CANTERBURY CURSILLO ULTREYA GB 2014 - CANTERBURY 30thAUGUST 2014 Registration Form Name: Diocese: Telephone Number: Email: I will / will not be taking the Guided Cathedral Tour (4.15 pm) at a cost of £4.00. I will / will not be attending the evening Barn Dance (7.00 pm) at a cost of £12.00 per person including a splendid fish and chip supper. Any dietary requirements ? Wheelchair access required ? Signing for the hard of hearing required? This form to be returned to Aimee Babbs . 70, Bybrook Road, Kennington, Ashford. Kent. TN24 9JB Please pay Canterbury Cursillo directly using your name as a reference. Account No. 00405730. Sort Code. 30-91-60. or cheques made payable to Canterbury Cursillo. ULTREYA !! PLEASE RETURN INCLUDING PAYMENT BY 1st JULY 2014.