Syllabus - UW Student Websites


PEAC 1001-02

Physical Activity and Your Health (P)

Course Syllabus for Lecture Component

Spring 2013 ( Tuesday, 8:00 -8:50 am Lecture)

Instructor Information


Taylor Kelting

Office: Room 129, PED Lab, Corbett Building

Telephone number: N/A

E-mail address:

Office hours: By appointment only

General Course Information

1. Course hours: 1.0 credit hour

2. Place: Corbett building, Room 137

3. All students must be enrolled in both a lecture component and activity component.

4. Required textbook (available at University Bookstore):

Liguori, G., & Carroll-Cobb, S. (2012). FitWell: Questions and answers. New York: McGraw


Course Description

One of the areas in the University Studies Program is Physical Activity and Health (P). Students must enroll in PEAC 1001, Physical Activity and Your Health, to meet the P requirement. This one-credit hour course will provide a balance of an introduction to wellness and physical activity concepts as well as opportunities for applying those concepts. You’ll gain an understanding of the impact physical activity and physical inactivity has on your health, and you’ll gain the knowledge and experience that will enable you to make informed decisions about your health as it relates to quality of life and longevity.

Important Course Information

PEAC 1001 includes a lecture component and a physical activity component. Students MUST enroll in BOTH the lecture and a physical activity. If you do not enroll in both the lecture and physical activity, you will receive an F at the end of the semester.

Lecture Component - As this is a one credit course, the lecture session will only meet once a week.

During the lecture session, students will receive information regarding physical activity and health components as well as an introduction to wellness concepts. Students do have the opportunity to sit for an exam at the beginning of the semester that may allow one to place out of the lecture component.

Activity Component – All students must enroll in a physical activity section to receive a grade for

PEAC 1001. Exemptions are as follows: student is a member of UW athletics (during the current semester), student participates in a club sport (during the current semester), student is a member of

ROTC, or student has already completed a physical activity component at another institution which is reflected on his or her transcript. See your lecture instructor for more information and a complete list of excused activities!

→ It is imperative that students attend their activity lab, as more than two unexcused absences will result in a failing grade for the entire PEAC 1001 course.

Class policies

• All cell phones and portable electronic devices must be turned to “silent” or off before class begins unless prior arrangements have been made with instructor. Ipads can be used during class but

ONLY for note-taking purposes.

• Students should not be wearing headphones while sitting in lecture.

• It is often necessary for the instructor to e-mail the class regarding a class-related issue (assignment files, reminders, etc.). Even if a student places out of the lecture component, they may still receive class-related e-mail due to the “e-mail class” feature for instructors’ use. Students who are not sitting for lecture can disregard these e-mails if the situation applies.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, students will…

1. Demonstrate the ability to define the differences between physical activity and exercise;

2. Demonstrate knowledge of the components of health-related fitness;

3. Demonstrate competency in developing a personal health-related fitness program;

4. Demonstrate knowledge of nutrition, cardiovascular health, diseases related to physical activity, stress, management, substance use and abuse, and sexually transmitted diseases;

5. Demonstrate knowledge of health-related benefits of physical activity and of the risks associated with physical inactivity;

6. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles specific to attaining and maintaining good health and fitness throughout life; and

7. Participate in physical activities that are self-paced at target heart rates of moderate to vigorous intensity.


Students are responsible for all material covered and assignments given or collected, regardless of absence. Assignments that are not handed in before or during class on the day they are due will be considered LATE and will not be accepted. Students will receive a score of zero for that assignment.

Students who are absent from class during quizzes and/or exams will receive a score of zero for that quiz or exam. Quiz or exam make-ups are considered on an individual basis and will ONLY be authorized when students provide the instructor with a University of Wyoming approved excuse or have emailed the instructor in advance with approved unusual/unplanned circumstances.

Approved excuses: Excuses authorized by the UW Student Life Office (room 128 Knight Hall), the

University Athletic Department (for student-athletes), or a physician will be honored. Student Life will authorize student excuses for things that are out of control of the student (e.g., death in the family, illness in the family, etc.).

Course Evaluation

Students must demonstrate competency in each of the following requirements. Failure to meet competency in the Physical Activity part of PEAC 1001 will result in a failure of the course.

1. Quiz 1 [15 points]

2. Quiz 2 [15 points]

3. Assignment 1 (Presentations) [15 points]

4. Assignment 2 (Nutrition Menu) [15 points]

5. Mid-term Exam [25 points]

6. Final Exam [50 points]

7. Physical Activity Lab [65 points]

8. BONUS Assignments, optional [10 points total/5 points each]

Bonus assignment #1: You may choose to complete two online surveys in which issues about alcohol and marijuana are presented. These online surveys must be completed by the end of the semester. You will be given an assignment sheet that includes the web addresses that you must access. Both surveys must be completed in order to receive credit. A completion certificate is available to print when you finish the surveys and this must be submitted to your lecture instructor with your name and section number. Bonus assignment #2: You may choose to complete a “How

Healthy Are You?” quiz that will assess certain aspects of your current health. This assignment will also require you to analyze the strongest and weakest areas of your current health and write a summary about what you learned from the assignment and specifically the health quiz. Your instructor will go over both assignments in depth during class time.


DATES—Information to follow.

Points and grading scale for course:

A = 180-200 points

B = 160-179 points

D = 120-139 points

F = <120 points

C = 140 -159 points

If you meet the requirements to opt out of the Physical Activity Lab component of PEAC 1001 and choose to do so, the final grade will be based completely on the lecture component (i.e., quizzes, assignments, and exams). Therefore, the overall grade will be out of 135 points and will be calculated as follows:

A = 121-135 points D = 81-93 points

F = <81 points B = 108-120 points

C = 94-107 points

If you choose to replace your lecture grade with your placeout exam score you will ONLY be able to complete the bonus assignments provided from lecture (i.e., you do not get the opportunity to complete other assignments, quizzes, and exams for extra points). Your point total and grading scale for replacing your grade will follow the same grading scale and point value as the one above (i.e., out of 200 points).

Academic Dishonesty

In the event of a student found participating in academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, plagiarizing, etc.),

UW Unireg 80 will be followed. Refer to your UW student handbook for more information concerning this issue.

Emergency Exit Procedures

1. Know the location of the fire alarm

2. Dial 911 in the event of an emergency

3. Evacuate using the nearest exit




















Tentative Course Schedule (may be subject to change)

Jan. 15 th

Jan. 22 nd

Lecture Content


Course syllabus/course information distributed and discussed

“What do you want to learn?” activity

Hand out Assignment #1 guidelines

Place-out exam (optional)

Bring UW student ID & pencil

MUST CHECK IN prior to exam





NOTE: You MUST let instructor know by Jan 30 th

if you would like to replace your lecture grade with placeout exam score;

Chapter 1

Jan. 29 th

Feb. 5 th

Feb. 12 th

Feb. 19 th

Feb. 26 th

Mar. 5 th

Mar. 12 th

Mar. 18 th -22 nd

Mar. 26 th

April 2 nd

April 9 th

April 16 th

April 23 rd

April 30 th

May 7 th

Introduction to Health, Wellness, and Fitness

Presentation groups & chapters assigned (for assignment #1)

Concept Map activity

Bonus assignments distributed (Online)

Positive Choices/Positive Changes

Presentation groups—Ch. 1 and 2

Fundamentals of Physical Fitness

Presentation groups—Ch. 3

Cardiovascular Fitness; Muscle Fitness

Presentation groups—Cha. 4 and 5

Flexibility; Body Composition

Presentation groups—Ch. 6 and 7

Quiz #1 (In class)—Chapters 1-5

Nutrition Basics; Your Total Diet for Wellness and

Weight Management

Presentation groups—Ch. 8 and 9

Mid-term Exam (In class)

Assignment #2 distributed (Online)



Presentation groups—Ch. 10

Assignment #2 DUE (In class)

Chronic Diseases

Presentation groups—Ch. 11

Infectious Diseases

Presentation groups—Ch. 12

Substance Use and Abuse

Presentation groups—Ch. 13

Quiz #2 (In class)—Chapters 9-12

Review Session

Jigsaw Activity with study guide

Bonus assignments DUE by Fri. 5pm

Final Comprehensive Exam (In class)



Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapters 4 & 5

Chapters 6 & 7

Chapters 8 & 9

Chapters 1-8

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapters 1-13

Chapters 1-13

