18 October 2014 Planning Department Canterbury City Council Military Road, Canterbury Kent CT2 1YW Dear Colleagues CA//14/02045/FUL: 1 Ryde Street, Canterbury, CT2 8QP Removal of existing low pitched roof and replacement with Mansard roof, incorporating dormer windows to front and rear, to create second-floor accommodation containing 2 bedrooms and replacement entrance porch. The Canterbury Society is concerned about this application for several reasons. Firstly, there is the height of the proposed extension. The majority of the houses in the area are of two storeys. The addition of a further storey to the property would not be in keeping with the neighbourhood, which is a Conservation Area. The initial planning application for the site of 3 Ryde Street was for a pair of three storey semi-detached houses. It was turned down on the grounds of excessive height, and this proposal should be refused too. Secondly, we are concerned that what is being proposed is essentially a student house in multi-occupation. We are told that there are already five students living in the house and that there are serious problems with noise and rubbish. Any further enlargement of the property would add more students, and increase the existing problems in Ryde Street. Thirdly, there is the visual appearance of the proposed porch. This is totally out of keeping with the street scene, being of a mock Georgian style, while all of the other properties are of cottage style. We hope that the Planning Committee will refuse this application. If granted, it would damage what is currently a very charming corner of our city. Yours sincerely Jan Pahl Chair of the Canterbury Society 18 St Dunstan’s Terrace, Canterbury, Kent CT2 8AX