Spanish Intro Syllabus - senorvjohnson

Introduction to Spanish
Contact Information
Señor Johnson
Cell #: (301) 338-8593
Please e-mail or call me to schedule an appointment.
(Please give me 24 hours to respond)
Class Website
All of our class Powerpoints, copies of our class notes, and any major announcements will
be posted on our class website. Parents can always access this site! The site is the following:
Class DOJO is Our student behavior and participation monitor. Student and parent codes will be
given the first week of school!
Course Description:
Students will learn to proficiently read, write, speak, and listen in Spanish. They will master
85% of the content given on the rigorous New York Regents’ Exam used as a tracker of
student success. Students will confident in their own abilities in the language and ready to
venture out of their comfort zone by taking risks in engaging in classroom exercises. The
content of this course will empower students to develop a passion for foreign language and
cultural understanding. This will build on a classroom culture of accountability and risktaking, where students feel ready to practice and push themselves beyond their own
previous expectations.
By the end of the quarter students will:
-Familiarize themselves with Spanish names for people, countries and capitals
-Spell words using foreign alphabet
-Greet friends and adults; introduce self and others; tell where you and others are from
-Use numbers 0-100 in a functional way dates, solving simple math equations, telling your
telephone numbers
-Describe the weather
-Recognize and respond to classroom commands and identify subjects in school
-Discuss likes and dislikes as they relate to activities and foods
-Describe self and others using the verb Ser and the appropriate forms of adjectives
-Identify teen activities in the US and Spanish speaking worlds.
-Identify and use definite and indefinite articles
Expectaciones de la Clase/ Class Expectations
Follow directions the first time they are given
Be in classroom seated when bell rings
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Use appropriate language: no put downs, cussing, or any inappropriate language
Only water is allowed in the classroom
Class Rewards
Dojo Points
Positive Phone Calls/Letters
Jaguar Bucks
Class Responses
Verbal Warning
Name on board
Phone Call Home
Written Reflection
Referral (PS-74)
*I reserve the right to respond to a situation in the way I see fit.
Class DOJO Positive Points
Teamwork Helping Others On task Participating Extra Points
Working hard Persistence Improvement
Positive Attitude Class DOJO Negative Points
Off task
Unprepared Materials
Improper Uniform
Out of Seat
Class Materials
Everyday you are expected to be prepared and ready to learn once you enter my learning
zone. Once you enter room 215 you will need the following:
1. Properly divided binder with notes and any classwork, homework, assessments, etc.
2. 2 Pencils (sharpened before class begins) & 1 – 2 pens (black or blue ink only)
3. College-ruled notebook or loose leaf paper
Language Arts Notebook/Binder
You will be required to keep a notebook in a 3 ring binder that will contain ALL work,
whether it is graded, incomplete, ungraded, etc.
The purpose of your notebook is to have an organized place to keep all of your unfinished
and finished reading work and to have materials ready for you to study for tests, quizzes,
and exams. Part of your grade will include a binder check to ensure you’re organization in
this class.
If you are not seated inside the learning zone when the door is closed, you will be
marked tardy unless you have a valid signed pass.
Stand silently outside door until recognized
Excused with Pass - Sign the tardy log and head directly to seat without disrupting
Unexcused – Sign the tardy log and head to seat. Parent will be called during class.
Consequences (Unexcused)
– 1st Offense – Warning
– 2nd Offense – Citation & Parent Contact
– 3rd Offense – Detention & Parent Contact
Credit is not given for missed work due to unexcused tardiness
Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.
(Entering the Learning Zone):
Scholars silently line up against the wall
The teacher will greet class and permit entry when warning bell rings
Scholars will great the teacher politely and silently enter to begin focus activity
Silently place homework and necessary supplies on desk in the first minute of
entering class while the teacher finishes greeting
Everyday you will begin class by completing the AHORA/ DO NOW. When you walk into
class, there will be a warm-up on the projector screen or whiteboard, or a focus activity on
paper. Take your seat and begin working silently on the assignment in your seat.
You are expected to use the restroom in the morning and at lunch. When you are not in the
classroom, you cannot learn. Bathroom is only permitted during independent work time.
Under no circumstances are you to leave the room during the first or last 15 minutes of
class, which is a school-wide policy. If you have documentation for bathroom use or a true
emergency, you may use the restroom.
Assessment Days
You are to sharpen pencils before class starts. Be prepared to take your test as soon as the
door is closed and materials are given to students. This includes removing all materials from
your desk. If you break a pencil during the assessment, please raise your pencil in the air
and I will bring you another.
Everyone is expected to participate in class on a daily basis. Students earn daily
participation points by answering questions, asking appropriate questions, and contributing
towards a positive class environment.
Late Work
Homework is assigned at the time that is assigned for a reason. It will be very difficult if not
impossible to keep up with this class if you do not complete homework and class work on
time. For this reason, all late work will receive 65% and 50% for every day missed. You will
have up to 3 DAYS to turn in work. Work turned in after 3 days will not receive any credit.
DO NOT turn in late work to Sr. Johnson –it should go directly in the late work box at the
front of the room.
Absences & Make-ups
It is your responsibility to make-up any missing work. All class work and homework
assignments will be placed in the missing work bin; see the bin before speaking to me. For
each day you miss, you will have ONE DAY to make up your work. For example, if you miss 2
days, you get 2 days to complete make-up work.
Grading Policy
Class work
(Includes classroom participation points)
Assessments (Oral, Written, Projects)
Class Dismissal
Dismissal from the learning zone will be done by the teacher, not by the bell. The class will
be dismissed only if all cleaning requirements are complete and when I have allowed you all
to leave. You will:
Copy down your homework, important dates, announcements on your agenda.
Turn in or put away work in binder.
Gather all of your items you brought to class.
Remain seated silently until Señor Johnson has dismissed you to line up.
Student Signature ___________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature_____________________________________________________________________________