Junior English 2014 - 2015

Junior English 2014 - 2015
Teacher – Ms. Vickers
Classroom – 129
Phone – (480) 472-5723
Email – eavickers@mpsaz.org
Times Available to meet with students – Daily before and after school; lunch by appointment
Course Description
This course integrates the modes of expository essay writing with the study of American
literature. Course content combines the study of literary models of fiction and nonfiction, and
the composition skills of exposition. Composition emphasis is on research skills, development
of language skills, and multi-paragraph essays. Literary emphasis is on themes and literary
movements in America.
You will need loose-leaf paper, 2 composition notebooks (one for each semester), 2 blue or black
pens, and 2 pencils with erasers. All assignments must be completed in either blue or black ink,
or pencil. You will also need to set up an English tab in your Jackrabbit binder for Cornell Notes
and assignment calendar.
As a student in Ms. V’s Class my responsibilities are:
1. To be positive
2. To be engaged
3. To show respect
4. To participate
I will do this by:
attending class regularly;
being on time;
being prepared for class (Jackrabbit Binder and other necessary materials);
meeting deadlines;
using my time wisely;
actively participating in class
paying attention, listening, and not being disruptive;
having personal integrity;
being respectful to my school, teacher, and classmates;
always giving my personal best and striving to motivate others.
Beginning of Class
1. You must be in your seat with your required materials out when the bell rings.
2. Quietly follow the instructions listed on the board for the “Do Now”.
3. Each class will begin with a “Do Now” activity. Completion of this activity will be
incorporated into daily participation points. If you are tardy you will automatically lose
points for this activity unless your absence is excused.
4. If you are tardy and it is not excused (note from the office), then you need to pull a tardy
slip and fill it out. Stand in the back of the room until Ms. V collects your slip and asks
you to take a seat.
Discipline Plan.
Failure to comply with district guidelines, school policy and/or classroom
expectations/rules/procedures may result in disciplinary action from me and/or administrators.
Classroom disruptions, defiance, or tardiness will result in the following consequences:
1 & 2 = Verbal warning.
3 = Student/Teacher conference
4 = Parent Contact
5 = Parent Contact and Lunch Detention
6+ = Administrative Referral (In-school discipline/Suspension or Expulsion)
Note: If a single infraction is a serious violation, a student can expect to be immediately
referred to #6.
General Guidelines
 All food must be eaten before entering my class (If you chew gum, I do not want to see or
hear it.) All drinks must have a lid. The first spill will result in a loss of privileges for the
 Sit in your assigned seat
 Raise your hand for permission to speak
 Always dress in accordance with MHS Dress Code
 Use appropriate academic language (Failure to maintain mature and ethical speech will
result in immediate disciplinary action)
 Electronics of any kind will only be used for educational purposes – and only when
explicitly instructed by the teacher. No exceptions.
Please sign in and out when entering/exiting the room. You have 3 Restroom passes per
semester. Please use them wisely.
Assessments (tests, quizzes, paragraphs)
Daily Participation/Classwork
Formal Writing Assignments (essays, formal paragraphs)
Grading Scale:
Mesa High School Policy on Plagiarism: If a student submits in his/her own name, for a
grade or credit, any work (essay, project, art, etc.) that is NOT his/hers, the student
may lose credit for the course and/or receive a failing grade.
90% - 100% = A (4.0)
80% - 89%
= B (3.0)
70% - 79%
= C (2.0)
60% - 69%
= D (1.0)