Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis Summer Annual / New Membership MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Renewal Membership Paid membership fee: Yes No Amount: _________ First Name: ______________________ Middle: ___________________ Last Name: ____________________ Address: ______________________________ City: _____________ State___________ Zip: _________ Telephone: ______________________ Date of Birth: ____________________ Race: ______________ Gender: Male Female Hair Color: _____________________ Eye Color: _____________ What is your T-shirt size? (Youth) S__ M__ L__ XL__ (Adult) S__ M__ L__ XL__ Other__________ School Information Current School: __________________________ Teacher: ______________________ Grade: __________ Medical Information Doctor Name: _________________________ Phone: ________________ Hospital: _____________ Health Insurance: ______________________ Policy Number: _______________________ Health Problems: Yes No On A Regular Basis: Yes No If Yes, Please indicate: _______________________________________________________________________ Does child take medications: Yes No If yes, what medication______________ Dosage: __________ Guardian/Parent 1 Guardian/Parent 2 Relationship: ___________________________ Relationship: ______________________________ Name: ________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ Employer: _____________________________ Employer: ________________________________ Phone 1: ______________________________ Phone 1: _________________________________ Phone 2: ______________________________ Phone 2: _________________________________ Phone 3: ______________________________ Phone 3: _________________________________ General Information My child has permission to be used in public relations material for the Boys & Girls Club: Yes No Emergency Contacts and Names of Persons authorized to pick up your child: Name: _________________________Relationship: _____________________Phone #: _____________________ Name: _________________________Relationship: _____________________Phone #: _____________________ Name: _________________________Relationship: _____________________Phone #: _____________________ Disclaimer As parent/guardian of the child named above, I give my permission for my child to participate in the programs organized by the staff of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis. As a part of these organized programs, I understand that some activities may take place away from the Boys & Girls Club location. By signing below, I agree to hold the Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis; its paid and volunteer staff and governing Board of Directors, harmless for any property damage or for personal injury that may occur in conjunction with program activities, transportation, or related activities. If the staff of the Boys & Girls Club should need to contact me in an emergency, and for whatever reason were unable to do so, I authorize the Boys & Girls Club staff to take whatever action is deemed necessary in their judgment for the health and welfare of the above named child. Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Child Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis TRANSPORTATION RELEASE Yes, my child, __________________________________ has permission to be picked up from (Please print child’s name) school or ride the bus on all Best Friends or Boys & Girls Club activities. Bus Rules: Club will not re-pick up any late child that has missed the bus (even if a teacher keeps the child after school). Child will obey all Club rules while riding in the bus. Child will not open bus door while the vehicle is moving. Child should not behave in any way to distract the bus driver. No food or drink allowed in the bus. I understand that if the bus rules are not followed, then my child will have his/her “bus privileges” terminated for a period of time. _________________________________________________ Parent Signature ________________________ Date _________________________________________________ Child Signature ________________________ Date Staff Initials: _________________ Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis Demographic Survey Form SECTION 1: Household information: (There must be a dependent child under age 18 living in the home.) Boys & Girls Club Member’s Name:__________________________________________ Family Name:________________________ Head of Household: ______Mother ______Father ______2-parent family ______Guardian ______Other Size of Family: ______Number of males in the household _____________________Ages of males ______Number of females in the household _____________________Ages of females Number of children in household who are: African American Alaskan Native Asian Caucasian (white) Latin Mixed Ethnicity Native American Pacific Islander _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ SECTION 2: Mark the services family is receiving. _____CHIP _____Free or Reduced Cost Lunch SECTION 3: Income Guidelines: (There is no excludable income) Annual Gross Income $_________________ ________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature ______________________________ Date BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF WEBER-DAVIS CLUB RULES/BEHAVIORAL CONTRACT “Zero Tolerance” rules: Parent/Guardian will be notified if and when these serious violations occur and may be asked to come and pick their child up immediately. Serious violations and/or endangerment to self or others may result in the notification of the police or other necessary professional assistance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. No No No No No No No No physical harm or intimidation of other children or staff sexual misconduct stealing of Club supplies or equipment destruction of property repeated defiance or non-compliance of Club rules weapons of any kind use or possession of cigarettes, alcohol or illegal drugs criminal or delinquent behavior “Basic” rules: These rules apply to the day-to-day expectations regarding behavior and cooperation. 1. Take turns with each other and cooperate when participating in group activities, games and sports. 2. No name-calling, criticizing, swearing or rude remarks. 3. Keep your body in your own personal space. No pushing, hitting, or kicking others. 4. Participation! Everyone who comes here is expected to take an active part in discussions and activities. “Violations” will be dealt with on a “level” system: Level 1: Warning: Staff member or adult volunteer will ask the child what rules are being violated. Staff/volunteer will also suggest what is necessary to correct the problem. Level 2: Time out/Cool down opportunity: Child will be taken aside by staff member/volunteer and given an opportunity to correct the problem. Once the problem is corrected, the child may return to the activity. If the child is unable/unwilling to correct the problem and return, the staff member/volunteer may assign an alternative activity or task to complete in lieu of the group activity. Level 3: Suspension: If the problem persists, the child’s parent or guardian will be called and depending upon the severity of the incident, the child may be suspended from the Club for a period of one day up to one week. The child’s parent/guardian will be advised of the date the child may return to the Club. The Program Director or Executive Director may request that the child make an apology or do an appropriate assignment as a condition of his/her return. Level 4: Dismissal: Repeated violations may result in longer suspensions or permanent dismissal from the Club. Club rules/Behavioral Contract: _______ Yes, I am in full agreement with the rules and expectations of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis _______ No, I am not in agreement with the rules and expectations of this program Signed: __________________________________ Parent\Guardian Date: _______________ Signed: __________________________________ Child participant Date: _______________ As parent/guardian of the child named above, I give my permission for my child to participate in the programs organized by the staff of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis. As a part of these organized programs, I understand that some activities may take place away from the Boys & Girls Club location. By signing below, I agree to hold the Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis; its paid and volunteer staff and governing Board of Directors, harmless for any property damage or for personal injury that may occur in conjunction with program activities, transportation, or related activities. If the staff of the Boys & Girls Club should need to contact me in an emergency, and for whatever reason were unable to do so, I authorize the Boys & Girls Club staff to take whatever action is deemed necessary in their judgment for the health and welfare of the above named minor child. Signed: __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date: _______________ Printed name of parent/guardian _____________________________________ ***Periodically, data will be gathered in various forms to demonstrate the impact that the Boys & Girls Club programs have on youth. Generally, information will be gathered in the form of observation and written surveys completed by youth, staff and/or parents. Areas that will be assessed include; selfesteem, social skills, and academics (report cards). Signed: ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date: ___________________ Printed name of parent/guardian _______________________________________ Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis Terms and Conditions For NETWORK AND INTERNET USE ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY The Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis, in pursuit of meeting Club member’s educational needs, has access to the Internet, a worldwide network connecting computers all over the world. This educational opportunity has been made available to Club members. The Boys & Girls Club believes that the valuable information and interactions available through computer network communication are effective ways to introduce and educate students to global information. To maximize the educational experience when using the Internet or local area network, the following specific uniform practices and guidelines will be enforced. System Security To prevent the spread of computer viruses you will follow established guidelines. You will immediately notify a Club staff member if you have reason to believe that there is a security problem. Respect for Privacy You will not post or repost private information pertaining to individuals or entities. Inappropriate Language You will not use obscene, profane, vulgar, inflammatory, racist, threatening, or disrespectful language. You will not harass another person. You will not post personal attacks including but not limited to prejudicial, discriminatory, or defamatory statements. Illegal Activities You will not attempt to gain unauthorized access. You will not use the system to engage in illegal activities. Personal Safety You will inform the Club staff immediately if you have received any inappropriate messages. You may not use the system to set up private meetings. You may not post personal information about yourself or other people i.e. addresses, phone numbers, school, etc. Respecting Resources Limits You will use the system only for educational and career development. You will not subscribe to discussion groups, mailing lists or chat groups that have not been formally approved by the Club staff. Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement You will not plagiarize information found on the Internet. You will follow copyright guidelines and not reproduce work that is protected by copyright. If you are unsure of copyright guidelines or what constitutes plagiarism ask a Club staff member for further understanding. Inappropriate Access to Material You will not use the system to access material that is profane or obscene. You will not use the system to access material that is directed toward discrimination, hate literature, or acts of violence. You will immediately notify a Club staff member if you mistakenly access inappropriate information. Purchases You may not make purchases from the Internet. The Club will not be held responsible for purchases made by Club members. *** RIGHTS AS A USER *** Search and Seizure There is no privacy pertaining to the contents of your files on the system. Routine monitoring and maintenance of the system may lead to the discovery that you have violated the Acceptable Use Policy. Parents/guardians have a right to request to see the contents of your e-mail and files at any time. Due Process The Boys & Girls Club will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to illegal activities conducted on the system. You have the right to be heard by a neutral Club staff member if there is a claim that you have violated this policy. BOYS & GIRLS CLUB RIGHTS The Club reserves the right to restrict access to any Club member that is suspected to be in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy until that violation can be resolved. The Club will not be held responsible for unauthorized use of the system to purchase products or services. The Club has the right to maintain a history of a Club member’s Acceptable Use Policy violations. Member Acceptable Use Agreement Section Member Name _______________________________________________ Grade ___________ School _____________________________________________________ Age _____________ My Parent/Guardian has reviewed and explained the Acceptable Use Agreement with me, and I have read the Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis’ Acceptable Use Policy. I agree to follow the rules contained in this Policy. I understand that if I violate the rules my computer use rights can be terminated and I may face other disciplinary measures. Member Signature ____________________________________________ Date ____________ Parent/Guardian Section I have read the Club Acceptable Use Policy. I hereby release the Club, its’ staff, and any institution with which it is affiliated, from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s use of, or inability to use, the Club system, including, but not limited to claims that may arise from the unauthorized use of the system to purchase products or services. I will instruct my child regarding any restrictions against accessing material that are in addition to the restrictions set forth in the Club Acceptable Use Policy. I will emphasize to my child the importance of following the rules for personal safety. I give permission for my child to use the computers and certify that the information contained in this form is correct. Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________ Parent/Guardian Name ___________________________________________________________ Home Address _______________________________________________ Phone ___________ Boys & Girls Clubs of Weber-Davis Internet Acceptable Use Policy for Club Members: APPLICATION PORTION OF DOCUMEMT [ ] Accepted [ ] Denied User’s Full Name (please print): ___________________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________________________________