Warm Up Set #3

Set #3
Warm Up #1: Answer the following questions:
Passions were so strong over the issue of slavery in the territories because…
a. Northerners didn’t like blacks.
b. Southerners wanted to expand their farms.
c. Congress did not approve of popular sovereignty.
d. Both the North and South didn’t want the other side to gain more representation in Congress.
2. What did the Election of 1860 lead to?
a. Breckenridge became President.
b. Secession of slave states from the Union.
c. Slave revolts in the South.
d. The Trail of Tears.
WU #2: Answer the questions below.
The people who settled the first permanent English colonies (like Jamestown) wanted what?
a. Slaves b. gold
c. religious freedom
d. farmland
According to the Constitution how can the President check the power of Congress?
a. Declaring bills unconstitutional
b. Vetoing bills
c. Appointing members to the Cabinet
d. Impeachment of Congressmen
How did NC’s geographic features affect the movement of good and people?
a. Mountain ranges and a lack of navigable rivers restricted the movement of people and goods.
b. Warm water ports and small mountain ranges encouraged the movement of good and people.
c. Deep rivers and flat fertile land helped NC develop strong interstate commerce.
d. Multiple rivers and valleys prevented the development of large farms.
WU #3: What is significant about the first Battle of Bull Run?
WU #4: Use the following words in 2-4 sentences:
Secede or secession, Abolition or abolitionist, Confederacy, Abraham Lincoln
Warm Up #5: Copy the chart below onto your paper. Fill in the chart as best you can.