus Square Footage
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
Cornell is located in northern New York. The climate in this area offers four distinct seasons. The
winters are cold and dry with an average daytime temperature of about 30°F. The winters are marked by
significant cloud cover and an average of 123.8 inches of snow. Summer temperatures are usually
moderate and humidity levels are generally comfortable for all but a few days a year.
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Table 5: Campus Climate Statistics
2.44⁰ N/
76.50⁰ W
Figure 2: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
Table 6: Campus Energy Statistics
50.2 MMCF
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48.3 million ton-hrs chilled water FY12
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
Cornell University is working toward making their campus more sustainable through many different
aspects. In particular it has been focusing on ten different areas. These are climate, energy, food,
buildings, land, people, purchasing, transportation, waste and water. The school currently has eight
LEED Gold certified buildings and one LEED platinum certified building. All new buildings must at least
get LEED silver certification and must have 30% energy savings compared to ASHRAE’S 90.1 baseline. In
order to save energy the university has upgraded its central heating plant into a Combined Heat and
Power (CHP) plant. This new plant produces heat and electricity together and cuts greenhouse gas
emissions by 20%.
Cornell has a long history of promoting energy efficiency. Beginning in 1904 with the small-scale "run of
river" hydro-plant, which has been upgraded and still in operation providing over 2% of the Campus's
annual electric consumption. Lake Source Cooling started in 2000. Cornell committed to the Kyoto
Protocol in 2001. Energy conservation has been a formal part of budgeting and campus operation since
the 1970's. Combined heat and power has been a significant part of the Central Energy Plant since 1986.
For the purposes of this survey, we selected 2008 as the start date. 2008 coincides with our Climate Action
Plan commitment of achieving a carbon neutral campus by 2050. This Plan fully recognized energy
conservation as a critical action within the overall larger goal of carbon neutrality.
The process for energy efficiency efforts is structured around (1) Preventive Maintenance, (2) Building
system upgrades and (3) Outreach. Dramatic and lasting conservation results are achieved by
continuously optimizing our building automation and control systems, heat recovery systems, and
lighting systems. Conservation focused preventive maintenance on these systems reduces usage and
maintains performance. Conservation studies and capital improvement projects add the latest features
that can be cost effectively retrofitted to existing systems. New construction and renovation on campus
are guided by mandated features, energy usage intensity goals, and life cycle cost benefit analysis. A
study/economic analysis is almost always performed. Sometimes the analysis is performed in house for
smaller projects. The depth of the study is dependent on the scale of the project and the funding available
for the study. NYSERDA provides funding support through its Existing Buildings Program for energy
conservation. That funding covers pre-approved measures (which do not require a study) and
performance based (which does require a study). Comprehensive energy studies are also performed.
Typically, the study is performed by a New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
approved consultant. The study develops a list of Facility Improvement Measures (FIMS) and provides
the savings, costs and payback for each measure. Cornell Energy Management staff, in concert with a
building representative, discuss the recommendations and select those that meet current budget and
payback criteria. Audits are not explicitly conducted using the ASHRAE levels, but are conducted to
meet the study criteria established by Cornell and NYSERDA.
Present efforts:
Conservation Outreach
Energy Conservation Initiative
Conservation focused preventive maintenance
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Energy studies
Building systems conservation projects - lighting and heating, ventilating, and air
conditioning, weatherization, insulation, and refrigeration.
Demand controlled ventilation/occupancy sensor based control strategies
Adaptive fume hoods
User friendly environmental controls
Green office equipment and computing
High efficiency humidification and controls
Growth chamber lighting and controls retrofits
Efforts completed before 2000 reduced energy use by 30%. Efforts since 2000 have reduced energy usage
5% and when the capital program is completed in 2015 by 15% versus 2010. Since 2010 the campus has
avoided 1.2 million per year.
The current ECI capital program will continue thru fiscal year 2015. It is anticipated that total ECI project
over the 5-year period will be approximately $33 million dollars. Savings are projected at $3 million
annually. Future efforts will continue through all buildings, based on payback and availability of capital.
Metering is essential. Hire a skilled engineer with real building experience and knowledge to do energy
studies and designs. Standardize controls hardware software and project delivery methods. Utilize a
skilled and dedicated internal team to lead and manage the energy conservation program.
The Energy Conservation Initiative's (ECI) goal is to decrease building energy consumption by 15%
compared with a 2010 baseline. Together with efforts before 2010 Cornell has been able to stabilize and
reduce campus total energy use while increasing campus square footage significantly along with major
renovation of existing space.
The Central Energy Plant has a combined heat and power system using natural gas combustion turbines
with heat recovery steam generators supplemented with natural gas fired duct burners to provide most
of the campus electric and heating needs. Utilizing CHP is significantly more efficient than procuring
electric off the grid and burning fossil fuels for heating needs. The plant also uses steam turbine
generators that use high pressure steam to generate electricity. The Central Energy Plant also utilizes a
renewable resource (Lake Source Cooling) to provide for air inlet cooling (to increase turbine efficiency)
and equipment cooling. Nearly every fan and pump utilizes variable speed drives. Heat recovery
minimizes the use of new energy along with regular insulation surveys and repairs. Campus steam
Since 2000, over 95% of campus chilled water is provided from Lake Source Cooling, which uses a
renewable resource (cold water of Cayuga Lake). Cold lake water is piped to a heat exchanger facility
where it cools the campus chilled water loop, the lake water is then returned to the lake. Lake Source
Cooling, with a coefficient of performance (COP)of 25, is 400% more efficient than conventional chillers
with a COP of 6. In addition, Lake Source Cooling does not use refrigerants. Variable drives on all
pumps and one chiller minimize motor energy use. A 4.4 million gallon chilled water thermal storage
tank shifts electric use to off peak and improves chiller efficiency with night time temperatures.
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Demand control ventilation and make-up air, aggressive variable volume space airflow and temperature
controls with occupancy sensors, high efficiency lighting, insulation repairs and upgrades, refrigeration
controls upgrades, and minimization/ elimination of humidification are the leading measures. Heat
recovery to preheat the incoming outside air with some of the heat in the exhaust air is always used in
new construction and renovation, but has only been possible in a few energy retrofits. Kroch library
replaced an existing chiller with desiccant dehumidification and campus chilled water for space cooling.
Another measure is extensive modification to laboratory airflows. Reducing air change rates to 3
(unoccupied) and 6 (occupied) significantly reduces lab energy use.
New buildings are required to meet LEED Silver. In addition, energy use intensity targets (EUI) are
established to challenge designers. Major building renovations include consideration of envelope
improvement to increase "R" value. Other ECI project efforts include re-caulking of windows.
Constructed in 2009, the Central Energy Plant utilizes combined heat and power plant to produce electric
and steam for the campus. Two small of solar thermal locations (1) Central Energy Plant office for
building heating and service hot water heating; and (2) Plantations Welcome Center for partial building
heating. This system provide 10% of the Plantations Welcome Center comfort heating needs. Small Scale
Solar PV is currently installed at two locations on campus, (1) Day Hall (15kw peak) and (2) Cornell Store
(2.2kw peak). A "run of river" hydroplant on Fall Creek makes about 6 million kwh/year
Cornell has partnered with a 3rd Party developer who will build a 2MW solar PV facility on Cornell land.
Cornell will enter into a Power Purchase Agreement to buy the electric generated (approximately 1% of
campus electric use)
Extensive lighting upgrades/retrofits along with controls have been performed across multiple campus
Our new energy conservation engagement campaign includes green purchasing, green office and green
laboratories programs. The new energy dashboard will help people minimize and understand electric
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Campus Overview
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is an Ivy League school located on 168 acres in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. The private research institute was founded in 1861 by William Barton Rogers. The
institute is comprised of five schools with 46 undergraduate major and 49 minor programs. Graduate
study is through 24 graduate departments that include both master’s degree and doctoral candidates.
The fall and the spring academic term are both about 15 weeks. In January there is three week
independent study period. The regular summer session is about 10 weeks.
Table 7: Campus Statistics
Number of Buildings
158 (110 in Cambridge)
Campus Square Footage
Number of Students
Number of Faculty (teaching staff)
MIT is located on the coast of Massachusetts. The climate in this area offers four distinct seasons. The
winters are cold and dry with average daytime temperatures in the low to mid thirties. The winters are
marked by significant cloud cover and an average of 45.1 inches of snow. Summer temperatures are
usually warm to hot and summers can be humid.
Table 8: Campus Climate Statistics
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42.37⁰ N/:
71.11⁰ W
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Figure 3: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
Table 9: Campus Energy Statistics
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
MIT’s energy efficiency and sustainability efforts began over 20 years ago. In 1992 lighting retrofits and
campus buildings reduced annual electricity usage by 11 million kWh. In 1995 the campuses efficient
natural gas cogeneration plant led to a 32% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Also in the 1990s the
campus began water conservation efforts that have resulted in reducing water usage by 60%, saving
70,000,000 gallons per year.
In 2001, MIT increased their commitment to sustainability by committing to a set of guiding principles.
These guiding principles focus on important sustainability issues such as energy conservation, reductions
in greenhouse gas emissions, reduction of materials and water consumption, reductions in waste, and
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increasing purchases of recycled materials. MIT began tracking greenhouse gas emissions in 2003. The
Community Solar Power initiative brought 25 solar photovoltaic projects to campus in 2005.
The MIT Energy Initiative launched the Campus Energy Task Force in 2006. The task force is composed
of students, faculty, and staff. The goal is to utilize research done at MIT to save energy on campus and
to involve the entire campus community.
MIT is also partnering with their electric and natural gas utility NSTAR on a 3-year program called MIT
Efficiency Forward. A fund of $13 million dollars was set up in 2010 to facilitate energy efficiency
improvements. This money came from various sources including MIT donors and the utility. Energy
cost savings from the program will be used to fund future projects. The program had a two year energy
savings goal of 22 million kWh, which was exceeded in 2011.
Investments in energy savings have been paying off at MIT. The campus saved 191,000 MMBtu from
fiscal year 2007 to fiscal year 2012. This equates to a savings of $4.5 million. In 2012 alone the campus
saved 5.6 million kWh of electricity. Savings were generated from lighting projects, central plant
upgrades, demand controlled ventilation, reduction in airflow, variable frequency drives, chiller
replacement, and refrigerator replacement. Over 85% of the buildings on campus have had some type of
energy efficiency upgrade.
MIT has also committed to energy efficiency and sustainability in new buildings. The school also has one
LEED Gold building and one LEED Silver certified building. They also currently have two building that
have certification pending and are expected to obtain LEED Gold certification.
MIT has implemented many successful energy efficiency projects. In addition they have engaged the
MIT community to change behavior. Examples of behavior change programs include reminders to turn
off lighting, close fume hood sashes and use revolving doors. Efforts to serve energy from computer and
equipment ranges from user behavior modifications such as printing less, turning off computers and
equipment, and using power saving modes. The MIT Information Services and Technology office is also
involved in these efforts by studying data center efficiency and employing efficient equipment.
The MIT natural gas Cogeneration plant consists of a 20 MW turbine that produces electricity and useful
thermal energy. The project cost $40 million dollars to build. The project reduces greenhouse gas
emissions by 45% compared to grid generated power.
Lighting efficiency projects have been a big energy saver on campus. Projects range from fixture
relamping and reballasting to new fixtures. Lighting controls such as occupancy sensors have also been
deployed. Buildings 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, NW13, NW14, NW15, NW16, NW17, NW20, NW21, NW22,
Stratton Student Center, and Stata Center completed lighting upgrade projects as part of the MIT
Efficiency Forward program.
Astronomical time clocks with accurate sunset and sunrise schedules control the exterior lighting. These
time clocks eliminate the need to reprogram the clocks to account for daylight savings time.
MIT has installed 60 kW of solar photovoltaic panels. These installations are on the roofs of the Stratton
Student Center, the Alumni Pool Building, Hayden Library, and the MIT Museum.
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Laboratories are the most energy intensive buildings on campus. Much of this energy usage can be
attributed to fume hoods that exhaust hazardous fumes from the laboratories. Staff from campus
facilities and Environmental Health and Safety worked together to determine that they could reduce the
flow through the fume hoods. In Building 18, the face velocity was reduced from 100 feet per minute to
80 feet per minute. This saves electricity by reducing fan flow and saves energy required to heat or cool
the air.
In Building 68 MIT used a data-based commissioning process to identify energy conservation measures.
These measures were mainly programming changes to the building controls. These changes reduced
simultaneous heating and cooling, improved heat recovery performance, and setback air temperatures.
In the spring of 2006, a Steam Trap Program was started to survey most of the 6,000 steam traps on
campus. I was determined that 20% of them had failed. The failure of a steam trap (in open or closed
position), significantly reduces functional energy efficiency of the system and increases cost of operation.
Phase I involved replacing roughly 750 steam traps and 70 control valves. 1,050 steam traps and 160
control valves are to be replaced in Phase II.
The Barker Library main reading room was renovated and fitted with new acoustical upgrades, lighting
and finishing. LED task and under shelving lighting was installed for the cluster study and wall mounted
carrels. Finish was reapplied to the large tables and wall mounted carrels. Chairs and ottomans were
stripped down to their wooden frames and then reupholstered. Many measures were taken in order to
cut down on long term usage of electrical power, low construction costs and to utilize environmentally
conscious products.
An FY07 CRSP study examined current energy needs and potential for future renovating. The study
assessed that renovations to the basement, first and second floors of the Dewey Library would be
advantageous, and were completed in October 2009. A savings of 15,000 kilowatt hours of electricity is
being collected as a result of high efficiency lighting and occupancy sensors that were installed. The floors
were also renovated and compact shelving installed.
Westgate Window caulking was fully abated, the surrounding masonry surfaces were encapsulated, and
contaminated soil was removed through the duration of this project. Four low-rise apartment buildings
built in 1964 make up the housing complex. PCBs were contained in the window caulking. Recent
regulations obligated MIT to resolve this issue before any problems arose. A full abatement project was
completed from the summer of 2008 to the fall of 2009.
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Campus Overview
Stanford University.is a private research university located near Palo Alto, California. The university was
established by Jane and Leland Stanford and opened in 1891. The campus is spread over 8,180 acres. The
university has seven schools, four of which are graduate professional schools. Degrees conferred include
bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, Ph.Ds, law degrees, and medical degrees.
The academic year is comprised of autumn, winter, and spring quarters that are each about 10 weeks.
About 70% of students live on campus during the academic year.
Table 10: Campus Statistics
Number of Buildings
Campus Square Footage
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
Stanford University is located near the northern California coast. The area is surrounded by mountains
on three sides and can be semi-arid. The climate in this area is generally mild with sunshine most of the
year. In the winter daytime temperature averages are in the mid-fifties. Summer temperatures are
usually warm to hot.
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Table 11: Campus Climate Statistics
37.42⁰ N/:
122.17 ⁰ W
Figure 4: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
The following table includes data from the 2011/2012 academic year.
Table 12: Campus Energy Statistics
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Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
Stanford began its energy management program in the 1970s. Since then the program has grown and
expanded to include many different aspects of sustainability. In 1993 Stanford began offering energy
efficiency rebates to Stanford Utility users.
Stanford University has won many awards for its leadership in green technology and new buildings. It
has one LEED Gold certified building, one LEED platinum certified building and a LEED-EBOM certified
building. Many of its other recent buildings have made the Top Ten Green Projects of the year. They also
have an energy efficiency program that has led to a 35% drop in electrical usage, 43% drop in steam use
and a 62% drop in chilled water use. Measures have also been taken to make the IT systems more
sustainable in order to conserve electricity. The Stanford Energy System Innovation (SESI) will be
completed by 2015 and will recover up to 70% of discharged by the cooling system which will cover at
least 80% of the campus’s heating demands.
There are two funding mechanisms for energy efficiency projects on campus. The first is the Energy
Retrofit Program. This program is funded through a surcharge on the electricity bills for Stanford Utility
users. It generates about $½ to 1 ½ million per year for energy projects. The second is the Whole
Building Energy Retrofit Program. This program has $30 million in funding. The goal is to fund large
capital projects. Measurement and verification is an important part of the projects that are funded
through the Whole Building Energy Retrofit Program.
Stanford has been steadily improving the EUI of the campus. They have added over 1,000,000 ft2 of lab
space which has increased the overall energy usage of the campus, but the EUI has decreased by 6% since
2000. There have been even more impressive reductions in water consumption. The campus has reduced
water consumption by 21%.
Stanford recognizes that laboratories are some of the largest energy users on campus. They use the Labs
21 Benchmarking Tool to benchmark labs. Based on the benchmarking results they target the top users
for energy efficiency projects. Air-handling units in many labs have been converted from constant
volume to variable air volume. In addition controls have been upgraded to DDC. The Office of
Sustainability is working with Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) on strategies to reduce airflow in
labs. Most of the labs currently operate at 6 to 8 air changes per hour. Reducing this airflow would save
energy. Other strategies such as proximity sensors on fume hoods and air quality monitoring are being
Besides reductions in airflow, the Office of Sustainability is working with users to reduce the energy
usage of material storage. For some materials, storage at room temperature may work well. Reducing
the amount of materials that need to be kept frozen would reduce the number of freezer required by labs
on campus and reduce freezer energy usage.
Many buildings use recycled water from Stanford’s Central Energy Facility in toilets, urinals, and for
some lab processes and rainwater is harvested in many of the buildings for irrigation. A variety of
sustainability strategies (such as photovoltaic cells, maximized use of natural light, automated control
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systems, natural ventilation, high-efficiency glazing, sun shades, reflective roofing surfaces, and trellis
shading) are used in many of the buildings on campus.
The Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment + Energy (Y2E2) Building is a mixed-usage, highperformance building that serves as a learning tool for both building occupants and the campus
community. A donor-funded effort, initiated by Stanford Woods Institute faculty and coordinated
through Stanford’s Office of Sustainability, to pursue LEED-EBOM (Existing Building: Operations &
Maintenance) certification is currently underway. Y2E2 uses only 58 percent energy and 10 percent total
water compared to a building with traditional fixtures and systems and large swaths of the building
don’t require air conditioning and rely on natural light during the day.
Other sustainability measures include:
Efficient active beams for mechanical cooling.
Ventilation through internal atria, windows, and vents.
Three solar photovoltaic installations to lower energy demands.
Water conservation systems, including waterless urinals and dual-flush toilets.
Extensive use of recycled materials and sustainable products.
The Knight Management Center (KMC) is a 360,000 square-foot complex for the Graduate School of
Business consisting of eight buildings. It earned a LEED-NC Platinum® rating from the U.S. Green
Building Council, which is the organization’s highest certification level. The building contains a variety
of energy efficiency features, including rooftop PV panels (which generate roughly 12.5 percent of KMC’s
electricity needs), daylighting, automatic light sensors, rainwater capture, storage, and reuse for onsite
irrigation, recycled content in 25 percent of building materials, and more than 98 percent of waste from
building construction diverted from landfill.
Carnegie Institution's Global Ecology Research Center is an extremely low-energy laboratory and office
building that emits 72 percent less carbon and uses 33 percent less water than a comparable building. It
features an evaporative downdraft cooling tower, an exterior made from salvaged wine-cask redwood,
no-irrigation landscaping, dual-flush toilets, and low-flow faucets.
The Leslie Shao-ming Sun Field Station at the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve provides a natural
laboratory for researchers and educational experiences for students. Sustainable elements include a 22kilowatt, grid-connected photovoltaic system; a sophisticated energy monitoring system; waterless
urinals, dual-flush toilets, and tankless water heaters; and salvaged materials used for siding, brick
paving, casework, furniture and bathroom partitions.
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Campus Overview
University of Minnesota is a large state university that serves several campuses in Minnesota. It was
founded in 1851. There are three campuses in the Twin Cities that together comprise over 1,233 acres in
Minneapolis and St. Paul. The public research university has 19 colleges and schools. Degrees conferred
include bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, Ph.Ds, law degrees, and medical degrees. In addition the
university has agriculture and veterinary medicine programs.
The fall and spring semesters are about 15 weeks. In addition there are two, seven week sessions each
semester. In the summer there are 10-week, 8-week, and two 4-week sessions. About 13% of students
live on campus during the academic year.
Table 13: Campus Statistics (2010-2011)
Number of Buildings
Campus Square Footage
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
The University of Minnesota is located in central Minnesota. The climate in this area offers four distinct
seasons. The winters are cold and dry with an average temperature of about 20°F. The winters have an
average of 55.5 inches of snow. Summer temperatures can be hot and humid.
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Table 14: Campus Climate Statistics
44.98⁰ N/
93.26⁰ W
Figure 5: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
Table 15: Campus Energy Statistics
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Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
The Twin Cities Sustainability Committee is the entity that plans and implements sustainability efforts on
campus. In addition there is a Sustainability Office that employs both students and staff to help with
sustainability efforts on campus. The university also has a Director of Sustainability. The Director of
Sustainability works with various sustainability groups to coordinate efforts and further sustainability on
The University of Minnesota has been following the 2030 Challenge in which they plan to make all of
their buildings to meet standards that are 60% less than the average for a building in Minnesota in 2003
for fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions and energy performance. They have signed the American
College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) in which they pledge to climate
neutrality. Currently the school has one LEED Silver certified building and one LEED Gold certified
building. Five other buildings on the campus have also been upgraded for energy efficiency.
In 2005, the University of Minnesota used 3,643,697 mmBtu of energy. In 2010-2011, annual energy usage
was reduced to 3,167,382 mmBtu. Campus building space increased from 20,418,745 gross square feet to
21,449,414 gross square feet over this same time frame. The campus energy usage intensity decreased by
almost 18%.
Facilities Management Produces a Building Energy Report Card. The report card assigns an excellent,
good, or poor to each building based whether the building meets its energy usage target. The report card
includes each building’s square footage and the energy usage per square foot. A color coded map
provides a quick reference for the campus.
The campus has web based building energy dashboards for many buildings on campus. The dashboards
provide real time energy usage data. Facilities Management is also tracking the campus peak demand in
order to reduce the peak. Efforts in 2013 helped reduce the July 2013 demand by 6.6% from the July 2012
demand and save approximately $53,000.
Several programs are helping to make laboratories on campus more sustainable. There is a chemical
redistribution/ reuse program that aims to reduce chemical waste by distributing unwanted but still
usable chemicals to other labs on campus. The university also encourages researchers to reduce chemical
use as much as possible. The latest Climate Action Plan calls out strategies for 2011 to 2016 to reduce lab
airflows and use low-flow fume hoods. Efforts are also being made to educate fume hood users about the
energy savings from keeping fume hood closed as much as possible.
Since 2004 the university has been working with their utility Xcel Energy to recommission buildings on
campus. The program brings in outside consultants to look at energy efficiency improvements to a
building’s heating, cooling, and controls systems. Fifty three buildings are in progress or have completed
the recommissioning process. $2.6 million in savings were identified and projects that will save an
estimated $1.5 milllion have been completed.
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In 2005 the St. Paul campus finished a new central chiller. This new chiller plant is located in a historic
building. It replaces inefficient chillers in 16 buildings. Annual energy cost and maintenance savings
from the new plant are estimated at $1 million per year.
In 2006, the university began burning oat hulls in the Southeast Steam Plant. This plant provides steam
for the Twin Cities campus. The oat hulls are burned in combination with natural gas and coal which
cuts down on pollution and carbon emissions when compared to the previous natural gas and coal mix.
It is estimated that burning oat hulls saves about $2 million dollars per year.
TCF Bank Stadium, the university’s 50,805 seat football stadium was completed in 2009. The building
achieved LEED Silver certification. The stadium has a reflective roof to reduce the heat island effect. It
also has features to reduce water usage for landscape irrigation by 50% and indoor potable water usage
by 30%.
The Science Teaching and Student Services building was certified LEED Gold in 2011. This building
utilizes underfloor air delivery. The façade was designed to reduce solar heat gain by 50%. Water
conservation was also a strong consideration in the design and reduces potable water usage by 50%.
A 38.4 kW photovoltaic solar array was installed on the roof of the University Office Plaza Building in
2012. It is estimated that the array will provide 3.8% of the building’s electricity.
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Campus Overview
University of Illinois at Chicago started with several offshoots from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampagne, beginning with health professions in 1896. After World War II the university formed a two
year branch campus in Chicago. The current campus opened in 1965 and in 1982 the university and
medical center combined to form a single public research university. The university has 15 colleges and
offers bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees along with professional degrees.
The fall and spring semesters are about 15 weeks. In the summer there is a 4-week and an 8-week
Table 16: Campus Statistics
Number of Buildings
Campus Square Footage
Other (Health Care)
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
The University of Illinois-Chicago is located in Chicago, Illinois. Chicago is located on the shore of Lake
Michigan which serves to temper the temperatures. The climate in this area offers four distinct seasons.
The winters are cold and dry with an average temperature of about 30°F. The winters have an average of
37.8 inches of snow. Summer temperatures can be hot and humid.
Table 17: Campus Climate Statistics
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41.85⁰ N/
87.65⁰ W
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Figure 6: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
Table 18: Campus Energy Statistics
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
The Campus Task Force on Sustainability was given the responsibility of advancing sustainability on
campus in 2007. This task force was comprised of students, faculty, and staff. In 2008 the Office of
Sustainability was created. This office is headed by the Associate Chancellor of Sustainability.
The University of Illinois at Chicago is a charter participant in the Sustainability Tracking and Rating
System (STARS) and in the Illinois Campus Sustainability Compact. UIC has two LEED Gold certified
buildings and has four buildings with green roofs. All future buildings must have at least LEED Silver
certification. They have a Climate Action Plan that is planned to be completed by 2050 and will reduce
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carbon emissions by at least 80%. There is also research into sustainability going on and many related
student groups are active on campus.
In 2005, the University of Illinois at Chicago used 3,764,200 mmBtu of energy. In 2010, annual energy
usage was reduced to 3,418,404 mmBtu. Campus building space increased from 13,133,404 gross square
feet to 14,641,390 gross square feet over this same time frame. The campus energy usage intensity
decreased by almost 19%.
The University of Illinois at Chicago recognizes that laboratory energy use is much higher than classroom
or office buildings and is targeting lab buildings for retro-commissioning. Retro-commissioning is a
systematic process that documents low-cost operating and maintenance improvements in order to
optimize existing system performance. The College of Medicine Research Building and the Outpatient
Care Center have been through the retro-commissioning process.
Several other labs are using Energy Service Performance Contracts (ESPC) to fund energy efficiency
measures. The Science and Engineering Laboratories, Engineering Research Facility, and Science and
Engineering South have implemented lighting retrofits and DDC upgrades. In addition the fan systems
were converted from constant volume to variable volume, higher performance VAV fume hoods were
installed, and air-handling units were downsized.
Several other buildings on campus have been renovated with energy efficiency and sustainability in
mind. Grant Hall’s renovation included a new geothermal well field. This is combined with a new high
efficiency HVAC system. Windows were replaced and daylight shades were installed to control sunlight
and glare.
Lincoln Hall was certified LEED Gold in 2010. Modeled energy use for this renovated building was
32.8% lower than the ASHRAE 90.1-2004 baseline. Water usage was reduced by 42%. A solar
photovoltaic system generates 9.4% of the buildings electricity. The building has a light colored and
highly emissive roof to reduce the urban heat island effect. Other sustainable features include low VOC
materials and native drought resistant plantings.
The renovated Douglas Hall is home to the College of Business Administration. It is LEED Gold certified.
Energy saving features include geothermal wells and automatic lighting controls. There is a solar
photovoltaic array on the roof that generates about 8% of the buildings electricity. Water savings was
also an important part of the design.
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Campus Overview
University of California Irvine is part of the University of California system. The public research
university was founded in 1965 in southern California. There are 12 schools and colleges at the
university. Degrees conferred include bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, Ph.Ds, law degrees, and
medical degrees.
The academic calendar consists of fall, winter, and spring quarters that last eleven weeks. There is also a
summer session that has two 5-week sessions and a 10-week session. About 53% of students live on
campus during the academic year.
Table 19: Campus Statistics
Number of Buildings
Campus Square Footage
Other (Health Care)
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
The University of California Irvine is located in southern California. The climate in this area is generally
mild with sunshine most of the year. In the winter temperatures range from cool to warm. Summer
temperatures are usually warm to hot.
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Table 20: Campus Climate Statistics
33.67⁰ N/:
117.82⁰ W
Figure 7: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
Table 21: Campus Energy Statistics
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
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Since 1992 UC Irvine buildings have been built to perform 20% to 30% better than California’s Title 24
Energy Efficiency Standards. In 1996 the University of California Irvine won an award for Rethinking
Energy: A Comprehensive Approach. This was its first recognition for its efforts to be sustainable and
since then it has continued to be a trailblazer in making higher education environmentally friendly.
In 2003, the University of California system adopted the Policy on Green Building Design and Energy
Standards which is now known as the Policy on Sustainable Practices. In 2007 the UC system signed onto
the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). To address the
requirements from these commitments, a formal UC Irvine Sustainability Committee was organized.
This committee includes representatives from the student body, faculty, and administration. The
committee meets four to five times a year and adopted the first campus climate action and sustainability
plan in 2008.
In addition, several academic units contribute to sustainability on campus and off. The UC Irvine Smart
Lab program provides leadership in research into efficient laboratory design and operation as well as
data on Smart Lab recommendations implemented at the university. The National Fuel Cell Research
Center is working on fuel cell development and commercialization.
In 2011 UC Irvine was the recipient of Second Nature’s Climate Leadership Award and was ranked 6th
by the Sierra Magazine for the “Coolest Schools” search in 2011. It has eight LEED gold certified
buildings and one LEED platinum certified building. In the future, the school plans to implement actions
to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and to develop a climate-neutral plan.
UC Irvine’s commitment to energy efficiency has yielded impressive savings. It is estimated the projects
implemented in 2009 will save 10 million kWh and 73.000 therm in annual energy usage. That equate to
an annual savings of about $1.2 millon. The goals for 2010 and 2011 were to save 17 million kWh and
150,000 therms.
In 2005, the University of California, Irvine used 1,983,028 mmBtu of energy. In 2012, annual energy
usage was reduced to 1,412,830 mmBtu. Campus building space increased from 8,827,965 gross square
feet to 10,349,784 gross square feet over this same time frame. The campus energy usage intensity
decreased by almost 39%.
The UC Irvine has installed solar photovoltaic panels on eleven campus roofs. These panels will generate
an estimated 24 million kWh over the next 20 years.
UC Irvine's 18 MW, base-loaded co-generation facility employs five energy recovery methods to
efficiently capture and utilize heat produced by electrical generation in order to supply the campus' airconditioning, power, and heating needs. The plant is operating at about 66% efficiency. The plant also
includes a 62,000 ton-hour above ground chilled water system.
Lighting projects have been a big energy saver on campus. Between 2006 and 2009 projects were
completed in over 30 buildings. Projects include replacing 32 W lamps with 25 W lamps, installation of
occupancy sensors, and use of reflectors in fixtures.
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Building commissioning has also been a tool used to save energy. Sprague Hall, Natural Science 1,
Gillespie Research have undergone a monitoring based commissioning process. This process uses data
from the monitoring system to optimize system performance. In addition, retrocommissioning measures
such as static pressure reset were completed in many buildings across campus in 2009.
Various HVAC projects have been completed. The air-handling units have been converted from constant
volume to variable volume at Reines Hall, McGaugh Hall, and Gillespie Neuroscience buildings. Seven
buildings were retrofit with a demand controlled ventilation system. The temperature control systems at
McGaugh Hall and Reines hall were converted from pneumatic to DDC.
Since 2008 UC Irvine’s Smart Labs program has been promoting energy efficient labs. This is
accomplished by projects to reduce laboratory energy usage on campus and promoting laboratory energy
conservation to other labs. Laboratories are very energy intensive. One of the major contributing factors
to this energy usage is the high air change rates in most labs. The goal of the Smart Labs program is to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from labs by 50% is comparison to California’s Title 24.
The Smart Labs savings strategies include low flow or variable flow fume hoods, variable air volume
exhaust, and reduced lab air changes. Sensing of lab contaminants with a system like Acuity and using
that information to control airflow is also an important strategy. In addition, reduced power density for
lighting systems, lighting controls, and efficient equipment are key components.
The Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Laboratory was completed in 2010. This lab features all of the Smart
Lab strategies and had a modeled energy savings of 50.4% compared to the Title 24 baseline. It was
designed to be California’s most energy efficient laboratory.
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Campus Overview
University of California Davis is part of the University of California system. It was founded in 1905 as
the University Farm school. Until the 1960s UC Davis was primarily an agriculture school. Today it is a
public research university with four colleges and six professional schools that offer 99 undergraduate
majors and 90 graduate programs. UC Davis has the largest campus of all of the UC schools with 5,300
The academic calendar consists of fall, winter, and spring quarters that last eleven weeks. There is also a
summer session that has two 5-week sessions and a 10-week session. About 16% of students live on
campus during the academic year.
Table 22: Campus Statistics (2011-2012)
Number of Buildings
Campus Square Footage
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
The University of California Davis is located in the Sacramento Valley. The climate in this area is
generally mild with sunshine most of the year. The winters are rainy with temperatures that are cool to
warm. Dense fog is a feature of the winters in this area. Summer temperatures are usually hot and dry.
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Table 23: Campus Climate Statistics
38.54⁰ N/
121.74⁰ W
Figure 8: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
Table 24: Campus Energy Statistics (2011-2012)
*Data from 2010-2011
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Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
In 2008 the University set up the Office of Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (ESS). This
office is responsible for sustainability efforts on campus. It coordinates efforts in existing campus
buildings and develops metrics to track campus sustainability. They also work on new campus projects
to reduce their environmental impact.
According to the Sierra Magazine’s cool schools survey the University of California Davis was the coolest
school of 2012. This is recognition for being a powerhouse when it comes to sustainability. It has three
LEED Platinum certified buildings, two LEED Gold certified buildings and LEED Registered building.
The campus also has geothermal energy, solar photovoltaic cells, composting, low-impact landscaping,
and one zero waste capable building. UC Davis also has a Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions below 2000 levels, a Smart Lighting Initiative to reduce the use of electricity to 60% by 2015 and
to buy local and organic food for dining.
In 2005, the University of California, Davis used 2,205,900 mmBtu of energy. In 2011-2012, annual energy
usage was reduced to 1,901,570 mmBtu. Campus building space increased from 9,326,100 gross square
feet to 10,416,496 gross square feet over this same time frame. The campus energy usage intensity
decreased by almost 23%.
Water conservation initiatives have resulted in over a 15% reduction in water consumption from the peak
consumption year of 2006-20007.
To help track energy on campus there is an online campus energy dashboard. This allows people to look
at the hourly energy consumption of any building on campus and track peak demand. In addition to
demand the dashboard has links to historical energy usage.
Several new and renovated laboratory projects have been contributing to energy efficiency and
sustainability on campus. Air change rates have been reduced and fume hoods rebalanced at ChemChem Annex, Hutchinson Hall, Life Sciences Addition, Plant & Environmental Sciences, and Tupper
Hall. Many of these buildings have gotten controls upgrades and been re-commissioned. The filters at
Chem-Chem Annex were replaced with high efficiency filters to reduce pressure drop.
Robbins Hall is an older lab building that was significantly renovated. It was certified LEED Gold for
Commercial Interiors. The HVAC and lighting systems were upgraded. Hot water and chilled water
pumps were converted from constant volume to variable volume. In addition to energy projects, the
building reused the existing case work to conserve materials.
New labs are also being designed as energy efficient and sustainable. The Tahoe Center for
Environmental Sciences is LEED Platinum and has many energy saving features including active chilled
beams. Radiant floor heating and cold water storage are other strategies being used for energy savings.
Electricity is generated by 875 photovoltaic shingles.
Another LEED Platinum building is the Teaching & Research Winery August A. Busch III Brewing and
Food Science Laboratory. This building offers a model of how to deal with the waste products, such as
water and carbon dioxide, from the brewing and fermenting processes. Water savings are estimated at
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300,000 gallons per year. Solar photovoltaic panels were designed to produce more electricity than the
building consumes.
Gladys Valley Hall is a new building for the veterinary school. It incorporates several energy savings
techniques such as natural ventilation in the common spaces and night flushing to pre-cool the building.
Advanced controls with temperature and humidity sensors help to keep the building comfortable.
Many other recent buildings on campus have energy efficient and sustainable features. Gallagher Hall
and Conference center has ground source heat pumps used for radiant heating and cooling. The building
also takes advantage of abundant daylighting. The Student Health and Wellness Center was designed to
reduce energy usage by 42% in comparison to a typical medical office building. It uses chilled beams for
heating and cooling. Tercero Student Housing buildings were built with chutes for recycling materials.
Water is heated with solar panels and the building using nighttime cooling.
The campus plant installed a reverse osmosis (RO) system on the steam boiler feed water. This reduced
the amount of boiler blowdown by 18% and saves 17,137 lb/hr of make-up water.
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Campus Overview
University of California Merced is part of the University of California system. It opened in 2005 as a
public research university. The goal of the university is to expand the higher education options in
California’s Central Valley. The university currently has three schools and additional schools are
The academic calendar consists of fall, winter, and spring quarters that last eleven weeks. There is also a
summer session that has two 5-week sessions and a 10-week session. About 23% of students live on
campus during the academic year.
Table 25: Campus Statistics (2010-2011)
Number of Buildings
Campus Square Footage
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
The University of California Merced is located in the San Joaquin Valley. The climate in this area is
generally mild with sunshine most of the year. The winters are rainy with temperatures that are cool to
warm. Summer temperatures are usually hot and dry.
Table 26: Campus Climate Statistics
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37.30⁰ N/:
120.48⁰ W
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Figure 9: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
Table 27: Campus Energy Statistics (2010-2011)
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
Since the early planning phases of the University of California Merced campus, the goal has been to be a
leader in making universities more sustainable. In 2002 it pledged to have all of its building to be at least
LEED silver certified. Since then it has had one LEED silver building and eight LEED Gold buildings.
Currently it has four buildings with LEED Gold certification pending and five buildings that are planned
to achieve LEED platinum. The school has also made a Triple Zero Commitment. By 2020 it plans to reach
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this goal and have zero net energy, zero landfill waste and zero net greenhouse gas emissions. Along
with all of their goals and accomplishments the University of California Merced has been the recipient of
multiple awards including, Best Practices Overall Sustainable Design Award and the Go Beyond Award
for New Construction Projects.
Shortly after opening, the University of California, Merced used 106,832 mmBtu of energy for fiscal year
2006-2007. In 2010-2011, annual energy usage increased to 120,150 mmBtu. Campus building space
increased from 883,413 gross square feet to 1,195,922 gross square feet over this same time frame. The
campus energy usage intensity decreased by almost 17%.
Sustainability begins with the campus’s LEED Gold certified central plant. The plant provides hot water
and chilled water all of the buildings on campus. A thermal energy storage tank is included in the plant
to store chilled water. This tank allows the chillers to be run when electricity is cheapest. Electricity is
produced by a 1 MW solar array.
The Classroom Building, Leo & Dottie Kolligian Library, and the Joseph Gallo Recreation & Wellness
Center have been LEED Gold certification. The residential buildings Sierra Terraces and Valley Terraces
have been awarded LEED Gold and LEED Silver certification respectively.
The Science and Engineering I building is also LEED Gold certified. Wet and dry laboratories occupy
about half of the space in the 236,989 square feet building. Classrooms and offices occupy the rest of the
building. The building was designed with many energy efficiency measures. The buildings HVAC
systems utilize low pressure drop design. In the lab spaces that require 100% outside air the outside air is
evaporatively pre-cooled. Conditioning at the zone level is through a 4-pipe system designed to avoid
simultaneous heating and cooling. Densely occupied spaces use carbon dioxide sensors to reduce
ventilation airflow during periods of low occupancy. Fume Hoods are VAV.
All of the energy flows into the building are metered. Solar shading and low-e glazing is used to reduce
cooling loads. Lighting is designed for low watts per square foot and controlled by occupancy sensors.
For the period of July 2007 to June 2008 the energy usage intensity of the building was 207 kBtu/sf which
is 64% of the benchmark established for University of California lab buildings.
In addition to energy efficiency measures, the labs are working to reduce chemical waste by recycling
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Campus Overview
The University of Colorado Boulder is Colorado’s flagship university. It is a public research university.
CU-Boulder opened in 1877. The university has six colleges or schools. It offers over 80 undergraduate
majors and more than 100 graduate and professional programs.
The fall and spring semesters are about 16 weeks. There is a three week mini session at the beginning of
the summer. The rest of the summer has sessions that range from four to nine weeks. About 20% of
students live on campus during the academic year.
Table 28: Campus Statistics (2011)
Number of Buildings
Campus Square Footage
Number of Students
Number of Faculty
The University of Colorado at Boulder is located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The climate in
this area offers four distinct seasons. The climate in this area is generally sunny throughout the year. The
winters are generally mild with periods of very low temperatures. Boulder averages 87.6 inches of
snowfall per year. Summer temperatures are usually hot and dry.
Table 29: Campus Climate Statistics
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40.01⁰ N/:
105.27⁰ W
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Figure 10: Plot of Hourly Temperature and Humidity Data
Campus Energy Summary
Table 30: Campus Energy Statistics (2009-2010)
Campus Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts
Campus sustainability is championed by the Chancellor’s Committee on Energy, Environment and
Sustainability (CCEES), the Carbon Neutrality Working Group (CNWG), and the Sustainability council.
The CCEES was established in 2007 to carry out the Chancellor’s directive to make CU Boulder more
sustainable and energy efficient. The Vice Chancellor of Administration is the head of the committee and
coordinates sustainability on campus. Students, faculty, staff make up the Sustainability council which
works with the CCEES on sustainability issues.
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The University of Colorado at Boulder was the first university to establish a recycling program. It has
been a global leader in sustainability for a long time and continues to be so today. The school has one
LEED Silver certified building, ten LEED Gold certified buildings and three LEED Platinum certified
buildings. CU-Boulder is currently focusing on making their labs more environmentally friendly and
through the CU Green Labs program they are phasing out old equipment and putting in more
sustainable equipment. There is also a large focus on energy research at the university and has been for
the last six decades.
In 2005, the University of Colorado Boulder used 1,768,261 mmBtu of energy. In 2009-2010, annual
energy usage was reduced to 1,359,176 mmBtu. Campus building space increased from 8,648,728 gross
square feet to 10,141,285 gross square feet over this same time frame. The campus energy usage intensity
decreased by almost 35%.
Water conservation initiatives have resulted in over a 22% reduction in water consumption since 2005.
Energy data for all campus buildings can be tracked with the online energy management tool EnergyCap.
Since 2009, the CU-Boulder Green Labs program is leading the charge to reduce laboratory energy usage
and make labs more sustainable. The program aims to engage lab users to take steps to reduce energy
usage, water usage, and material waste. Another part of the program is energy saving retrofits and
Fume hood energy usage is being reduced in a number of ways. Lab users are encouraged to “Shut the
Sash” on VAV fume hoods. In addition, users can report fume hoods that can be decommissioned. The
long term plan for CU labs is to replace all of the constant volume fume hoods with VAV fume hoods.
The Green Labs program is also leading a number of other efforts. Temperatures of ultra deep
temperature storage are being raised from -80°C to -70° C. This reduces the energy required to run the
freezers. Low temperature storage is a large energy user in labs. Timers are offered free to lab users to
help turn equipment off when not in use.
The Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology building is a new 336,800 square feet LEED platinum research
facility. The building uses 30% less energy than similar buildings. Sustainable features include heat
recovery, low-flow plumbing fixtures, LED lighting, lighting controls, energy efficient freezers, and
energy efficient lab fume hoods.
The CU-Boulder power plant was originally built in 1910 and serves most buildings on campus. In 1990
the plant was retrofit for cogeneration. The plant provides both heat and electricity to campus.
Building renovations are an important part of the CU-Boulder sustainability plan. In 2002 the University
Memorial Center was renovated to become the campus’s first LEED building. The building is trying to
meet zero waste goals through composting and recycling.
New buildings on campus are building designed to meet LEED standards. In 2006 the new Wolf Law
building was completed. It is estimated that the LEED Gold building will save $250,000 in energy and
water costs each year. The project includes a photovoltaic solar array and an electric vehicle charging
station. The Center for Community is also LEED Gold certified. It saves energy with LED lighting,
Energy Star kitchen equipment and evaporative cooling. The Institute of Behavioral Science is a LEED
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Platinum building designed to reduce water and energy usage by 30% in comparison to an energy code
compliant building.
The Williams Village North residence hall became the first LEED platinum building on campus in 2011.
The building was designed to use 40% less energy than an energy code compliant building and get 12.5%
of its electricity from solar panels. Energy saving features include daylighting controls and heat recovery.
Water savings are achieved with low-flow fixtures and reductions in landscape irrigation.
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Heating Plant
Burner Upgrades
Replace older, inefficient burners with more efficient burners that utilize higher turndown and more
advanced controls. The burner would modulate to operate at a maximum efficiency given fuel input and
oxygen content. The upgraded boiler would run preferentially. A new control system can better regulate
the combustion air and natural gas flow to the boiler’s burner for increased efficiency. The system will
include a combustion manager that controls the start-up and shut-down of the burner along with controls
for the air damper, gas valve, and mixing chamber to regulate the air/fuel ratio to minimize excess air and
increase efficiency. A VFD will provide speed control to the fan motor, increasing control of combustion
airflow and efficiency. Increasing the burner turndown rate will increase efficiency because the boiler will
not have to cycle on and off as much. When the burner cannot turn down to the desired level, the boiler
will shut down until it is needed again. With a higher turndown rate, the boiler will be able to
continuously operate at a partial load without the need to shut down. When a boiler cycles on and off, air
is purged from the boiler through the exhaust, wasting large amounts of energy in the form of heat. At
low loads, a boiler may cycle several times an hour, with each cycle demanding a wasteful purge cycle.
RO Water for Boiler Make-up
A reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment system is a way to minimize energy lost by blow down and
chemical usage for boiler make-up. RO is a process in which minerals are removed from the water. A
semi permeable membrane separates the make-up water from the water sent to the boilers. The
membrane allows only the water to pass through, leaving the minerals behind in the waste water. There
will still be RO blow down but the decrease in boiler blow down will offset this.
Stack Economizer
Stack economizers extract heat from the exhaust air to preheat the boiler feed water. The boiler efficiency
is effectively increased through exhaust air heat recovery, as the heat in exhaust air is one of the sources
of inefficiency in a boiler. A certain amount of exhaust heat is necessary, but the excess can be minimized
to improve efficiency.
VFDs on Boiler Feed Water or Transfer Pumps
The boiler feed water pumps and transfer pumps commonly operate at a constant speed to pump water
from the receiving tank to the boilers. Typically they stage on with the boiler. Installing VFDs on the
pump motors will improve energy efficiency and system control.
Reduce Boiler Pressure
In many steam systems, boilers produce steam at a higher temperature than what is used in the
equipment on that system. Pressure reducing valves are used to reduce the pressure of the steam down
to what the equipment needs.
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Steam Trap Repair/Replacement
Campuses commonly produce steam at a central location that is distributed throughout the campus.
Steam is used in various equipment such as sterilizers, steam coils, steam to hot water heat exchangers,
and humidifiers. Each piece of equipment that uses steam has a steam trap. The steam traps allow
condensate to be returned to the central boilers, but they prevent steam from passing into the condensate
lines. If a steam trap fails open, or is leaking, steam enters the condensate lines and is wasted. Steam trap
surveys should be regularly performed. Any steam traps that are noted as failed open, leaking, or failed
closed, should be replaced. Replacing steam traps that are failed closed will not result in energy savings,
but will improve system operations.
Small/Summer Boiler
Many systems have requirements for heat in the summer. A boiler may be operated to provide steam for
kitchen processes, to heat domestic hot water, or to provide reheat. Most of the boilers sized much larger
than the summer time load requirements. Installing a smaller boiler sized for summer loads would allow
facilities to better match the summer load and reduce energy losses associated with running the larger
Blow Down Heat Recovery
In order to maintain a proper balance of water chemistry in a steam system, some of the boiler water
must be removed by regular surface blow down. Otherwise, chemicals would continue to accumulate as
water is heated into steam. The quantity of chemicals added to boiler water depends primarily on the
amount of steam which does not return to the boiler as condensate and must be replaced with make-up
water. Use of sterilizers, winter humidification and kitchen steam kettles are common uses of nonreturned steam. Generally, a significant amount of make-up water is needed and, therefore, treatment
chemicals to maintain acceptable levels of mineral concentrations.
Usually, the blow down is sent directly to drain and the heat contained in this water is lost. However,
much of the heat from the blow down can be reclaimed. Heat from the blow down, through a heat
exchanger, would preheat the incoming make-up water before it goes to the deaerator and then the
boilers. Savings are based on the gas saved by not having to heat that portion of the make-up water.
Cooling Plant
Chilled Water Reset
Chillers operate more efficiently at increased chilled water supply temperatures. A 1% increase in
efficiency for each degree Fahrenheit that the chilled water setpoint is increased is a reasonable estimate.
At lower outside air temperatures, the building cooling load will be also be lower, allowing for an
increase in chilled water supply temperature. The chilled water setpoint can be reset based on outside air
temperature to reduce chiller energy usage. For example, the chilled water temperature setpoint will be
48°F (adjustable) at outside air temperatures less than or equal to 60°F and 42°F at temperatures above
80°F. When the outside air temperature is less than or equal to 80°F and greater than 60°F the chilled
water temperature will modulate between 42°F and 48°F based on the outside air temperature.
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Condenser Water Reset
The condenser water temperature setpoint can be reset downward when outside conditions permit. The
lower condenser water temperature will increase the efficiency of the chillers, thereby reducing energy
consumption. The control system can be programmed to automatically reset the condenser water supply
temperature for the electric centrifugal chillers between the minimum allowable temperature for the
chillers and the design condenser water setpoint based on outside air wet-bulb. This control strategy will
reduce compressor lift under part load conditions resulting in lower energy usage by chiller compressors.
Convert from Constant Volume Primary/Secondary to Primary only Variable Volume or Secondary
Variable Volume
In a constant volume primary/secondary chilled water arrangement, the pumps are always running at
full load during cooling periods, whereas the load seen by the cooling coils varies throughout the course
of the day and cooling season. Additionally, in a constant volume system, this flow must be sized to
match the peak cooling load of the facility, which only occurs a few hours each year. The rest of the year
sees cooling part loads, but because the current pumps are constant volume, the same energy is expended
on their operation regardless of the smaller loads. The additional chilled water flow that is not needed
for cooling bypasses the air-handler cooling coils at the three-way control valves located at each cooling
coil. The energy required to pump this water to the coils is then essentially wasted as the water bypasses
the coils without being used for cooling.
Conversely, variable frequency drives reduce pump speed and thus water flow to match actual load
requirements as the required water flow varies directly with load. Pump affinity laws dictate that the
power required by the pump is proportional to the cube of the water flow. Thus, a 10% decrease in
cooling load results in over a 25% decrease in pump motor electricity usage.
Variable Frequency Drives on Cooling Towers
In many typical cooling tower installations cooling tower fans are run at full speed to draw air through
the fill and out of the top of the cooling tower. However, full air flow is not always needed to achieve the
desired cooling effect. Installing VFDs and the necessary controls to control the fan motors will reduce
the cooling tower energy usage. The fans will only run at the speed required to cool the condenser water
to its supply setpoint, saving electricity.
Variable Frequency Drives on Chillers
Typically, the compressor loading of a chiller is varied using inlet vanes on the impeller. To reduce
energy usage a chiller’s starter can be removed and replaced with a variable frequency drive. The VFDs
will allow the chillers to more efficiently modulate based on the cooling load in the building. Anytime the
chiller is at part load the VFD will save energy. Chillers spend a large majority of their operating hours at
part load conditions.
High Efficiency Chillers
Older chillers are not as efficient as new chillers and they don’t perform aswell at part‐load. New chillers
with VFDs will be significantly more efficient than most currently installed chillers. The VFDs will allow
the chillers to modulate based on the cooling load in the building. Anytime the chiller is at part load the
VFD will save energy. Chillers spend a large majority of their operating hours at part load conditions.
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Ice or Chilled Water Storage
Higher Efficiency Coolant
Propylene glycol and (PG) and ethylene glycol (EG) are compounds that are commonly used to prevent
freezing in water systems. It is very effective method to protect coils and other system components from
damage. Glycol acts well as antifreeze because of its high viscosity and low ability to transfer heat. Both
of these qualities reduce the efficiencies of equipment and pumps. Replacing the glycol solution in water
systems with a less viscous fluid that is better at transferring heat will save energy. Glycol solutions can
be replaced with Formate or other chemical solutions improve system efficiency.
Replace Air-Cooled Equipment with Evaporative Cooled
Non-chemical Water Treatment
Investigate the incoming water quality and current water treatment and work with the water treatment
provider to reduce chemical usage in cooling towers by using a non-chemical water treatment.
Technologies such as electric field, ultra-violet, and ozone generation can be used to replace some or all of
the chemicals used in water treatment. This will reduce pollution from the water treatment chemicals
and help increase the cycles of concentration. Increased cycles will reduce cooling tower blow down and
therefore reduce make-up water.
Increase Tower Cycles of Concentration
Investigate the incoming water quality and current water treatment and work with the water treatment
provider to increase the condenser water cycles of concentration. Many facilities do not optimize their
cycles of concentration and use more make-up water than necessary. Increased cycles will reduce cooling
tower blow down and therefore reduce make-up water.
Water Side Economizer
A heat exchanger can be used to transfer heat directly from the chilled water loop to the condenser water
loop when ambient wet bulb temperatures are low. In systems with winter chilled water loads, the
chiller plant may run continuously throughout the year. In the winter, the outside wet bulb temperatures
are often low enough to allow the condenser water temperature to be reset to chilled water supply
temperature. With the lower condenser water temperatures, the cooling tower can essentially be used to
meet the building chilled water load and the chillers can be shut off and heat exchanger can be used
instead. This saves chiller energy. There may be an increase in the cooling tower fan energy usage to
produce colder leaving water temperatures but this increase is small in comparison with the chiller
HVAC Systems
Convert Constant Volume Systems to Variable Air Volume
Variable volume systems save energy by providing only the required airflow to meet space conditioning
loads. A constant volume system is sized for and operates at the peak design load airflow at all operating
hours. Since spaces rarely see peak loads, an oversupply of air is being provided at all other times with a
constant volume system. This oversupply of air uses more electricity for the fan motors, and because of
fan power laws, a decrease in the airflow of the fan results in a larger decrease in the electricity needed by
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the motor. A 10% airflow reduction correlates to more than a 25% reduction in electricity usage. In
addition, constant volume systems often supply air at a constant temperature from the air handling unit
and require reheat for the difference between the current space cooling load and the peak space cooling
load. Variable volume systems reduce the volume of air that is reheated and save energy.
Static Pressure Reset for VAV AHUs
The discharge static pressure on a VAV system is often set too high for all modes of operation. It is set to
make sure all zones have adequate cooling during a design cooling day and therefore wastes energy
when it is not a design cooling day. When DDC terminal units are present, this measure resets the supply
static pressure by monitoring the damper position of each VAV box on the system and adjusts the
discharge static pressure so that the most “open” box is no more than 95% open, thus assuring each box is
still controlling air volume and doing so as efficiently as possible. This is especially beneficial when
system airflow volume drops due to low occupant loads. This saves energy by reducing fan flow and
electricity usage.
Supply Air Temperature Reset
Resetting the supply air temperature higher during cooling under low load conditions will save on
simultaneous heating and cooling. At partial cooling loads when the airflow has been reset to its
minimum, the temperature of the air may still be colder than what is needed and excess cooling will
occur. At these times, reheat is used at the terminal unit to maintain the proper space temperature.
Resetting the temperature back at the air-handling unit will avoid overcooling of the air, saving on
cooling energy, and reduce the need for reheat at the terminal unit, saving on heating energy.
Direct Digital Control Systems
The energy savings advantages of digital control through a building automation system (BAS)
include optimal resetting of supply air temperatures and proper sequencing of the air system
damper operation with the preheat and cooling coils. These control strategies help prevent
unnecessary heating and cooling because the software programming can be more flexible and
adaptive that the pneumatic controls. Digital controls also do not suffer from accuracy and
calibration drift in the way that pneumatic controls can over time.
Reduce Laboratory Air Change Rates
Labs and vivarium facilities use large amounts of energy and have high carbon emissions because of the
large volumes of outside air that are conditioned, supplied to, and exhausted from these facilities. For
example, laboratories typically consume 5 to 10 times more energy per square meter than do office
buildings. And some specialty laboratories, such as clean rooms and labs with large process loads, can
consume as much as 100 times the energy of a similarly sized institutional or commercial structure. With
many modern laboratories operating with fewer fume hoods and more energy-efficient equipment and
lighting the labs’ minimum air exchange rate requirement is often the dominant energy use driver.
Achieving the safe reduction or variation of air change rates in labs and vivariums can represent the
greatest single approach for reducing their energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Minimum ventilation rates should be established on a room-by-room basis considering the hazard level
of materials expected to be used in the room and the operation and procedures to be performed. As the
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operation, materials, and hazard level of a room change, an increase or decrease in the minimum
ventilation rate should be evaluated. 1
Demand Response Laboratory Airflow
Devices can be installed to sample the air quality in the labs and deliver the right amount of air to each
lab as it is needed. The supply and exhaust fans would need to be outfitted with variable frequency
drives to allow for reductions in airflow. Each hood would also need a variable air volume terminal unit
to vary the airflow according to demand.
A product such as the Aircuity OptiNet system samples the air quality in the laboratories every 40 to 50
seconds. Sampling is done by centralized sensor suites at up to 18 locations. The advantage to a
centralized sampling location is that it reduces the number of sensors that need to be maintained. Plastic
tubing for sample drawing is run through the exhaust ducts from the laboratory space to the sensor suite.
The sensor suite has a vacuum pump and draws samples from each space individually. It is able to
detect carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds, particulates, humidity, and carbon monoxide.
When no contaminants are detected, the OptiNet system signals the BAS to reduce the space airflow
requirements. In the event that a contaminant is found in the sample from one of the laboratories, the
exhaust rate in that laboratory is increased to the predefined maximum. The increase to a higher air
change rate will quickly purge the space of the contaminant. Studies have shown that about four such
events per week are typical in a laboratory. See Exhibit 2 for more product information. Implementation
of this ECM will not change the air change rates to the spaces on the fourth floor which are not
Energy is saved from the reduction in heating and cooling of the laboratory supply air. Fan energy is also
saved from the reduction in airflow as the fan speed modulates.
Air-to-Air Energy Recovery
Energy recovery can be used to reclaim energy from an exhaust air stream. There are many technologies
for accomplishing this including enthalpy wheels, heat pipe, and glycol run-around loops.
An energy recovery enthalpy wheel is placed in the exhaust airstream and the supply airstream upstream
of the cooling coil. Energy recovery is achieved by drawing outside air across half of the enthalpy wheel
and drawing exhaust air across the other half. Latent and sensible heat is transferred from the hotter
moister outside air and to the cooler dryer exhaust air, thus reducing both the temperature and humidity
of the air entering the chilled water cooling coil.
Wrap around heat pipe is an air-to-air heat exchanger located upstream and downstream of the cooling
coil. There is no contact between the exhaust and supply air with this option and therefore, it can be used
in systems with exhaust that can’t be passed through an enthalpy wheel. Heat pipes are pipes that are
filled with a liquid that can be vaporized. Heat is absorbed by the heat pipe and the liquid in the pipe
turns to vapor. The vapor rises to a second section of the pipe and the vapor condenses back to liquid as
the heat pipe gives off the absorbed heat.
In a glycol run-around loop system a coil is placed in both the exhaust air stream and the supply air
stream, the two coils are tied together by piping, and an anti-freeze fluid is pumped between the two
coils. The fluid acts as a heat transfer media that is heated by the exhaust air stream and then passes this
ASHRAE, Applications Handbook, 2011, Chapter 16 Laboratories, pg. 16-8.
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heat to the incoming air stream. In the winter, the incoming outside air is tempered, thus reducing the
preheat energy required from conventional sources. Approximately 50% of the heat may be recovered
from the exhaust air.
CO2 based Demand Control Ventilation
For non-lab areas, outside air ventilation can be controlled and optimized to realize significant energy
savings. Paybacks in the range of 1 to 4 years can be achieved by the use of carbon dioxide based
demand control ventilation. This can be used advantageously where there can be a high density of people
such as in conference rooms, auditoriums, class rooms, libraries, lunch rooms, etc. Additionally, demand
control ventilation can often be used beneficially in large cubicle areas where many people may be
Low Pressure Drop Duct and Pipe Design
The energy needed to move fluids is significantly affected by the resistance to flow, or pressure drop. The
Labs21 Design Guide recommends that the design team establish a system-wide maximum pressure drop
target and pursue strategies to achieve this goal. For example, consider specifying slightly oversized
supply ducts to both reduce pressure drop and anticipate future needs. Avoid devices that create large,
and often unnecessary, drops such as balance valves and fittings. For similar reasons, use low facevelocity coils and filters. In particular, always use high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) filters with the
lowest pressure drop available.2
Plumbing Systems
Low-Flow Fixtures and Flush Devices
The use of low-flow fixtures reduces consumption of water as well as any energy used to heat it or pump
it and chemicals used to treat it. Low flow aerators and shower heads are widely available. Toilets are
also available with small flushing volumes or dual flush operation to save water.
Condensate Recovery:
The condensate from air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and refrigeration units can provide facilities with a
steady supply of relatively pure water for many processes. Laboratories are excellent sites for this
technology because they typically require dehumidification of a large amount of 100% outside air.
Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater is another excellent source of non-potable water and can be used in many of the applications in
which condensate recovery water is used. Rainwater typically contains fewer impurities than potable
Window Replacement
Many campuses have building stock that ranges in age. Many of the older buildings have existing
windows that are single pane. These windows should be replaced with double-pane windows with
Labs 21, Laboratories for the 21st Century: An Introduction to Low-Energy Design, p. 8.
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thermally broken frames. Replacing the windows will result in lower heating and cooling loads for
conditioning of perimeter areas. The maximum required airflow for peak loads will be reduced as the
peak loads are also reduced. This reduction will result in reduced airflows and save fan energy as well as
the energy needed for conditioning the air. In addition, many older windows allow significant amounts
of air infiltration. Reducing this air infiltration saves energy and helps increase the thermal comfort of
occupants in the space.
Insulate Walls and Roofs
Many campuses have building stock that ranges in age. Many of the older buildings have no insulation
in their walls and roofs. Insulation should be added to reduce heat transfer and infiltration through the
building envelope. Adding insulation will result in lower heating and cooling loads for conditioning of
perimeter areas. Perimeter heating energy usage will go down with the reduced load. The maximum
required airflow for peak loads will be reduced as the peak loads are also reduced. This reduction will
result in reduced airflows in spaces served by variable volume terminal units and save fan energy as well
as the energy needed for conditioning the air.
Solar Thermal
In a typical solar thermal array, solar panels are arranged on the roof. The panels are typically mounted
at a fixed angle that gives the best performance for the panels. The panels can also be mounted flat on the
roof. Solar thermal panels heat a glycol water mixture which passes through a heat exchanger to heat
domestic hot water or water used for space heating. This water is preheated by the sun so that less
energy has to be used to heat the water.
Solar Photovoltaic
Solar photovoltaic panels directly convert the sun’s energy into electricity. This electricity can be used to
offset electricity purchased from the utility. In a typical solar photovoltaic array, solar panels are
arranged on the roof. The panels are typically mounted at a fixed angle that gives the best performance
for the panels. The panels can also be mounted flat on the roof.
The electricity produced by the solar panels is DC power. An inverter must be used to convert the DC
power to AC power for use in the building. Electricity from the solar panels can be interconnected with
the electricity from the utility. When the panels produce more electricity than the building can use, the
excess electricity can be fed back to the utility.
Photocells can be used to detect the ambient light level in an area. When the photocell detects that
daylight levels are sufficient for illumination in the room the controls will turn the light off, thus saving
lighting energy. When the ambient light level is low the sensor will turn the lights on. Light level
thresholds and time delay adjustments help prevent rapid cycling of the lights due to temporary changes
in daylight levels.
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Occupancy Sensors for Lighting Control
A common occurrence on many campuses is that lighting is left on in unoccupied spaces. Occupancy
sensor controls turn off lights when a room has been left empty, thus saving lighting energy. When
people return to the room the sensor turns the lights back on. Sensitivity and time delay adjustments
help detect small movements and prevent rapid cycling of the lights due to transitory occupancy.
Possible locations for occupancy sensors include offices, conference rooms, restrooms, and storage areas.
There are two types of occupancy sensors that are generally used, switch mounted and ceiling mounted.
Switch mounted sensors can be installed quickly as a direct replacement to the existing wall switch.
Ceiling mounted sensors require more time to install. They also require the addition of a power pack to
control the lighting. Ceiling sensors are available with dual, ultrasonic and passive infrared,
technologies. Ultrasonic sensors fill the room with high-frequency sound; movement causes the reflected
sound to have a frequency shift which triggers the sensor. Because it does not rely on “line-of-sight” this
type of sensor is well suited to areas with tall obstacles. Ultrasonic sensors are not to be confused with
acoustic sensors that require a person to make noise in order to be detected. Passive infrared sensors rely
on moving body heat. To be seen, the person must move between the “vanes” created by the sensor's
lens. The installation of occupancy sensors offers a layer of control, ensuring that operating hours are
observed. Occupancy sensors will also prevent lights from accidentally being left on in vacant areas.
LED Exit Sign Lighting
Replace existing incandescent lighting exit signs with LED lighting exit signs. LEDs are significantly more
efficient than incandescent lamps, requiring less energy and having a longer rated lamp life. Since LEDs
use less energy to produce the same lighting levels, the heat gain from lighting is reduced when
incandescent lamps are replaced. This reduced heat gain translates into reduced cooling loads and
increased heating loads.
Replace Incandescent Lamps with CFLs or LEDs
Replace incandescent lamps with screw-in compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) to reduce electric energy
consumption used for lighting. CFLs produce lumens comparable to incandescent bulbs while using
about a quarter of the electricity. CFLs also have a longer service life, reducing the time spent by
maintenance staff replacing burnt out lamps. Many of the incandescent lamps in the hospital are on
dimmers. Thus, the replacements specified are dimmable CFLs. It is important that dimmable CFLs are
purchased as most CFLs are not dimmable. Wherever there are incandescent lamps that are not on a
dimming circuit, non-dimmable CFLs should be purchased instead of dimmable CFLs because the nondimmable lamps are less expensive. With the installation of CFLs it is important to implement a CFL
disposal program, however, as CFLs contain mercury and should be kept out of landfills.
Delamp Interior Light Fixtures
A common light fixture is a 2’ x 4’ fixture with three or four lamps. Reflectors or other retrofit kits allow
one or two of the lamps to be removed. Similar lighting levels can be maintained by adding specular
reflectors. Reducing the lamps per fixture will result in energy savings. In addition, lower wattage lamps
can often be used further increasing energy savings.
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General practice for campuses should be to specify low energy appliances. This includes computers,
copiers, scanners, refrigerators, and vending machines. Many low energy appliances are specified on the
US EPA’s ENERGY STAR website, www.energystar.gov. In addition, employees should be encouraged
to shut down equipment in the evening or at least change operation to standby mode. A typical
computer with monitor operates at between 20-40 watts in standby mode. While this doesn’t seem like
much individually, in aggregate this can add up to significant consumption.
Use High Performance Fume Hoods
The fume hood is the “primary barrier” in chemistry labs. It is a ventilated enclosure designed to
capture, contain, and exhaust fumes, gases, vapors, mists and particulate matter generated within it. It
generally consists of side, back, and top enclosure panels, a work surface, an access opening (called a
“face”), a sash (or sashes), and an exhaust plenum equipped with a baffle system for airflow distribution.
There are many kinds of fume hoods but the most energy efficient types are high performance, low face
velocity and variable air volume (VAV).
High performance, low face velocity fume hoods use a baffle control system that varies the position of a
rear baffle in accordance with the sash position. When the sash is substantially closed, the baffle is moved
to the rear of the fume hood so that the airflow is mostly horizontal to the back of the hood and above the
work zone. As the sash is opened, the baffle is moved forward so that the turbulence at the rear of the
hood is reduced, creating a floor sweep effect in the work zone. By varying the position of the baffle in
the back of the fume hood, the turbulence created in a conventional fume hood at low sash heights is
minimized, which reduces spillage of fumes and vapors from the hood. Studies suggest that this type of
hood can contain at lower face velocities, down to as low as 0.25 m/s (51 fpm).
The VAV fume hood is an energy-saving adaptation of the conventional fume hood that varies the
exhaust air volume according to the sash position to maintain a constant face velocity. The energy savings
are a result of reduced energy for conditioning the supply air, and reduced fan energy for both the supply
and exhaust air when the fume hood sash is partially or fully closed. In order to achieve energy savings
with VAV fume hoods, there must be times when either the laboratory is unoccupied or the fume hoods
are not being used, and the laboratory occupants must be educated to keep fume hoods closed when they
are not in use.
Reduce Hood Minimum Airflow
Reduce the minimum air flow on hood exhausts. Many hoods were designed to maintain a VAV
minimum of 400 cfm on average. This is based on a typical airflow of about 25 cfm/ft2 of hood opening.
Newer laboratory hood systems are designed with a minimum flow of 10 cfm/ft2 of hood opening. This
yields an allowable VAV minimum of 160 cfm for 8 foot hoods and still meets safety standards.
Dropping hood airflows to this level will result in a substantial reduction in airflow as well as outdoor air
cooling, heating, and humidification.
Existing building commissioning (EBCx) is a systematic process that documents low-cost operating and
maintenance improvements in order to optimize existing system performance. The process begins with
data gathering and assessment of existing conditions. The next step includes monitoring and testing.
Data from the EMS system may be logged. The services of a test and balance company may be obtained
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to measure air or water flows. This data is analyzed and recommendations for operational improvements
are made. Systems are then monitored to fine tune improvements.
A study performed by the Lawrence Berkley National Lab (LBNL), Portland Energy Conservation Inc.
(PECI), and Texas A&M’s Energy Systems Laboratory found that the median savings from EBCx projects
was 15% of the building’s annual energy cost.3
The Cost Effectiveness of Commissioning New and Existing Commercial Buildings, Mills et al. Synopsis available at:
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Ground-Source Systems
Ground-source systems use the ground or water bodies such as lakes and ponds for heat sources or sinks
for heating and air-conditioning systems. The ground is at a relatively stable temperature for most of the
year. In the winter it is warmer than the outside air temperature and in the summer it is cooler.
Compressor-based systems such as chillers and heat pumps use the ground as an efficient heat sink or
Ground temperatures in the United States range from 40°F to 80°F, however 50°F to 60°F is common
throughout much of the country. The ability to reject heat to a sink at that temperature increases the
efficiency of the equipment that requires heat rejection. More common than heat rejection to the ground
is heat rejection to air. The variation in the temperature of air and the generally higher temperatures of
water that uses air for heat rejection, increase the energy use of equipment.
Combined Heat and Power Systems
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or cogeneration systems are plants that produce both electrical energy
and thermal energy. The plants are designed to take advantage of the synergies in energy production to
increase the efficiency of energy production. Most grid connected electric generation plants generate a
large quantity of waste heat. The most efficient of these plants are only about 30% efficient. Combined
cycle plants that use waste heat to generate additional electrical energy can be over 40% efficient. CHP
plants can be around 80% efficient.
University campuses can be great places to apply CHP. Most campuses require large amounts of both
thermal and electrical energy. Many campuses have their own electrical power production and finding
ways to use the waste heat saves money and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
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Savings Achieved
Savings Potential
Most Common Roadblocks
Top Lessons Learned
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The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education STARS Program
University of Hawaii
About UH Manoa
Sustainability at UH Manoa
Green Building Design and Clean Energy Policy
Cornell University
Survey responses provided by:
David Frostclapp, Lanny Joyce, Randy Lacey– Cornell University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Campus Energy Update:2012
MIT Department of Facilities Building Energy Efficiency Program (BEEP)
MIT Energy Initiative
Stanford University
Survey responses provided by:
Susan Vargas, Jiffy Vermylen – Stanford University
Sustainability at Stanford: A Year in Review 2011-2012
Stanford University website
Sustainable Stanford
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University of Minnesota
Twin Cities Sustainability Committee
Sustainability and U
Building Energy Report Card
UM News
Facilities Management
Climate Action Plan
University of Illinois at Chicago
Office of Sustainability
Climate Action Plan
University of California Irvine
UC Irvine Sustainability
A&BS-Centered UC Irvine Energy-Efficiency Leadership and Accomplishments
UC Irvine Smart Lab Initiative
University of California Davis
UC Davis
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UC Davis: By the numbers
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Sustainable 2nd Century
University of California Merced
UC Merced
UC Merced Sustainability
University of California CIEE Measured Performance Case Study
University of Colorado at Boulder
CU-Boulder About
CU-Boulder Sustainability
Campus Sustainability Tour
Williams Village earns local green building award
Green Labs
Psychometric chart plots were produced in Climate Consultant 5.2. Climate consultant was developed by
the UCLA Energy Design Tools group.
Climate Consultant is copyrighted 1976, 1986, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2011 by the Regents of the
University of California. Users shall have no right to modify, change, alter, edit, or create derivative
©2016 Grumman/Butkus Associates
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