56th Annual CWL Convention We Have Seen the Lord – As People

56th Annual CWL Convention
We Have Seen the Lord – As People of Faith
Written by: Cathy Crabbe
They began gathering at St. Alfred’s Church on Tuesday evening, May 27 for the 56th Annual CWL
Diocesan Convention, at first quietly then the hum of voices grew louder as sister CWL members
rekindled friendships forged through years of service to the Catholic Women’s League. It was the
beginning of two days of catching up with old friends on a personal level, as well as the many CWL
activities that have taken place at all levels of the organization this past year, local parishes, the diocese,
provincially and nationally.
Bishop Gerard Bergie celebrated the Eucharist with CWL Diocesan Spiritual Advisor Fr. Matthew
Pendanathu and many of the diocesan clergy con-celebrating the mass. Cantor Courtney Wilson,
accompanist Jessica Kapoor and the St. Alfred choir shared their talents for making beautiful music. It
was a very moving service.
Following the Mass, Betty Anne Brown Davidson, National President, instantly captured the attention of
the ladies as she welcomed everyone to the annual “clucking and cooing” session. Like nesting hens at
day’s end,” each year we come together to discuss issues, take comfort in the clucking and cooing of our
sisters in Christ, learn what they have done, and how we can make life better for others through our
efforts.” She referred to the League as if it were a “beating heart” that over the course of the year
becomes engorged with all the good works on an earthly and spiritual level and then at convention
pumps out those good works and good ideas,” She wished everyone a close encounter with Jesus, with
their sisters of the CWL and with their community during convention, encouraging everyone to allow
themselves the opportunity to experience ideas from their sisters….to cluck and coo!
Betty Anne shared a message from Bishop McGratton, CWL’s National Spiritual Advisor. He would like
to challenge the CWL to come back to Mary through unscripted prayer in order to enrich our faith. He
tells us that we can bring our needs and the needs of our world to the Lord, her son, through prayer. He
listens to her. “We need peace in our world. Let’s get praying to the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
Betty Anne reminded the members that through our combined efforts we bring a voice to the
government, they know who we are and they welcome us to the table. As National President she had
recently been invited to a luncheon with Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird where she joined other
influential people from around the world to discuss the fact that religious freedoms around the world is
in jeopardy, and that human trafficking is not acceptable.
The convention continued the next morning, May 28 at the Holiday Inn, St. Catharines with Morning
Praise. Keynote speaker, Betty Anne Brown Davidson once again captured the attention of those
gathered through her vivid imagery of the CWL, this time comparing the League to an apple pie divided
into thirds: encounter, community and service. “All we have is this moment, let’s make it count.”
Taking her leave from the convention Betty Anne was on her way to Ottawa for a special meeting called
by Prime Minister Harper where she was invited to represent the CWL in discussions concerning the
needs of women and children around the world, recognizing the jeopardy that so many are exposed to.
Once again, the Catholic Women’s League brings a voice to the government.
The conferring of Life Member Pin and Scroll Prayer Service was bestowed upon Linda-Marie O’Hagan
for her more than thirty years of service to God and country through her work with the CWL.
A very informative presentation followed by Anne Jamieson, Director, Catechesis Office, Diocese of
Hamilton on rediscovering the joy of believing. “Joy is a gift from God. He wants us to have joy in our
lives. Joy causes us to work. Joy is called out from everywhere in the world. Be an agent of joy and
share it with your family and all whom you meet, let it spill over so as to fill others.”
Following lunch, a joyful ceremony crowning the Blessed Virgin Mary took place followed by the
business portion of the convention concluding with a report from Provincial President Betty Colaneri
who encouraged everyone to share their stories, we need to do this often and with passion because –
We Have Seen The Lord - As People of Faith. If Jesus is in your heart – show it on your face.
At the conclusion of the business meeting delegates were adjourned until dinner where the
reaffirmation of the Diocesan Executive and Diocesan Spiritual Advisor took place under the direction of
Most Rev. Bishop Gerard Bergie and Life Member Linda Marie O’Hagan. CWL Diocesan President Sharon
Dickson thanked her executive for all their work and support this past year and extended a special
thanks to Spiritual Advisor Fr. Matthew Pendanathu for his commitment to the CWL. Sharon concluded
with a sincere thank you to Convention Convenor Josie Rocca, St. Mary’s Church, Welland and her
dedicated committee for a well-planned and well-executed convention.
A very enjoyable dinner ensued followed by a wonderfully entertaining hour of music and laughter that
was enjoyed by all.