NAME ___________
1. An object which attracts a negatively-charged balloon has a ___ charge
b. negative c. neutral d. cannot be determined
a. positive
2. A formerly neutral object that just gained some electrons has a ___ charge .
a. positive
b. negative c. neutral d. cannot be determined
3. An object possesses more protons than electrons has a ___ charge
b. negative c. neutral d. cannot be determined
a. positive
4. An object around which the electric field vector is directed outwards has a
___ charge.
b. negative c. neutral d. cannot be determined
a. positive
5. An object repels a negatively-charged balloon has a ___ charge
a. positive
b. negative c. neutral d. cannot be determined
6. Electricity can most accurately be described as the movement of
d. Force
a. Energy
b. Photons
7. The flow of energy from a battery is from
b. + to c. low to high d. Based on the circuit
a. - to +
8. When a balloon is rubbed on a person’s hair the hair gains a + charge
c. The Balloon d. The Hair has lost
a. The hair has b. The hair has
has gained
gained protons more energy
9. An atom of Be has an atomic number of 9 but only contains 6 electrons what is its actual
charge: 3 x (1.6 x 1019) = 4.8 x 1019
10. An atom of Mg has an atomic number of 12 but contains 16 electrons what is its actual
charge: 4 x (1.6 x 10-19) =6.4x10-19
11. If the Be and Mg atoms above were 54cm apart how many Newtons of electrical force
would be created: (4.8 x 1019a)( 6.4x10-19) / (.542) x ( 9x109)
Bonus: Draw three diagrams of electric files created by: 2 + charges, 2 – charges, 2 opposite
NAME ___________ PERIOD ___
TUTOR _______________________
1. An object which repels a negatively-charged balloon has a ___ charge
a. positive
b. negative c. neutral d. cannot be determined
2. When a balloon is rubbed on your hair your hair loses electrons resulting
in a ___ charge .
a. positive
b. negative c. neutral d. cannot be determined
3. If an atom has equal protons and electrons it can be considered
a. positive
b. negative c. neutral d. cannot be determined
4. The movement of electrons results in:
a. Charges
b. Photons c. Electric Current
d. Electric Force
5. The flow of energy from a battery is from
a. - to +
b. + to c. low to high d. Based on the circuit
6. An atom of Be has an atomic number of 9 but only contains 7 electrons what is its actual
7. An atom of Mg has an atomic number of 12 but contains 18 electrons what is its actual
8. If the Be and Mg atoms above were 20 cm apart how many Newton’s of electrical force
would be created:
9. Name the charge represented by the diagram
Fe= (q1)(q2)/ (r)2 x ke
Proton = 1.6 x 1019 c Electron= 1.6 x 10-19 c
Ke= 9x109