Interpretive Guide Managing Organizational Resources is the ability

Interpretive Guide
Managing Organizational Resources
is the ability to understand and effectively manage
organizational resources (e.g., people, materials, assets, budgets). This is demonstrated through measurement,
planning and control of resources to maximize results. It requires an evaluation of qualitative (e.g., client
satisfaction) and quantitative (e.g., service costs) needs.
Behavioural Level
Interpretive Guide
1. Understands:
- Understands
Did the candidate demonstrate an understanding of the
relevant resource issues for his/her role? Was the
candidate able to demonstrate a basic understanding of
the link between their own resource issues and those of
the organization?
2. Pursues Resource Effectiveness:
- Ensures that things are done using
Did the candidate provide evidence that he/she came up
with an alternative that was more effective or efficient
than the current option? Was there evidence of the
improvement of the service/process/program?
key resource issues
affecting one's responsibilities and
how these relate to the organization.
efficient and effective alternatives
w h i l e ma i n t a i n i n g o r i mp r o v i n g
q u a l i t y o f p r o g r a ms , p r o c e s s e s o r
s e r vi c e s .
3. Advocates Effective Utilization:
Promotes the need for and models the
effective utilization of resources.
O b t a i n s o n g o i n g i n f o r ma t i o n a n d f e e d b a c k
a b o u t r e s o u r c e u t i l i z a t i o n t o ma k e t i m e l y ,
effective decisions.
M a y ma k e r e s o u r c e s a v a i l a b l e t o o t h e r a r e a s
in the organization as needed.
4. Benefits the Organization:
M a k e s d e c i s i o n s t h a t i mp r o v e e f f e c t i v e
utilization of resources for the organization
e v e n w h e n o w n b r a n c h , d i vi s i o n o r t e a m m u s t
This includes utilizing resources to meet
current and future business goals, with a
view and tie-in to the tactical and strategic
aspects of the business.
Brought to you by the
BC Public Service Agency
Did the candidate demonstrate promotion of effective
resource allocation to others? Was there evidence of the
candidate gathering information in order to monitor
resource utilization?
Was there evidence that the candidate approached
resource management from an organizational
perspective? Did the candidate consider strategic
business goals when making resource management