2014 Community Impact Request for Proposal Guidelines General Programming General Programming is an area that addresses community concerns not included in the Community Impact Focus Areas. Specific funding areas include the following: 1. Healthy Communities, Safe Communities, or Safety Net Services The following RFP table represents the focus areas, required target populations, outcomes, strategies, indicators, and program requirements. Target Populations: Programs must serve the target population stated and be able to track all outcome measures specific to that group. Programs that serve additional target populations within the same program must be able to demonstrate that United Way funds were used only for the requested target populations. Strategies: Programs must employ the strategies required for each program model. Program activities and methods needed to achieve each strategy may be determined by the program requesting funding. However, activities and methods must demonstrate how they contribute to achieving each listed strategy. Indicators: Programs must employ all listed indicators. Additional indicators currently used in programs may be included, but must demonstrate how they contribute towards the outcome. Program Requirements: Each applicant must be able to demonstrate that all program requirements will be satisfied by attaching documentation listed previously. Program requirements represent best-practices that successful programs incorporate into operations on a regular basis. These requirements demonstrate an ongoing effort to maintain and improve program quality and service. Due Dates: Letter of Intent: February 1, 2014 Request for Proposal Applications: March 3, 2014 United Way of Medina County EDUCATION IMPACT FUNDING 2 1. RFP: General Programming Expected Program Outcome: Provision of services to un-served, or underserved populations, which will result in healthy communities, safe communities, or provide a safety net for those in crisis. Target Population Un-served or Underserved populations not addressed through Community Impact Strategies 1. Create healthy communities through program services to target populations Indicators 1. Demonstrated health/lifestyle improvements of clients served. -or2. Create safe communities through program services to target populations 2. Demonstrated improved safety for clients served. -or- 3. Provide safety net services to target populations Program Requirements for all applicants 1. Evaluation System and/or Evidence Based Evaluation Tool (should be capable of tracking all required indicators and also track unduplicated number of services provided) 2. Qualified and Trained Staff Members 3. Established in-take and assessment process. 3. Demonstrated system to deliver safety net services to target populations COMMUNITY IMPACT FUNDING-General Programming 2014 Three-Year Funding Request for Proposal All applications are due on March 3, 2014 by 5:00 p.m. and must be emailed to mburk@unitedwaymedina.org Incomplete or late applications will not be considered for funding. SECTION 1: AGENCY & PROGRAM INFORMATION Organization: Click here to enter text. Executive Director: Click here to enter text. Mailing address: Click here to enter text. City: Click here to enter text. State: OH Zip: Click here to enter text. Program Name: Click here to enter text. Address of Program Site (if different from above): Click here to enter text. City: Click here to enter text. State: OH Zip: Click here to enter text. Program Primary Contact: Click here to enter text. Program Primary Title: Click here to enter text. Primary Contact Phone:Click here to enter text. Primary Contact Email: Click here to enter text. SECTION 2: PROPOSED PROGRAM & CAPACITY Please select the RFP for which you are requesting funding. If applying for more than one RFP, a separate application must be completed for each program. See attached RFP logic models for expected outcomes, strategies, indicators and program requirements. X RFP Healthy Communities Safe Communities, Safety Net Services As an authorized representative of my organization, I certify that the statements contained herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: Title : Signature Name: Printed Date Instructions: Please complete the following narrative questions, 1-12, by answering directly into this document. Responses should be limited to a maximum of five pages for narrative questions 1-12. I. PROGRAM NARRATIVE Organization Description 1. Mission statement 2. Brief description of current programs 3. Are any programs currently funded by United Way of Medina County? If so, for how long? Program Description-In detail, answer #4-#7 and describe how the proposed program fits within the RFP and aligns with required strategies and indicators. 4. How does the program support the selected RFP? 5. How long has the program been operating? If this is a new program, why is it being developed at this time? 6. Describe the program activities and how they contribute to achieving the required strategies? 7. Share an example that demonstrates the organization’s ability to deliver a quality program. (Implementation of best practices, evaluations, or any acknowledgements of your work) Target Population 8. Describe the organization’s current relationship with the population(s) it intends to serve. 9. Explain how you will engage the population(s) you are proposing to serve. 10. Does the program serve additional target populations, and if so, will it be possible to report on the specified target population only? Community Involvement and Collaboration 11. Identify your staff’s current involvement with local committees and/or task forces that work to address Household Sustainability strategies. List these activities and identify key staff involved. 12. Describe current or planned collaborations* with local agencies, civic organizations, schools or businesses to improve the program for which you are requesting funding. (Please note that the definition for “collaboration” refers to the means through which individuals or organizations work together in a concerted effort toward mutually desired ends. Examples could include shared client referral networks, coordination of client services, volunteer support, or opportunities to engage in shared programming or decision making.) 13. Provide references of at least one collaborative partner, and no more than three, for this program. If there are no collaborative partners at this time, please list three organizations that you feel would benefit your program through a future collaboration. Full Name Organization/Business United Way of Medina County GENERAL IMPACT FUNDING Phone E-mail 5 II. PROGRAM EVALUATION 14. Using the table below, provide estimates of the quantity of services/activities the program will provide. These items should include the activities and outputs the program produces. ACTIVITY MEASURES Annual Estimate 15. Using the table below, provide estimates for program strategies, as they relate to your program services. Program strategies must include those listed in the RFP for which you are applying. Additional strategies may be listed but must demonstrate effectiveness towards desired outcome. Strategies are the methods/best-practices/interventions the program provides to the target population. STRATEGY MEASURES United Way of Medina County GENERAL IMPACT FUNDING Annual Estimate 6 16. Using the table below, provide estimates of program indicators as they relate to your program services. Program indicators must include those listed in the RFP for which you are applying. Additional indicators can be included but must demonstrate effectiveness towards desired outcome. Indicators demonstrate how the target population has improved or changed during the course of the program. INDICATOR MEASURES Annual Estimate Number (#) Percent (%) Program Requirements 17. Please submit the requested documentation that pertains to the program requirements listed in the RFP for which you are applying. Requirements that have “ALL” listed in the left-hand column must be submitted by ALL applicants. RFP # ALL Requirement Evaluation System and/or Evidence Based Evaluation Tool (should be capable of tracking all required indicators) Documentation Submit a copy or synopsis of the evaluation system or evidence based evaluation tool used in the program ALL Qualified and Trained Staff Members ALL Established in-take and assessment process. Submit a copy of staff members and credentials/training certificates Submit a copy of the in-take form/needs assessment. United Way of Medina County GENERAL IMPACT FUNDING 7 III. BUDGET/FINANCIAL INFORMATION 18. Program Budget-Revenue & Support Description Actual FY 2010 Actual/Projected FY 2011 Proposed FY 2012 Contributions and Dues Foundations and Trusts Special Events Federated Fund Raising Orgs. Other United Ways Contracts/Grants from Govt. Orgs. Membership Dues Program Service Fees Investment Income Other Revenue Prior Period Balances/Interfund Transfers UWMC Revenue Allocations and Designations TOTAL United Way of Medina County GENERAL IMPACT FUNDING 8 Program Expenses Description Actual FY 2010 Actual/Projected FY 2011 Proposed FY 2012 Salaries Employee Benefits Payroll Taxes Professional Fees and Contracted Services Occupancy Specific Assistance to Individuals Membership Dues Special Event Expenses *All Other Expenses TOTAL United Way of Medina County GENERAL IMPACT FUNDING 9