Earthquakes & Volcanoes

Name _____________________________
Earthquakes & Volcanoes (p. 738 – 746)
I. What Are Earthquakes?
1. Define the term earthquake.
Earthquake –
2. Earthquakes typically occur around plate boundaries.
Circle One :
3. Match the following terms with the correct definitions.
1. ________ Seismic Waves
A. Point on the surface directly above the focus.
2. ________ Focus
B. Wave that moves at a right angle to wave direction.
3. ________ Epicenter
C. Fastest type of seismic wave.
4. ________ Longitudinal Wave
D. Slowest type of seismic wave.
5. ________ Transverse Wave
E. Wave that moves back & forth with wave direction.
6. ________ Primary Wave
F. Energy released by earthquakes.
7. ________ Secondary Wave
G. Wave that is transverse; only passes through solids
8. ________ Surface Wave
H. Point inside Earth where earthquakes originate.
4. The most destructive type of seismic wave is a primary wave.
Circle One :
II. Measuring Earthquakes
1. Define the term seismology.
Seismology –
2. How does a seismograph record seismic wave activity?
3. The closer an earthquake, the less the time between the arrival of the P-Wave and the
arrival of the S-Wave.
Circle One :
4. Geologists use circles to find the epicenters. What do the following represent?
Center of Circle : _________________________________________________________
Radius of Circle : _________________________________________________________
5. Identify the scale used to assess the magnitude strength of earthquakes.
Name _____________________________
III. Volcanoes
1. Define the term volcano.
Volcano –
2. Match the following terms with the correct definitions.
1. ________ Vents
A. Opening of volcanoes; located in crater or sides.
2. ________ Ash
B. Molten material located on the surface of the Earth.
3. ________ Magma
C. Molten material located inside a volcano.
4. ________ Lava
D. Mineral particles released from volcanoes.
3. Match the following volcanic characteristics with the correct type of volcano.
1. ________ Smallest & most abundant type of volcano.
A. Shield Volcano
2. ________ Results from quiet eruptions.
3. ________ Composed of fragments called tephra.
B. Composite Volcano
4. ________ Several thousands of meters high.
5. ________ Results from explosive eruptions.
C. Cinder-Cone Volcano
6. ________ Largest type of volcano.
7. ________ Erupts runny & thick lava.
8. ________ Looks like a large shield on it’s side.
9. ________ Alternates between quiet & explosive eruptions.
4. Match the type of volcano with the correct representative examples.
1. ________ Shield Volcano
A. Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Pinatubo, Mt. Vesuvius
2. ________ Composite Volcano
B. Mt. Kilauea, Mt. Surtsey, Mt. Mauna Loa
3. ________ Cinder-Cone Volcano
C. Mt. Cerro Negro, Mt. Pelee, Mt. Paricutin
5. List 3 locations where volcanoes typically form and give an example of each location.
1. __________________________ __________________________________________
2. __________________________ __________________________________________
3. __________________________ __________________________________________
6. What is the Pacific Ring of Fire?