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[Photo 1]
The Massachusetts State House, One Beacon Hill, Boston
Living History
Greenwood Industries Builds Award-Winning Roof on Massachusetts State
Millbury, MA— On June 5, 2009, Greenwood Industries of Millbury, Massachusetts,
began re-roofing the Massachusetts State House in Boston. Perhaps the highest
profile roofing project in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts
State House is significant not only for its historical importance, but for its
fundamental functionality as the political hub of the Commonwealth. It houses both
the executive and legislative branches of the Massachusetts government, including
the Governor’s Office, as it has since the erection of the building in 1795.
Greenwood was awarded the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA)
Platinum Gold Circle award for superior workmanship. The 2012 Gold Circle
Awards were presented at the NRCA’s 125th Annual Convention in Orlando this
David Klein, President of Greenwood Industries, said, “It’s a great honor to be
recognized for superior workmanship on a project of such historical significance.
Our team was humbled to work on the same building of which cornerstone was laid
by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere—and every one of us gave our best to the
[Photo 2]
Greenwood Industries is a member of the Boston Roofing Contractors Association, an
affiliate with the BTEA, the Building Trades Employers’ Association.
Greenwood is a member of the Boston Roofing Contractors Association, an affiliate
with the Building Trades Employers Association (BTEA), known for the stringent
training and qualification of its members and their employees. Greenwood’s skilled
team of approximately twenty sheet metal workers from locals 17 and 63, and
sixteen roofers from Local 33, worked for twenty-three months from June 2009
through April 2011.
According to Robert Sparks, project manager, every tradesman who worked on the
State House was in awe. “We’d say, ‘look around you because you’ll probably not see
the likes of this again’”. Sparks added, “This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Every single tradesman was thrilled to have the chance to work on such a highprofile project.”
In 1965, when Sparks got into the business, the State House was one of his first
projects. “Back then it was just some repairs,” said Sparks. I think it’s ironic that 44
years later, I would have the opportunity to work on this huge re-roofing project,
again for the State House, and it would be my last project before retiring. I feel really
lucky to have had this opportunity.”
The State House is considered to be a living museum and the most important
historical building in New England. It is a symbol of early American history with ties
to our founding fathers and revolutionary war heroes. The first cornerstone for the
building was laid on July 4, 1795 in a grand ceremony lead by Governor Samuel
Adams and accompanied by Paul Revere. The land designated for its construction
was purchased from John Hancock. The renowned architect Charles Bullfinch was
named architect for the project. He would later be appointed by President James
Monroe as Architect of the Capital; and he went on to design the United States
Capitol Building in Washington, DC, in 1829.
[Photo 3]
Renowned architect Charles Bullfinch designed the State House in Boston, and later
the US Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
The vast quantities of copper installed on the State House roof came from Revere
Copper, which was founded in 1801 by Paul Revere.
[Photo 4]
Vast quantities of copper installed on the roof were supplied by Revere Copper,
founded in 1801 by Paul Revere.
Over the centuries, many additions were made to the original edifice of the
Massachusetts State House. As of 2006 its roof had been leaking and in disrepair for
many years, putting national treasures at risk. The Division of Capital Management
commissioned project design engineers, Simpson, Gumpertz and Heger (SGH) of
Waltham, Massachusetts, to determine the extent of the damage and the
replacement. Greenwood Industries was one of only three roofing contractors
prequalified to bid on this public sector project. Greenwood was chosen based on
financial standing, past project performance on historic buildings, and the high level
of craftsmanship that is required to tackle such an important and delicate project for
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
[Photos 5, 6, 7]
National treasures were at risk from water leaking through the old roof.
Scope of Project
Few roofing projects could be considered as unique as the roof replacement at the
Massachusetts State House. It was to be a massive, challenging roof replacement and
exterior repair. Greenwood married copper, slate, modified roofing, PVC roofing,
walk pads and pavers to form an aesthetic masterpiece fully functional in its design
to keep water out of the building, drain water away, and provide comfortable patios
and walkways for the occupants to enjoy.
[Photo 8]
The complex roof repair and exterior refurbishment provided water protection and
drainage and walkways for occupants to enjoy.
A major challenge presented by this project was the inconsistency of the substrata.
Due to all the additions and renovations over the years, many different materials
had been used to repair the roofing system. Under the aging roof system, gypsum
board, layers of asbestos containing built-up roofing, plywood, masonry and tongue
and groove planking were found. Every day presented a new challenge for the
Greenwood Industry team.
[Photo 9]
Hundreds of years of built-up materials had to be removed—from plywood to gypsum
board, asbestos, masonry and tongue-and-groove planking.
The State House is located in the bustling urban center of Boston. According to Bob
Sparks, the congested area around the State House posed additional challenges for
the crew. “We were only allotted four parking spaces on the street to work from.
There was no material storage on the ground. We had to call in a truck each time
materials were needed and have them lifted by a crane directly from the truck to the
roof,” explained Sparks.
[Photo 10]
In the urban Boston setting there was no room for ground materials storage; a truck
and crane lifted materials to the workers as needed.
Every sheet metal worker was required to be tested and certified for this project by
SGH. They performed tedious hand-soldering tasks in extreme New England
weather conditions, with ambient temperatures ranging from below freezing in the
winter months, to 135 degrees in the summer. The installation of snow guards with
only one and one-half feet of clearance was done with meticulous hand soldering.
Much of the copper cladding as well as the transitions from copper to slate were
soldered by hand.
[Photos 11, 12]
Meticulous hand soldering was accomplished with little clearance and in extreme New
England weather conditions—from below freezing to 135-degree ambient heat.
Greenwood removed in excess of 83,600 sq. ft. of flat seam copper panels, standing
seam copper panels, EPDM, built up roofing, pavers, and waterproofing. They then
installed 18,400 sq. ft. of flat seam copper panels, 38,100 sq. ft. of standing seam
copper panels, 14,800 sq. ft. of Siplast Modified Bitumen roof, 12,300 sq. ft. of
Sarnafil roof and 9,400 sq. ft. of pavers.
Safety was paramount; Greenwood’s team of safety professionals conducted a preproject safety survey and designed safety protocol. The congested work area and
downtown Boston location dictated the sensitivity of the work area. Greenwood had
to consider not only the safety of its employees, but that of the occupants, visitors
and the general public as well.
[Photos 13, 14]
Greenwood’s safety team designed railing, safety nets and walkway systems to ensure
100% safety for workers, building occupants, and passersby.
The safety team devised a railing and safety net system to keep workers, material
and debris on the roof. In order to keep workers safe when traveling across a sloped
roof covered in copper—with many angle changes—Greenwood designed and
installed a wood walkway system with railings. Greenwood utilized full body
harness tied off 100% of the time anywhere a worker was to be exposed to a fall
hazard. The end result: zero significant injuries during the 41,045 hours worked to
complete the project. The stunning roof was completed with no fallen debris, and
little or no interruption to the executive offices, the House of Representatives and
Senate, or the estimated 172, 000 visitors to the State House.
[Photo 15]
At any time a worker had to be at risk for a fall injury it was mandatory to have 100%
tie-off. Result: zero accidents.
The Massachusetts State House roofing project tested the limits of the art of an
historic roof replacement. The craftsmen exemplified superior workmanship and
professionalism. Greenwood not only met the challenge, but also was able to exceed
project goals. On April 30, 2011, the original project roofing scope was successfully
completed 9 months ahead of schedule and under budget.
[Photo 16]
Greenwood’s team exhibited expert craftsmanship and professionalism. The project
was completed 9 months early and under budget.
The new Massachusetts State House roof gleams on Beacon Hill, a one-of-a-kind
building in design and content; a one-of-a-kind roof in design and functionality.
As a result of Greenwood’s award-winning work, approximately 1500 employees of
the Commonwealth are able to go to work each day without the fear of water
leaking into their workspace. Historic works of art, documents and artifacts are now
safe from water damage that could have destroyed what remains of American
[Photo 17]
The artifacts at the Massachusetts State House are now safe from damage. The
stunning roof was completed with little or no interruption to the executive offices, the
House of Representatives and Senate, or the estimated 172, 000 visitors to the State