172/604 re-amended THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Graduate School Faculty of _______________________________________ Biannual/Probationary Supervision Report Notes: 1. Under the MPhil and PhD Degree Regulations and Procedures, the supervisor(s) of a candidate is/are required to report on the candidate’s progress to the Board of Graduate Studies through the Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee (DRPC) and the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (FHDC) at six-monthly intervals. 2. Please complete Section B below in respect of the candidate named in Section A, and send the form to the Chairperson of DRPC for completion of Section C by ___________________. The Department will then forward the completed form to the Faculty. 3. Please browse http://www.gradsch.hku.hk/gradsch/f/page/386/1648/Steps of Progress Report Submission.pdf for “Steps of progress report submission”. Section A 1. Review period (dates given in DD/MM/YYYY) From to 2. Name of candidate (Title/Surname/Given names) 3. HKU No. 4. Degree registered (MPhil/PhD) 5. Department Candidature (dates given in DD/MM/YYYY) 6. Study period 7. Candidature a. First registration a. Study Mode (FT/PT) b. Minimum period b. End of probationary period c. Maximum/Normative period c. Confirmed (Yes/No/C-Conditional) d. Extended Maximum/ Normative period 8. Leave of absence—non-study leave (dates given in DD/MM/YYYY) a. Non-study leave period 1: from to b. Non-study leave period 2: from to c. Non-study leave period 3: from to 9. Field of study 10. Thesis title (if submitted) 11. Supervisor(s) a. b. c. 12. Holder of PGS, if applicable (dates in given in DD/MM/YYYY) from Note: The start date was the date when the student was first offered the PGS. to -2Section B (to be completed by the Supervisor(s)) 1. (a) During the period under review, how many times did you communicate with /meet the candidate to discuss his/her research? Once weekly or more frequently Once every fortnight Once monthly Less frequently than once monthly (for full-time candidates) / Less frequently than once every 6 weeks (for parttime candidates) (b) The major means of communication between you and your student is: (Please tick one) Face-to-face meeting only Face-to-face meeting and other means Other means only (Please specify) (c) (i) If the answer to (a) is less frequently than once monthly (for full-time candidates)/less frequently than once every 6 weeks (for part-time candidates), the reason(s) for the infrequent communication is/are: (ii) If the answer to (b) is “Other means only”, the reason(s) is/are: (d) How many seminar(s) has the candidate given on his/her research during the period under review? 0 2. 1 2 3 or above During the period under review, did the candidate, to your knowledge, encounter any problems (a) of a personal nature: related to research work on the project; or (c) related to supervision? (a) Personal Yes - problem resolved Yes - problem not yet resolved No problem (b) Research Yes - problem resolved Yes - problem not yet resolved No problem (c) Supervision Yes - problem resolved Yes - problem not yet resolved No problem (Please specify if the problems have not been resolved.) 3. To your knowledge, was the candidate involved in any employment/work apart from the work leading to his/her higher degree during the period under review? Yes (Please specify) No Please be reminded that PGS holders shall not undertake any employment either within or outside the University during the tenure of scholarship other than that described in Regulation 4 of the Regulations Governing Postgraduate Scholarships. 4. Was the candidate away from Hong Kong for any continuous period of more than one month during the period under review? Yes (Please specify) No -35. (a) Please estimate the proportion of the candidate’s research work completed (including writing up the thesis). Portion of research work completed ___________________% (b) Do you expect your student to be able to submit his/her thesis on time, i.e. by the end of his/her candidature? Yes No If ‘No’, when do you think the thesis can be submitted? M M Y 6. 7. Y Y Y During the period under review, the candidate’s progress was: Very satisfactory (Please go to Question 8) Satisfactory (Please go to Question 8) Barely satisfactory (Please answer Question 7) Unsatisfactory (Please answer Question 7) (a) In the case of “Barely satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory”, or if specific difficulties or problems were encountered during the period under review, please give more details. (b) Has the candidate been warned? Yes – Orally only Yes – In writing only (Please go to (ii) below) Yes – Both (Please go to (ii) below) No – Please explain why the candidate has not been warned: If the candidate has been warned in writing, please attach a copy of the warning letter to the DRPC Chairperson for record. (c) What action do you recommend to the DRPC in the case of a barely satisfactory or unsatisfactory report or where specific difficulties or problems are being encountered? (Note: The DRPC is unlikely to recommend discontinuation unless a written warning has been issued.) 8. Do you anticipate any problems (a) personal or (b) concerning the research or (c) concerning the supervision in the coming year? (a) Personal Yes No (b) Research Yes No (c) Supervision Yes No (If yes, please specify and indicate the remedial actions which would be taken.) -4(a) Does the proposed research in the candidate’s thesis involve human participants? 9. Yes (Please indicate whether approval for human research ethics has been obtained from IRB or HRECNCF^) Yes, I understand that the candidate has already obtained the necessary approval. No, I understand that the candidate has not obtained the necessary approval, as s/he has not yet started data collection. No (Please specify) No (b) Does the proposed research in the candidate’s thesis involve the use of live animals? Yes (Please indicate whether approval for animal research ethics has been obtained from CULATR) Yes, I understand that the candidate has already obtained the necessary approval. No, I understand that the candidate has not obtained the necessary approval, as s/he has not yet started data collection. No IRB = The Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster HRECNCF = The Human Research Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Faculties CULATR = The Committee for the Use of Live Animals in Teaching and Research ^ Please check with the Operational Guidelines and Procedures (http://www.rss.hku.hk/integrity/ethics-compliance/hrecncf) to decide on which institutional ethical body should you submit your application for ethical approval. 10. Please fill in 10 (a) for probationary candidates or 10 (b) for confirmed candidates: (a) For probationary candidates only (please see item 7b of Section A) (i) I recommend that the candidature (please tick as appropriate) be confirmed / continued* not be confirmed and the probationary period be extended for a period of ________ month(s) be confirmed and transferred to that for the degree of MPhil# PhD be terminated * Please delete as appropriate # A candidate registered between 1 September 1999 and 31 August 2001 may only transfer to the degree of MPhil within the first six months of full-time candidature, or nine months in the case of part-time candidature. A candidate registered on or after 1 September 2001 may apply for transfer to MPhil candidature within the following time-frames: 3-year PhD programme Full-time Part-time 12 months 18 months Full-time 18 months 4-year PhD programme Part-time 27 months Please provide all relevant information which supports the recommendation of extension of probationary period/transfer: A higher PGS rate will be paid to PhD students whose probationary period has been confirmed by the Faculty (except for HKPF holders). Please be reminded to submit a new e-FCF to effect the higher payment. MPhil students will receive the same PGS rate throughout the whole candidature. (ii) For confirmation of candidature as indicated by 10(a)(i) Has the candidate demonstrated capability in research and submitted a detailed scheme of research to your satisfaction? (The detailed scheme of research should be submitted to the DRPC for the purpose of confirmation of candidature.) Yes No (Please amplify) -5(iii) Comments (must be provided in all cases except when the candidature is recommended to be confirmed/continued) (b) For confirmed candidates only (please see item 7c of Section A) I recommend that the candidature (please tick as appropriate) be continued be transferred to that for the degree of MPhil# PhD Please provide all relevant information which supports the recommendation of transfer: be terminated # A candidate registered between 1 September 1999 and 31 August 2001 may only transfer to the degree of MPhil within the first six months of full-time candidature, or nine months in the case of part-time candidature. A candidate registered on or after 1 September 2001 may apply for transfer to MPhil candidature within the following time-frames: 3-year PhD programme Full-time Part-time 12 months 18 months 11. Full-time 18 months 4-year PhD programme Part-time 27 months Financial Support [This information is required only if the PGS of the student is due to be renewed (see item 12 of Section A) or the financial assistance needs to be re-arranged.] (a) Postgraduate Scholarship (to be followed up separately by the Faculty for recommendation to Board of Graduate Studies) I recommend that, if applicable, the PGS (please tick as appropriate): be renewed be terminated Please note that the PGS is normally renewed for a period of 12 months or until the end of the normative study period. If you would like your student’s PGS to be renewed for a shorter period, please specify the renewal period and the reasons: New renewal period: months (from to Reasons: (b) Other Financial Assistance (to be followed up separately by individual Departments) Research Assistantship Teaching Assistantship Demonstratorship Others (please specify) If applicable, the support should be renewed from __________________ to _____________________. (DD/MM/YYYY) (DD/MM/YYYY) 12. Please indicate any further information you would like to provide, if any: To be signed by the supervisor(s) when the above report is completed: Date Name Supervisor Signature Date Name Supervisor Signature ) -6Section C (to be completed by the Chairperson of DRPC and then shown to the Supervisor(s) and the Candidate) 1. Comment on the candidate’s progress: (Please mark ‘nil’ for no comment) 2. What is/are the Committee’s recommendation(s) if the candidate’s progress is “Barely satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory” or the candidate has encountered difficulties or problems? (Please refer to questions B2, B6-B8) (Please mark ‘nil’ for no comment) Date Signature Chairperson, DRPC cc: Supervisor(s) Candidate 31 August 2004 4 November 2010 25 February 2014